ForumsWEPR[necro] Legalization of Marijuana

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1,051 posts

I know that there is a topic about legalizing drugs, but I wanted to talk about Marijuana specifically.

Marijuana was banned in 1937 in the US and is now said to be a gate-way to more dangerous illegal drugs. However in this current state of economy I think we'd be better off with the legalization of marijuana. First, it would provide jobs for people. Second, more tax money to the government. Third, it would decrease sale to minors.

  • 794 Replies
1,714 posts

Its almost impossible to actually attribute any death to marijuana. And, in case you are wondering, it is probably physically impossible to OD on marijuana. It requires either that you smoke your body weight or twice your body weight in one hour.

121 posts

Its almost impossible to actually attribute any death to marijuana. And, in case you are wondering, it is probably physically impossible to OD on marijuana. It requires either that you smoke your body weight or twice your body weight in one hour.

What makes you say that :/ ? Like, say, a link or something please?
1,714 posts

I thought it was here:
But it seems that I was mistaken. That is still a useful sight though.

That says that it is a 1gram per Kg to OD. That doesn't sound right to me, but it still makes it virtually impossible to do.

121 posts

Darn, I can't quite grasp what you're trying to say.

1,714 posts

According to the second link, for every 1 Kg you weigh you have to smoke 1 gram of marijuana to overdose.

I was referring to when you said:

I have read more of what I found, you can't die from one use alone, but it's a cumulative overdose.
121 posts

So let's see... If someone weighs 150 pounds... 68.2 kilograms... So a person who weighs 150 pounds would have to smoke about 68.2 grams of marijuana... How much is that? A little or a lot? But let's not forget that a person smoking pot would likely be using other drugs as well.

Either way, I'm still against marijuana, or any other drug of it's category. Particularly because of the large destructive role they have played in my family for generations, including my own two brothers. I believe your bodies are fine just the way they are, not to mention magnificent and fascinating.

Also, this is officially my 100th post, so yay!

121 posts

So let's see... If someone weighs 150 pounds... 68.2 kilograms... So a person who weighs 150 pounds would have to smoke about 68.2 grams of marijuana... How much is that? A little or a lot? But let's not forget that a person smoking pot would likely be using other drugs as well.

Either way, I'm still against marijuana, or any other drug of it's category. Particularly because of the large destructive role they have played in my family for generations, including my own two brothers. I believe your bodies are fine just the way they are, not to mention magnificent and fascinating.

Also, this is officially my 100th post, so yay!

121 posts

Oh, I meant our bodies, not your bodies. God, that sounds really creepy.

Oh, and let's not forget my father while I'm at it. Don't want me to make a list of the things he's done? Well too bad.

It started when he began abusing prescription drugs, and it all went downhill from there, for my entire family. He stopped working, wasting all the money for our family on more and more drugs. Soon my parents started fighting, so my mother gathered up all the money she had and sent me and my brothers back to Washington to my grandparents. After four months, my mother was finally able to follow. My father had taken over three quarters of our money and what we owned, and even though they got divorced and the court decided that he was required by law to send us support money, he never did. Months later, we heard that he had gotten together with another woman, and that she woke up one morning in a hotel with everything she owned stolen by my father. But that's not all, she was pregnant. My father was now a fugitive of the law, and we never heard about him since then. Although the amount of drugs he was taking has most likely killed him by now. And somewhere along the line, both of my brothers were homeless and living off of one can of cold beans a day. And as for me, I never got to complete my childhood, half of it was ripped out of my arms because of drugs. I never quite got to experience innocence and just be a kid.

But now, my family is finally back together again, with the exception of that bastard you-know-who.

So as you can see, I have a pretty strong opinion on the matter.

452 posts

So... why specifically are they making Marijuana illegal? Isn't it our right to do whatever we want to do to our bodies? Why don't they legalize Marijuana for private (not in public), single, and personal use only?

121 posts

Hmm... I'm surprised no one has said anything at all about my post here.

121 posts

No one else has anything else to say about this topic? Wow :/

5,043 posts

Either way, I'm still against marijuana, or any other drug of it's category. Particularly because of the large destructive role they have played in my family for generations, including my own two brothers. I believe your bodies are fine just the way they are, not to mention magnificent and fascinating.

How come so many families don't have problems when people smoke marijuana?

Anyway, I don't care. I think it's your responsibility to talk yourself and your friends out of taking drugs, not the government's.
4,005 posts

Either way, I'm still against marijuana, or any other drug of it's category. Particularly because of the large destructive role they have played in my family for generations, including my own two brothers.

Firstly, marijuana is not an addicting substance in and of itself. What you have described here is a psychological addiction which is the fault of the brain chemistry of your family members, not marijuana.

Secondly marijuana is a primary source of income for many groups which commit other illegal activities. By decriminalizing marijuana we can cut a major source of funding for these groups who use those funds to purchase fake identifications, firearms, explosives, and help their members flee from justice.

Also the legalization of marijuana would save the government roughly 7.7 Billion dollars annually, with nearly 3 Billion of that sum being saved by the federal government, with the rest saved at the state level. This savings is related to man hours, task force, seizure, incarceration, and prosecution, to name just a few things these funds are currently used for.

Additionally, the legalization of marijuana would bring in as much as 6 Billion dollars per year if taxed at the same rates as alcohol and tobacco. This doesn't even take into account the number of jobs created by either small business or government growing, processing, and selling the product.

Some estimates claim that nearly 100,000 new jobs would be created for growers alone, in order to meet the prospective demand for legalized marijuana. Bear in mind that these growers would be paid and taxed just like any other employee, whereas now the money made from the growth and sales of this product are completely tax free.

If you combined the savings with the projected revenue, we would see a net profit of over 13 Billion dollars annually simply from the legalization of marijuana. Add that to the tax dollars made from the employment of workers in the industry and the drastic reduction in funds to illegal activities such as gangs, cartels, and other organizations, and we see that the benefits to legalization are massive.
121 posts

Firstly, marijuana is not an addicting substance in and of itself. What you have described here is a psychological addiction which is the fault of the brain chemistry of your family members, not marijuana.

I'm aware of that, I just don't think people are ever going to learn to use drugs responsibly.

Secondly marijuana is a primary source of income for many groups which commit other illegal activities. By decriminalizing marijuana we can cut a major source of funding for these groups who use those funds to purchase fake identifications, firearms, explosives, and help their members flee from justice.

Anyway, I don't care. I think it's your responsibility to talk yourself and your friends out of taking drugs, not the government's.

Okay, guys? I didn't say anything about my opinion on the legalization at all, just that I am against drugs in general. As for the legalization itself, I can't decide which action's benefits would outweigh the disadvantages.
4,005 posts

I'm aware of that, I just don't think people are ever going to learn to use drugs responsibly.

People have been using drugs responsibly for as long as man has been around. People have also been misusing them as well. The thing here is that the criminalization of something like this typically has little to no bearing on it's usage and availability. Now what is better for society? Having it criminalized as it is? Or legalizing it, profiting from it, taking the money off the street, and being able to monitor and control it slightly better than we do now?

Okay, guys? I didn't say anything about my opinion on the legalization at all

I see that. I was simply taking the stance that the decriminalization would be of a net benefit to our society. Regardless of how you look at it there are many more benefits to it's legalization than there are to keep it criminalized as it is now.
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