"Hey Alt, what are you doing now?" "Reading my story on armorgames. It's called the Neverending Story." "How could it never end if it only ends up being four lines?" "Read it closely." 0.o
Skye: Erm... isn't that Harry Potter...? Jezz: ...
"Lulz." F: Yes. Lulz. "Anyway, I am officially in Mexico, and it's hot." F: I'm IM'ng with Poison from a ship in the sky. "I'm sitting in the lobby, wishing my brother would stop showing me his chewed up french fries." F: SP needs to put a collar on Oggle, or whatever his name is... He keeps on following me. "Ha."
zlith: VISE people can't understand you and luke VISE: you mean other then you. zlith: yes VISE: fine i'll clear it up, I took LUKE (the dragon) to get Ice cream. when we got back LUKE talked by roaring so I talked sideways (italic) to show the interpritation. then zlith got mad so I poked the blue ? (link) and teleported to a movie theater (youtube) with some anoying guy singing (rick astley). so I took a thing below the stage with some buttons and a moving dot (media bar) and killed him with it. then I teleported back here (I clicked the back button) by- WOULD YOU STOP THAT GOD (no) zlith: what are you talking about (me) what was that VISE: ITS GOD HE KEPT INTERUPTING ME TO EXPLAIN WHAT I MEANT IN THE REAL WORLD. (exactly) zlith: VISE stick to the script (there is no script, only me) VISE: HE DID IT AGEAN LUKE: *sophisticatedly speaks while sitting in a chair* zlith is an exageratingly ignorant human. zlith: LUKE YOUR NOT SUPOSED TO BE ABLE TO TALK YET (he is if I say he is) YOU STAY OUT OF THIS *head explodes then goes back to normal* (warning # 1) VISE: I AM STILL MAD > zlith: I just wanted to get through this post < LUKE: I want shampian (granted) *shampain apears* 1000 thank yous :| ( )
Manta: yo, JEZZ!? what chu mean, "randomly generated mythical creature?" I'll have you know, I've had tao for years! Avicus: how come I knever new about him? Manta: you just got your existence license... you also mispronounced the words never and knew. Avicus: actually, that wuz txt tlk. Manta: no it wasn't... even if it was, it doesn't save time typing anything. Avicus: s0? Manta: from what I can tell, that's the point of text talk... aren't you text anyway?! Avicus: Yea, s0 wut? u am teh n00b and i am teh haxorz W00T Manta: ...*facepalm* Avicus: aw, jeez!! what's the matter with you?! Tao: *body slam* Manta: *pets tao* Avicus: *pained groan*
Manta: whoa, whoa, whoa, back the double post train up here! Avicus: is that a real expression? I don't think it is... Manta: Shut it! Avicus: message received... I... I'm sorry zlith, but... I'm afraid I can't just let this slide. see, your little dragon friend, Luke is it? or is it pronounced, "LUKE?" no matter, what I'm getting at here is he asked for "shampain." do you recognize the problem with that LUKE? or should I be adressing Zlith? trivial matters, I assure you, but you have just spelled one of my favorite words in the French, English, and Beulay-*click-click* languages. would you like the correct speeling? Avicus: no he woul- Manta: well, the correct spelling Zlith, or LUKE, or whoever it is, is CHAMPAGNE. now, I know what you're thinking, "Why should I care?" no reason my friend. no reason. Tao: *bubbles in agreement* Avicus: do you EVER shut up!? Manta: transvestitesayswhat? Avicus: what? Manta: HAH! Tao: *^.^* Avicus: ARGH!!!
zlith: sorry manta, VISE got to pissed off at the guy at the keyboard, (ahem remember when your head exploded) I mean god. for interupting him that he lost it and we messed up that scene we tried 50 more takes of it but that was the best. luke was supposed to learn to talk later but when stupid VISE messed it up he didn't care anymore. the editor forgot to make his speech right though so sorry about the spelling mishap. I mean LUKE is so hard to work with he just does not like playing a stupid young dragon. VISE: and your right its pronounced LUKE he takes after me.
zlith: agean I am terribly sorry the editor didn't change it to CHAMPAGNE I tried so hard to find the right spelling. LUKE: god is very ignorant sorry but it is true (*tries to blow up LUKES head*) sorry god I am to smart for that to work.
Manta: I comPLETEly understand, zlith. seriously, it's no problem. Avicus: I... am fairly sure he was being sarcastic, manta. Manta: what makes you so sure? Avicus: well, his demeanor suddenly changed to that of a sophistocated Englishman. Manta: yours did too... you must be sarcastic as well!! Avicus: i said no such thing! Manta: well, 'round here, pardner, we don't take too kindly to sarcastic cowpokes... 'cept Zlith and LUKE. they're a'ight Avicus: "We?" Tao: *puts on cowboy hat* Avicus: what's with the cowboy getups? Manta: aw, you crossed the line, Pardner! *takes out six-shooter* Tao: *takes out six-shooter too* Avicus: how is tow holding it?! Manta: what do you not understand about magical manta ray, pardner?!
Jezz: Niicchhoodeemuuss! Deh wortor creetchuur an teh flyin creetchuur won' go awaiiiii! *sobs* Skye: Well... banish them? Jezz: Ah cannnttt! Teh NES dun hav a banashin feechur! Skye: Well... kill them! Jezz: Ah cannnttt! Das meen and ah dun wan murda in teh NES! Skye: Hmm, you're right. Well... murder is acceptable in the NES, but we don't want to cause conflict.. any more than we already have... Jezz: *whimpers* Ah dun nao wah teh doo. Skye: Stop talking like that for a start! Jezz: .... *sits in the corner* Xander: >.< *confused* *sits with Jezz* Jezz: *sigh*
N: Wait...some one called us? D: Why? N: Maybe it's a call for dinner...I mean look, a magical flying manta ray, a dragon...and lots of people holding mindless convos that only they will be bothered to read...except for a few 'true' unsane creatures...taht have their roots right at the start of the NES. D: Looks like people don't really get the essence of real usantiy... N: Now it's more like zombified madness....asylum cases.
Jezz: *rocks back and forth* Skye: *adopts a posh British accent* Hmm. She seems to be shell shocked by all the ridiculous posts. I don't think we'll get any response from her for a while. Xander: Chirp...? Skye: Yes Xander... go play with..thingy. The little one with no name over there *points next to Demus*
Zega: Why is does many have summer vacation already? It's sooo early for that! ageZ: Stop complaining! Zega: Shut up... I have summer vacation in the beginning of July! ageZ: I had my summer vacation a loooooong time ago.. Zega: @&%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Manta: that hurts, nich. it really does. I can't help that an old kerosene lamp (that for SOME reason was still filled with Kerosene) on top of my freezer fell and shattered, and that now the fumes have gotten to my brain and i can't strink thaight... thrink staight... um... Avicus: think straight? Manta: I think... Tao: *dizzy* Manta: seriously, I've had tao for a year on this other site, so i feel ogliblated... olibgated... like i have to have him here Avicus: i think you meant "obligated". Manta: i think... is Unsane something you earn? or are you worn bith... both wirn... do you just have iii... iii... iiIIIiiIit... *falls over* Avicus: oy.