I disagree, because it is possible to be very interconnected with someone, even without marriage. And like Mr. I use caps and speak good said it isn't a sin, rather a personal preference.
No, I wasn't saying it's impossible. I was only saying in this day and age "commitment" can be misunderstood. Definitely it's possible to love someone outside of marriage enough to commit to them this way, only that a lot of people treat sex like free pleasure.
Abstinence is a pretty unreasonable goal for all couples in this society. So is the idea of abstinence education.
Fear tactics don't always work, and the whole idea of abstinence education is to scare young adults in to not having sex. These types of programs have been proven ineffective, and are in fact counterproductive. They fail to teach teens/young adults about contraceptives.
Now, I read in a Newsweek a month or two back that some thing like 92% of parents favor sex education in school. I don't know if we could get that many parents to agree on teaching long division in school!
Another flaw with abstinence only programs is that they fail to mention that sex is pleasurable. That's like telling kids that candy is bad for you without telling them that it tastes good.
Face the facts. People DO have sex before marriage. I believe it is fine to have programs that talk about abstinence as long as they talk about the large variety of contraceptives on the market. Specifically condoms and birth control pills.
Face the facts. People DO have sex before marriage. I believe it is fine to have programs that talk about abstinence as long as they talk about the large variety of contraceptives on the market. Specifically condoms and birth control pills.
Maybe, but telling people something is wrong and then telling them how to do it safely seems to render ALL efforts worthless. I would rather all those unprepared to have children use birth control, but I doubt I could do that without influencing someone to have sex.
I actually do not think this pertains to Religion/ World events / politics....
It kind of does. Sex leads to abortion, which is a very important issue in the country, no matter which side you're on. But by itself it does sound a little off-topic.
Yes I know what it is, I'm saying this forum is for politics, world events, and religion. Unless one of those words means education then really, please learn to read.
Yes I know what it is, I'm saying this forum is for politics, world events, and religion. Unless one of those words means education then really, please learn to read.
No need for the insult my good fellow.
Education is part of politics. So of course it is part of the politics section of the forums.
I can't remember if Masturbation is a sin or not *awkward silence*
Haha, sorry a tad off topic, but I just wanted to tell kirby the real answer to this.
So in my theology class as school I have this teacher that always talks about porn and masterbation and how its really bad. And he told us a story from the bible (I can't remember the the verses or the people included in it) But basically, there was a man that had sex with this one woman (for a reason I don't know) and basically the guy pulled out and "spilled his seed on the ground" and God did not like that and punished the man that pulled out, so He basically declares masturbation a sin because it is "spilling your seed" on the ground. ----------------
Anyway, on the abstinence subject.
I think that it is a good thing. Because I am strongly against abortion and contraceptives, and lets face it: sex makes babies. So being abstinent (if you are against abortion and contraceptives like I am) prevents and unwanted son or daughter.