It's ridiculous not having the death penalty, if you kill someone, you deserve to be killed. End of story. Now, whats even more ridiculous is when the judge issues a life sentence to a serial killer and the taxpayers have to pay to keep him alive for up to the next 70 years!!!
I think there is something inherently wrong with this.
Life sentence is 25 btw... Not much, but then again its older than I am. Meh we'd have to pay even more for death penalty if u didn't realize.. The cost is huge to kill someone. The only reason I think serial killerz should maybe remain alive is cuz it could be torture in prison... getting raped and beat up in the showers... Dying is just an ezy way out for them
The death penalty is a tricky situation. On the one hand, a captured criminal at your mercy shouldn't be killed for the sake of simplicity or because it's easier. On the other hand, if they escape they can cause harm onto someone who is innocent. Also, if you're religious, there's always the chance that faced with their untimely death, they may repent their sins wholeheartedly. It really makes you think.
"eye for an eye just leaves two black eyes" --Myself
The bible teaches us when someone strikes you across the face, turn the other cheek. It teaches us to forgive them, for they know not what they do. The death penalty goes against my morals
The bible teaches us when someone strikes you across the face, turn the other cheek. It teaches us to forgive them, for they know not what they do. The death penalty goes against my morals
Then you've never had someone close to you killed unexpectedly and on purpose have you?
Of coarse the death penalty should be promoted! Jail is definatly not enough! a lot of gang members, serial killers, and dangerous rapist stay in jail for a part of time. There they are kept fed and are treated ok, although there is some fights. but when you get out, what are they going to do? of coarse continue! some people are cured but the majority continue. Death sentence is an easy way and right way to get rid of the criminals.
i think that there should be a three strikes your out rule in Cali. , of course these would have to be heinous crimes but after 3 u are dead
That's stupid. You commit one bad crime and it's a hell of a lot of jail time. You commit another and it's another hell of a lot of jail time. And you commit another it's 25 to life without parole. and that's considering the first two crimes were bad enough for 25 to life. Death sentence is heartless, pointless and sadistic.
i think that there should be a three strikes your out rule in Cali
There is, but instead it's 3 felonies and a life sentence.
Two words: Human Rights.
Has nothing to do with human rights, you kill, you deserve to be killed. It's the right of balance.
Of coarse the death penalty should be promoted! Jail is definatly not enough! a lot of gang members, serial killers, and dangerous rapist stay in jail for a part of time. There they are kept fed and are treated ok, although there is some fights. but when you get out, what are they going to do? of coarse continue! some people are cured but the majority continue. Death sentence is an easy way and right way to get rid of the criminals.