ForumsWEPR[necro] Legalization of Marijuana

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I know that there is a topic about legalizing drugs, but I wanted to talk about Marijuana specifically.

Marijuana was banned in 1937 in the US and is now said to be a gate-way to more dangerous illegal drugs. However in this current state of economy I think we'd be better off with the legalization of marijuana. First, it would provide jobs for people. Second, more tax money to the government. Third, it would decrease sale to minors.

  • 794 Replies
1,989 posts

[quote=NoNameC68] marijuana is less addictive than caffeine[/quote]

You serious? I thought it was more addictive than caffeine but I guess not.

[quote=shadowfyre541]This may not apply for some cases, where people smoke marijuana and they never get tired of it, like smoking cigarettes.[/quote]

Is'nt it in most cases??

[quote=snipershot325]I hope they do not legalize marjuanna!!! it is a street drug and should not be legalized!!!!!!!!! >=([/quote]

It can actually be a prescription medicine like Pain Killers. It's not always a street drug in some cases.

Marijuana can actually screw with your head because it is still a drug you know. Here's what Drugs have done to a spider's head.

Watch this It's funny experiment on spiders

1,101 posts

It's like this. Would you want to go to the same waterpark dozens of times, riding the same rides over and over again; would you rather go to different waterparks each time?

wow lol... This was a huge epic fail.. First, before you start posting stuff based on marijuana, try it, figure out wat its like and wat its true effects are, and then come back to this site and state what you think... What your typing is completely based on biased government sites and what teachers say...

No, it's NEVER lethal in heavy amounts, ever. You can NOT overdose on marijuana it is not going to ever happen. And long term it is not fatal, at all.

O its impossibly possible. You have to smoke 2x your weight within less than an hour to actually overdose on marijuana. Now i would like to give props to the first person who can do this... Thats basically 360 pounds of grass for the average person. No way in hell could anyone do that...

You serious? I thought it was more addictive than caffeine but I guess not.

Its cuz theres no chemicals in weed. The only thing that causes your high are the THC crystals which grow on the plant. Smoking a cigarette, or drinking one beer is more harmful to your body than smoke 2 dubies.

Marijuana can actually screw with your head because it is still a drug you know.

Actually all it does is cause your body to release extra hormones from your brain, allowing you to feel a high. Basically your releasing the exact same hormones when your sleep deprived and when you take tylenol 3... Just a lil tad of information for you "marijuana vergins" out there.

Finally to get onto the subject... Marijuana should and shouldnt be legalized.. It should be because really... It has such a chill effect on most people... Wat i mean by that, is that you get alot less uptight, and alot more relaxed... or chill.. w/e u wanna call it. And most ppl who are baked WONT create crimes, because there more or less to lazy and would rather just chill out where ever they are. It shouldnt be legalized because the government will tax it to hell... So instead of paying the regular 10 bucks for a g.... Its gonna be like 20 -30 bucks for a simple G.. Just saying. Keepin it illegal would prob be for the best, but you shouldnt be going to rehab or jail for smoking it or having it on you... Maybe just the simple flush would do

2,820 posts

@klaus: stop trolling the kid f@ggot.

@everything said by noname: right on

weed is actually more harmful than cigarrettes, it still builds tar, damages your lungs, AND AN ADDED DOWNSIDE, kills a lot of brain cells. but, it's still a long term thing if your looking at fatalities. way less harmful than most drugs.

2,820 posts

@nonconformist: just get out.

2,820 posts

edit* @nonconformist: mybad, use quotes next time.

1,714 posts

weed is actually more harmful than cigarrettes

Maybe if cigarettes only had tobacco in them, well then they might be equal. As it stands cigarettes are way more harmful than marijuana.

it still builds tar

If there is no tar to start with, you aren't going to have tar later. Cigarettes have tar added to them.

damages your lungs

Only if you smoke it, and thats not from the marijuana, its just the smoke.

AND AN ADDED DOWNSIDE, kills a lot of brain cells.

Only if you are put in a closed environment with a lack of oxygen, but thats from lacking oxygen, not from marijuana.

but, it's still a long term thing if your looking at fatalities

Marijuana cannot kill you, unless you smoke your body weight(thats what I heard, it might be twice body weight like nonconformist said) in an hour. Which is basically impossible.
2,820 posts

lol, way more harmful. no, it can still cause cancer, and it still kills brain cells. cigarrettes are just way more addictive, people would smoke a pack a day, compared to the few times somebody would burn in a day.

it does have tar, the hell is wrong with you?

you can do weed without smoking it?.... wow.

it does kill braincells, the enviroment is irrelivant to that.

it cant kill you, but it will shoten your lifespan.

