ForumsWEPR[necro] Legalization of Marijuana

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1,051 posts

I know that there is a topic about legalizing drugs, but I wanted to talk about Marijuana specifically.

Marijuana was banned in 1937 in the US and is now said to be a gate-way to more dangerous illegal drugs. However in this current state of economy I think we'd be better off with the legalization of marijuana. First, it would provide jobs for people. Second, more tax money to the government. Third, it would decrease sale to minors.

  • 794 Replies
3,562 posts

wonder if this device damages your lungs. I assume its just like inhaling hot water, so no damage. Just a thought. Also you can eat it.

well it will still damage your lungs to a certain degree because hot water is hot (lol yes it is), just like it hurts to pour hot water on yourself it hurts to inhale hot vapors.

but vaporizers just make it on the edge of dangerous temperatures.
which is really nice because the smoke is not scalding
1,573 posts

I assume the damage done by a vaporiser is minimal tho and you prolly get more damage from one day in a busy city. On another note, I gave up tobbacco in january (cliche new years resolution coupled with exess of tobacco over christmas, I swear my lungs were painted gloss stylee with tar) and I only smoke weed in a pipe. So far my weed consumption has gone down to an incredibly small amount. Tobacco made me smoke far more weed (probably as an excuse to smoke tobacco) and I have made about 4 grams of green last me 2 months so far and I still have a gram left (to those who dont know, 4 grams is not alot at all, look up "4 grams of weed" on google pics or something). Because of the minimal smoking my singing voice has improved and my control of breathing and tone has substantially increased. Because it travels down a pipe alot of the tar is taken out of the smoke and the smoke is cooled as well.

1,101 posts

I assume the damage done by a vaporiser is minimal tho and you prolly get more damage from one day in a busy city. On another note, I gave up tobbacco in january (cliche new years resolution coupled with exess of tobacco over christmas, I swear my lungs were painted gloss stylee with tar) and I only smoke weed in a pipe. So far my weed consumption has gone down to an incredibly small amount. Tobacco made me smoke far more weed (probably as an excuse to smoke tobacco) and I have made about 4 grams of green last me 2 months so far and I still have a gram left (to those who dont know, 4 grams is not alot at all, look up "4 grams of weed" on google pics or something). Because of the minimal smoking my singing voice has improved and my control of breathing and tone has substantially increased. Because it travels down a pipe alot of the tar is taken out of the smoke and the smoke is cooled as well.

Shoulda seen my buds bong haha. This sh't was a peice of art. We called it the dragon, and he called it puff the magic dragon.. Anyways this bong was one of the tallest i've ever scene, like it took forever for the smoke to come up haha. And it had a dragon circling around it like the snake does on the medical sign. Anyways every now and then, spaced evenly on the dragon were these holes, the perfect size of an ice cube. So of course we'd put the ice cubes in every hole breath in, and it gave you the most messed up feeling. It was like breathing in an icicle haha, but sooooo chill.

And Mrwalker, if you had watched the video, you'd realize that smoking marijuana is in fact way healthier than smoking cigarettes. The only actual chemical in marijuana is THC, and the plant itself... Watch the video before making ignorant assumptions based on biased teachers, and the biased government...

10 posts

My cousin died of an overdose of drugs so i'm not cool with these kinds of stuff (and Marijuana is a bad drug it makes people turn into vegetable )

10 posts

And coke is bad too!

61 posts

And coke is bad too!

Completely unrelated to the topic, coke does not have any drugs in it, except for caffeine, but its actually more unhealthy because of its high sugar content.

Marijuana is a bad drug it makes people turn into vegetable

Since when did marijuana turn people into vegetables?!! Where did this sh** even come from?

Anyways, carbon monoxide is in all air in small amounts, so the amount burned in marijuana should not really have an effect on the body, though of course not breathing in any smoke would be healthiest.
4,220 posts

Completely unrelated to the topic, coke does not have any drugs in it, except for caffeine, but its actually more unhealthy because of its high sugar content.

I believe he meant cocaine.

Anyways, carbon monoxide is in all air in small amounts, so the amount burned in marijuana should not really have an effect on the body, though of course not breathing in any smoke would be healthiest.

Well, smoke is by nature carbon based. With oxygen.

Really the only effect of marijuana is the smoke. It'll cause lung problems, but so does living in a desert or working on a construction site.
1,573 posts

My cousin died of an overdose of drugs so i'm not cool with these kinds of stuff (and Marijuana is a bad drug it makes people turn into vegetable )

For a start, you cant just say your not cool with it because someone had something bad happen to em. "oh Im not cool with electricity, because my mum got killed by sticking a knife in a toaster" but I understand your meaning. And vegetables are healthy, so maybe if everyone smoked pot we could all be asparigus or sumthin?!? that makes more sense than your veggie comment.
134 posts

Legalize it so we can get a ton of people out of jail that we have been wasting on holding them there and trails and secound it could stop a majority of drug violence and Thirdly it stops kids from dealing with sketchy people (I really dislike sketchy people) and also if it was legalized it probably be only legal for people the age of 18 or maybe even 21 because its intoxicating like alcoholic sorta so they wouldn't sell it to minors and well thats all I have to say

1,720 posts

yeah sure, legalize a drug that contains more than 40 different cancer causing substances and a hundred more poisonous chemicals. yeah, i'm cool with that. let's put all the druggies back on the streets and reinstate their business of fuking up every customer with a wallet and a hunger for some nice crack. let's just go ahead and make it legal to sell a drug that kills 80% of users within 3 years. seriously, you idiots think that a little smoke is no big deal, i hate to break it to you though, everything on earth is about accumulation. there's more to marijuana than just a few leaves and a little smoke, there's tons of shit from rat poison to arsenic and even methanol, used in rocket fuel. let's throw in some DDT and even a radioactive element called polonium.

134 posts

hungry for crack? were talking about pot and what are talking about methanol DDT and polonium for? also please list those 40 cancer causing "substances" and resinous chemicals

5,043 posts

My cousin died of an overdose of drugs so i'm not cool with these kinds of stuff (and Marijuana is a bad drug it makes people turn into vegetable )

1. You can't overdose on marijuana. It has NEVER happened in recorded history.

2. Marijuana does not turn you into a vegetable. That's utterly ridiculous.

yeah sure, legalize a drug that contains more than 40 different cancer causing substances and a hundred more poisonous chemicals.

Source please.

let's put all the druggies back on the streets and reinstate their business of fuking up every customer with a wallet and a hunger for some nice crack.


let's just go ahead and make it legal to sell a drug that kills 80% of users within 3 years.

You're talking about marijuana, right?

there's more to marijuana than just a few leaves and a little smoke, there's tons of **** from rat poison to arsenic and even methanol, used in rocket fuel. let's throw in some DDT and even a radioactive element called polonium.

If you're trolling, then I'll admit, you got me. If you're serious. if I ever see you in real life, I promise I will Falcon Punch you in the balls.
134 posts

NoNameC68 thats exactly my thoughts I but I don't think I'd falcon punch him in the balls

let's just go ahead and make it legal to sell a drug that kills 80% of users within 3 years.
I know more then 4 people that smoke marijuana guess what there all alive and well and have been smoking for over 3 years
1,573 posts

There are some seriously misinformed youngsters in the world. And while you falcon punch em in the nuts, I will follow up with a "HEE-HAW" donkey kick to the face. Not in the mood for the innocent but ignorant.

134 posts

Ignorance bothers me especially the the Government and there propaganda

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