I think that the death penalty is an acceptable punishment, of course though it shouldn't be used on most people. Only if they were found guilty of a very large crime.
I think that the death penalty is an acceptable punishment, of course though it shouldn't be used on most people. Only if they were found guilty of a very large crime.
In western countries that still carry the death penalty (Like the US), only crimes such as murder and very high end drug crimes warrant the death penalty.
i had a debate about this in the 8 grade. and i won yayy. ok i was on the side for getting rid of the penalty even though i wanted to keep the death penalty...in todays jails the prisoners are living better than most people. while their on death row it takes them a shit load of time to actually to get injected or w/e by then the inmates who are on the death penalty are already dead or have been killed with other gang members. it proves much cheaper and better to just give the prisoners life in prison with no parole. while the inmate is on death row they are kept separate and in special cells. this all takes up unessary money that could be used on other things. so it can prove better just to give inmates life with no parole and hope they get shanked by another inmate than to actually put them on death row. if the person committed something very hanous then they should be killed as soon as possible and not put them on death row for so many years....
its so stupid all the money they're using on people in jail is so wasted. the people in jails can live life in better luxury than most poor families. the money used on jails should be limited and the money they could be spending on the inmates could be better used elsewhere. so why should the inmates live better lives than people who haven't committed crimes? personally i think its so stupid.
I don't think that the death penalty should be used in cases where the evidence is ambiguous, but it is appropriate in some cases. Things like completely remorseless serial (not cereal) killers are appropriate cases, but there are always people who will be wrongly convicted and that needs to be recognized, so there aren't any people being wrongly executed. Prison time can be cut short, but the death penalty can't.
I personally don't think it counts as a punishment if you get off easier than the victim. If you kill a man and get 25 years in jail when you're out the guy you killed is still dead. It really doesn't seem fair to me. But I don't mean like a rapist should be raped or a torturer tortured or anything like that. But if the victim ends up dead or in a coma for the rest of their life then I think the criminal should be killed.
But if the victim ends up dead or in a coma for the rest of their life then I think the criminal should be killed.
The only problem with that is that if the person didn't kill the person intentionally, or didn't kill them at all, they don't deserve the death penalty.
I seriously think that the death penalty is very extreme in some cases. I'm a Christian and I think that if one of God's children did a terrible thing or an unspeakable thing then it should be God's decision on if they should be killed. Or if he wanted to he could just zap him into a billion pieces if he felt he needed too. If you WANTED to kill someone and that you felt GOOD about it and that you WOULD kill AGAIN and AGAIN then that may be something to take into consideration but there really is no way that someone should chose another to die unless there is undeniable truth on that the person did WANT to kill or do something horrible and that they swore on their life that did or want to do it again THEN I think they would be a canadite.
Why waste the money anywase? It's better to kill them rather than let them off easy. In terms of zapping them into a million pieces, the electric chair does that quite fine, not a lightning bolt which your more likely to be bit by a shark.
I'm pro-life, so I don't believe in the death penalty. A lot of people just think that the pro-life means anti-abortion, but it's just pro-life in general. It means I'm against all forms of killing.
I think the death penalty is only justified if the person has killed more then once. And i dont want to be cold but its prully costs less then keeping that person alive and in jail (why should i have to pay to keep a killer alive) But because we dont know what happens after you die how do we really know its a punishment? Maybe when someone kills you you go to heaven or something.