2,820 posts

perhaps i was wrong about the braincells, slows em down rather than killin em.

1,714 posts

Here try reading this.

And yes you can do weed without smoking it.

5,043 posts

wow lol... This was a huge epic fail.. First, before you start posting stuff based on marijuana, try it, figure out wat its like and wat its true effects are, and then come back to this site and state what you think...

Don't tell people they need to try marijuana before they can judge it. If that's the case, you would be a hypocrite to judge meth, cocaine, or suicide.

I say the only requirement to judge marijuana is to do research on it. I did a speech on marijuana, and after school a classmate who smoked marijuana came up to me and said he learned a lot from the speech. He didn't even know that marijuana was so darn close to being harmless. He was smoking marijuana while under the impression that it was bad for him. Now THAT is foolish.

Its cuz theres no chemicals in weed.

It can become addictive to those who have an addictive personality. I hate using the word addictive personality because an addicting personality can be obtained through a number of different means, such as stress, peer pressure, self consciousness, and so on.

Each person is different, and most people will be able to wing themselves off marijuana without any withdrawals. Because marijuana is next to harmless when used responsibly, many people who start smoking marijuana will not stop until they find a reason such as a family member having issues with smoking or health issues. Marijuana may not be able to kill you, but it can effect you in negative ways. Some people may find that marijuana upsets their stomach too much or maybe it makes their asthma worse. Everyone is effected by marijuana differently.

Actually all it does is cause your body to release extra hormones from your brain, allowing you to feel a high.

That's the same as screwing with your head. However, alcohol also screws with your head and in a sense the same goes for cigarettes.

The question is, how does it screw with your head? What other effects does marijuana have? How harmful is it to the user and how harmful does it end up being to other people? Do you believe people should have a right to make their own decision with marijuana, even if it is possible for them to make a bad decision? Do the benefits outweigh the risks?

It shouldnt be legalized because the government will tax it to hell... So instead of paying the regular 10 bucks for a g.... Its gonna be like 20 -30 bucks for a simple G.. Just saying.

That's not true what-so-ever.

Crime inflates prices more than taxes. Legal weed that is taxed to hell will remain MUCH cheaper than marijuana.

Remember, marijuana often has a blood price. People are risking jail time when they sell marijuana. Sometimes people kill due to marijuana, such as drug violence revolving around the drug market. If there's an illegal product that has such insanely high risks, the price will be inflated A LOT.

Not only that, but it will be easier to obtain cheaper "under the table" marijuana. Illegal marijuana means possession will push you into the back of a cop car. If you buy marijuana from people who sell under the counter, or untaxed weed, the only way you will be caught is if you admit to buying it under the counter or if you bought it from an undercover cop. Otherwise, they can't bust you for simply possessing marijuana.

In short, it will be easier to obtain cheaper marijuana if it's legal, even if obtaining the cheaper marijuana is illegal.

no, it can still cause cancer

No it doesn't. There's NO evidence of this at all.

When it comes to tobacco, it is the tar that causes cancer. If you get cancer from smoking marijuana, it would be the burned plant matter and smoke that you inhaled, which would be a great argument to support the idea that sniffing a burning candle can cause cancer.

I don't know the correlation between smoke and cancer, all I know is that marijuana itself doesn't cause it, or at least, there is a lack of evidence. Sure, there are many theories on how it causes cancer, but there are no recorded cases of it happening.

you can do weed without smoking it?.... wow.


it cant kill you, but it will shoten your lifespan.

This is also untrue. No evidence supports this at all.
3,562 posts

However, marijuana isn't a gateway drug, because everyone who smokes marijuana doesn't have the sudden urge to do hard drugs. Those who are pushed into harder drugs are pushed by friends and their dealers.


From what I understand, people who do marijuana soon get tired of the same old high and they look for different types of marijuana that make them feel different. Eventually, along the path to find different highs, they stumble upon cocaine.

uh those people just stop smoking for like a week, and then once they start again they will feel an incredible rush


Alcohol is a drug - I've never heard of alchohal though.

Alcohol slows your reaction time and so is definitely classed as a drug.

wow really? you knew what he meant yet you chose to ignore it. cool story bro.

grammar nazi's are sad fk's who need a real hobby.

bout sums up my experience.

Let's face it - although opiates are a very interesting group of drugs - cocaine is rapidly replacing them in many area's.

another good call. durr who didnt know that?

for every pound of cocaine sold 3/4ths of that goes to europe and gross consumption is around 600 metric tons

my point is, any drug can be a gateway drug.

even cough medicine (aka purple sizzurp)

Most people who smoke marijuana or have tried marijuana have never touched hard drugs in their life. This, and this alone, is why you can't call marijuana a gateway drug.

