ForumsWEPR[necro] Legalization of Marijuana

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I know that there is a topic about legalizing drugs, but I wanted to talk about Marijuana specifically.

Marijuana was banned in 1937 in the US and is now said to be a gate-way to more dangerous illegal drugs. However in this current state of economy I think we'd be better off with the legalization of marijuana. First, it would provide jobs for people. Second, more tax money to the government. Third, it would decrease sale to minors.

  • 794 Replies
121 posts

[quote] I'm aware of that, I just don't think people are ever going to learn to use drugs responsibly.

People have been using drugs responsibly for as long as man has been around. People have also been misusing them as well. The thing here is that the criminalization of something like this typically has little to no bearing on it's usage and availability. Now what is better for society? Having it criminalized as it is? Or legalizing it, profiting from it, taking the money off the street, and being able to monitor and control it slightly better than we do now?[/quote]

What I mean is that I think that the people who do use them responsibly are going to become a minority, against a majority of idiots that abuse them. So I think we are eventually going to have to make that decision, the whole individual rights versus the common good thing. That is, if legalizing marijuana doesn't somehow offset that...

[quote] Okay, guys? I didn't say anything about my opinion on the legalization at all,...

I see that. I was simply taking the stance that the decriminalization would be of a net benefit to our society. Regardless of how you look at it there are many more benefits to it's legalization than there are to keep it criminalized as it is now.[/quote]

Ah, NoNameC68 kinda set me off balance as to your opinion there. I'm starting to understand why you take the position you do on this. Obviously, the initial repercussions are going to be bad (crazy parties and what-not, maybe even a few meaningless riots), but I'm starting to wonder if legalizing marijuana will actually be better in the long run.
118 posts

A little history on why it is illegal today. I don't have a strong opinion one way or the other, but as Ion said things could be deteriorating in the future if marijuana becomes legal.

118 posts

Rather, contrary to what Ion said. Shame on me for the double post.

96 posts

i hope they do so drugees dont have anything to talk about anymore

1,017 posts

I believe in Medical Marijuana because if you had a painful terminal illness and only had 3 weeks to live, pot would help make he/she feel better and live out the rest of their days in happiness. Quality of life in that state of health is important

5,043 posts

I believe in Medical Marijuana because if you had a painful terminal illness and only had 3 weeks to live, pot would help make he/she feel better and live out the rest of their days in happiness.

We already established that marijuana is not toxic and will not kill you, so why would you think this? Are terminally ill people able to handle their marijuana better than those who are not ill?
355 posts

A bag of weed, A bag of weed O Everything is better with a bag of Weed!

-Brian and Stewie-
Family Guy

4,005 posts

What I mean is that I think that the people who do use them responsibly are going to become a minority, against a majority of idiots that abuse them.

I disagree. I think with legalization you remove much of the stigma surrounding the usage of the product, as well as allow for more in depth and public education. This would have a tendency to decrease abuse.

Obviously, the initial repercussions are going to be bad (crazy parties and what-not, maybe even a few meaningless riots

Yeah because people are so violent and hyper when they are stoned... I don't understand how your statement has any basis in reality whatsoever.


Fantastic article. I had only taken that standpoint of the benefits of decriminalization, but going into great detail as to why it is illegal in the first place sheds a lot of light on many of the common cultural stigmas placed on it's usage.
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