So...You're saying that an unwanted pregnancie is only a temporary thing, something that will be easily remidied by...say...Abortion? The killing of an innocent, unborn human baby? And let me tell you one thing-there would be no pregnancy if they had practiced abstinence!
? So I guess there's nothing wrong with murdering people, it's just a personal thing?
WTF??? sex and murder are 2 completely different things, thats like saying you were brought up by 2 gay dads (no offense, I hope you werent) then saying " o wait both of them are humans so its ok". like really... think for once.
sex is brought on by Love or Lust, I mean lust driven sex is wrong, but when 2 people really love each other its ok. Thats what I mean personal choice.
But really... that's messed up... murder... and sex have no correlation. If it is rape or something I'd understand... but really...
Because that's worked so much before in the past. By teaching abstinence-only sex education, you're beating the dead horse many a time.
especially this retarded horse from family guy.
On a different yet still pertaining to topic note: The trends for teenage pregnancy is rising... looks like that education failed
I mean just last year/this year a group of girls made a pact to get pregnant and took turn having sex with a homeless guy (musta been his lucky day...) and I have to say, People should focus more on teaching safer sex rather than abstinence because once you take away something from people they yearn for it more.
WTF??? sex and murder are 2 completely different things, thats like saying you were brought up by 2 gay dads (no offense, I hope you werent) then saying " o wait both of them are humans so its ok". like really... think for once. sex is brought on by Love or Lust, I mean lust driven sex is wrong, but when 2 people really love each other its ok. Thats what I mean personal choice. But really... that's messed up... murder... and sex have no correlation. If it is **** or something I'd understand... but really...
Well, what you were saying is "Let's have sex, its no big deal, whether you abstain from having sex or not is just a personal thing." So, using that same logic, I can say "Let's kill people, its no big deal, whether or not you abstain from murder is just a personal thing"
People should focus more on teaching safer sex rather than abstinence because once you take away something from people they yearn for it more.
But not teaching abstinence will cause them to think "It's gonna be alright, as long as I wear a condom, I won't get hurt. And besides, even if I do get pregnant, I can have an abortion." Well, if they have sex before they are married, they could be throwing away their entire future. And if they do get married, who's to say they won't be unfaithful to their spouse?