haha its funny how ppl want the killers to "suffer"... are u kidding me???
I dont think we would want them to actually suffer. The death penalty should be unpainful. Since i am religious, I think that when you kill, it, you should be killed and sent to god to be judged for your deadly sin. Killing an innocent life or rapping is one of the most repeated crimes in america.
If you send them to jail, all thats doing is overcrowding jails, making the gov or the middle class support them, and even gang members can construct a gang inside the jail and spread it when they get out. So, if we put a consequence saying: "If you kill or rape, you will be sentenced for the death penalty", wouldnt this make people not want to kill or rape?
Death should be given to the most heinous crimes committed like murder, homicide and the likes.
Is there actually a difference between murder and homicide?
Personally I am against the death penalty and I'm glad I live in a country that has abolished it. The case of Derek Bentley is useful to think of. Hung for a murder his friend comited (he was said to be an accomplics) yet 45 years after that he was given a partal pardon.
Death should be given to the most heinous crimes committed like murder, homicide and the likes.
homicide is the same thing as murder. and question: if you try to suicide but are still alive, should you take the death penalty for trying to kill a human being?
The one words I understand is 'Is' 'Special' 'while' 'murder' and 'with'.
Ok, homocide is unintentional but purposeful such as self defence, corporate negelegence, ect. Murder is purposeful with 'evil' intentions, such as robery, home invasion, contract killing, ect.
in Romanian, there is no death sentence. and i would say this is both a bad and good thing. good, because in a strange way there are no serial murderers, but there are much more people breaking the law. when the law is strict and scary, few people disobey it, but they do it in a brutal way.
One argument against the penalty, I thought of in law class is. If murder is a crime... then isn't the government committing one(or as many as they have)murder crimes? I mean, sure the guy deserves to die... doesn't mean he actually has to die. Just send the person to life in jail. That costs less too. The death penalty take millions away each year, but a life in jail is like ten times less( I think this was a long time ago.) Well, that is just my argument and nothing else, please do not go against me.........!
how isnt it murder.... its someone or somepeople killing another... in my book thats murder. Death penalty is horrible, sure someone may completely deserve to die, they may be so corrupt and evil that its the only way to stop them, but that doesn't mean its the right way. I think locking them up is the best option there is...