I can vouch for that

Can you provide a link of that?

I have physical evidence actually.

You do realize that marijuana is a gateway drug? You do know what a gateway drug is? A gateway drug is a drug that leads to harder and more dangerous drugs. I don't think you should be correcting me.

more like marijuana is a drug. not a gateway drug

people who do marijuana do not go looking for more stuff to do, b/c the cannabis makes them not want to do anything at all. rather stare at a blank wall for up to 2 hours at a time.

It's like this. Would you want to go to the same waterpark dozens of times, riding the same rides over and over again; would you rather go to different waterparks each time?

well I would goto 6flags at any chance I can get. I would love to partake the mr freeze ride over and over again, but there are long lines and it is not possible.
I hope they do not legalize marjuanna!!! it is a street drug and should not be legalized!!!!!!!!! >=(

sometimes I wish abortion would be practiced more often.

but potentially fatal in long-term, continuous or largely fatal amounts

um. no.

yes it could be fatal if you just continuously breathe in marijuana smoke, effectively suffocating you. otherwise there is no LD-50.

You serious? I thought it was more addictive than caffeine but I guess not.

herp derp

O its impossibly possible. You have to smoke 2x your weight within less than an hour to actually overdose on marijuana. Now i would like to give props to the first person who can do this... Thats basically 360 pounds of grass for the average person. No way in hell could anyone do that...

no way in hell anyone would pay that much. thats around 720 grand.

Maybe if cigarettes only had tobacco in them, well then they might be equal. As it stands cigarettes are way more harmful than marijuana.

no. IT'S BECAUSE TOBACCO HAS NICOTINE in it. and that in itself is a carcinogen and harmful

weed is actually more harmful than cigarrettes, it still builds tar, damages your lungs, AND AN ADDED DOWNSIDE, kills a lot of brain cells. but, it's still a long term thing if your looking at fatalities. way less harmful than most drugs.

no. it's not.

you say it kills braincells. and the study you base this off of is where scientists put gasmasks on monkeys and pump in marijuana smoke for 45 minutes straight. WELL HURP DURP of course it's gonna kill braincells. your brain isnt getting adequate oxygen for a prolonged period of time.

lol, way more harmful. no, it can still cause cancer, and it still kills brain cells. cigarrettes are just way more addictive, people would smoke a pack a day, compared to the few times somebody would burn in a day.

no. it doesnt cause cancer

it does have tar, the hell is wrong with you?

yes it does have tar. but it isnt laced with battery acid and about 4000 other chemicals

basically. people need to read more about marijuana. and quit being little jerks about what other people do. sure if someone is about to go into a car and they've just drank/ smoked weed. go ahead and berate them and stop them. just like you wouldnt whine about people drinking alcohol. you shouldnt whine about people smoking weed. cause death as a direct result of smoking weed does not exist.

good day. please excuse mild flaming in 1 or 2 responses. because the term. fight fire with fire exists for a reason.

nice to meet you nonameC68
2,420 posts

good day. please excuse mild flaming in 1 or 2 responses. because the term. fight fire with fire exists for a reason.

So does "If it moves, Kill it!"

Not all sayings are right. Some even conflict.

Back on topic: Anyway, marijuana should be legalized, but it's not like it was illegal for no reason. It IS a drug, though milder than other drugs, it still isn't foolproof.

There are cons to legalizing marijuana. It's just that the pros outweigh the cons.
4,689 posts

Why not? Just tax it up like cigarettes if it gets to be a problem.

5,043 posts

Back on topic: Anyway, marijuana should be legalized, but it's not like it was illegal for no reason. It IS a drug, though milder than other drugs, it still isn't foolproof.

There are cons to legalizing marijuana. It's just that the pros outweigh the cons.

I know I said I wouldn't reply to anyone who didn't watch the video I linked, but I have to say something.

Of course marijuana was made illegal for a reason, it doesn't mean it was a good idea. Do you even know why they made marijuana illegal? The first time they said it caused violence (when really it was used as a scapegoat to help fight against black rights), then it was made illegal again when we went to Vietnam because it made our troops not want to fight.

Yeah, those are the reasons. Please, watch that video i linked a page or so back.
3,562 posts

So does "If it moves, Kill it!"

uh... obviously I didnt say all sayings were correct bud

then it was made illegal again when we went to Vietnam because it made our troops not want to fight.

this is exactly why. it made people lose incentive to do work in general
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