ForumsWEPRGay marriage law ruling in Conneticut

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10,816 posts

This news will upset some of you. This news will gladden some of you. This news may be met with a "this issue is dragging on far too much" by most of the rest of you.

Nonetheless, I pass the message on that gay marriage is now fully legal in the state of Conneticut.

My only question is whether this ruling is subject to appeal.

  • 131 Replies
13,657 posts

I`m not a priest!,I think that gay marriage should be forbidden in every country in this world!Gays have serious mental problems.

And I think racism and hate should be forbidden all over the world. Because people who hate a group for nothing but love or colour or being different, those people seem to have some kind of mental illness.
But that is your oppinion. Now, I would like some evidence that homosexuals have "serious mental problems".

Because last time I checked love was not classified as an mental illness, not even crushes, which are actual lunacy...
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Because last time I checked love was not classified as an mental illness, not even crushes, which are actual lunacy...

I don't think it's a mental thing, unless the person was born straight but somehow turned gay by his context. Then that case is worth reviewing. But most gays are to put it in such a fashion, naturally made, not made through mental disorders.
332 posts

Gagamen, that's the problem. You view it as something that's wrong with them...its not. I'm not gay, but I respect people who are. We always get these messages that love is incredibly powerful and important, in the media, in literature, in day-to-day life, so who's to deny people the right to be with someone they love? Yes, we can be paranoid about everything and not move forward because we don't like it, but nothings ever been accomplished by that, and I'm happy that another state has seen some reason. This is America, supposedly an example of freedom and democracy in the can we justify denying that freedom to a select group of people?

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Gagamen, that's the problem. You view it as something that's wrong with them...its not. I'm not gay, but I respect people who are. We always get these messages that love is incredibly powerful and important, in the media, in literature, in day-to-day life, so who's to deny people the right to be with someone they love? Yes, we can be paranoid about everything and not move forward because we don't like it, but nothings ever been accomplished by that, and I'm happy that another state has seen some reason. This is America, supposedly an example of freedom and democracy in the can we justify denying that freedom to a select group of people?

Way to go, hit them right in the spot where it hurts them most. Democracy, freedom and denying 'special mental people' their rights. Such hypocrisy.
10,816 posts

Flaming posts deleted. Incidentally all flaming posts belonged to one user. Hm. Words shall be imparted.

It is generally more accepted to be a lesbian than be gay.

Hmm, that's an interesting question, actually. Because I sure know which one is talked about more, but does that reflect on how accepted or rejected it is?
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Hmm, that's an interesting question, actually. Because I sure know which one is talked about more, but does that reflect on how accepted or rejected it is?

But it's still controversiol nonetheless. Maybe it's because in the eyes of humans men albeit gay ones are still superior to women and they need to be solved first. Just a thought.

Incidentally my teacher was talking to us about gays and lesbians just a day ago...
2,301 posts

Every time I see a discussion like this, I say the same thing in the vague hopes that someone, someday, might get what I mean to imply.

Whether you are right or wrong, prejudice is still prejudice; hate is still hate. Divorce yourself from this prejudice, for it is the root of all evil.

In other news, this makes Connecticut almost as cool as Vermont.

3,562 posts

From an opinionated standpoint, I feel that it is wrong to go against how I was brought up. So I will want to say I do not like the ruling on gay marriage. But I have no say in how other people feel about each other. If two &quoteople" love each other very much they can be married. That is what sets America apart from most other countries, this some what "skewed" sense of freedom.

3,176 posts

Like I said this one time somewhere in the Homosexuality thread: History repeats itself, even
though homosexuals where around the same time as us, just not talked about as often. If we went
back to the 60s, this would be called the "Desegregation law ruling in Conneticut" thread. We would
be discussing desegregation in schools and public instances here. Haters, like a person I won't
say here, would rule against it, for some odd, over-exaggerated reasons that seem to make no
sense at all.

Total translation into the 60s time:

You say you hate them, but why? Because they are black? What part of them disgusts you? Because
they are different? It's not their fault that they are like this. Last time I checked, being
black was totally genetic, not a choice. They are just like us, just different in a slight way. I
too have gay friends, where the homosexual population here is higher than in the states. They at
least have balls enough to tell someone that they are gay without being ashamed about it, because
haters bash them for being different. Most of this bashing is from religion, or just from
poor influence.
Sooner or later, there is going to be a Martin Luther King of homosexuals, he is going to
repeat the same speech, slighted differently, and he is going to help get gay marriage legalized
all across the states.

You have NO CLUE what it is like to be bashed by a group of people that hate you just because
of your sexuality. Imagine that, once revealed, that all who know it will just plain make fun of
you, hurt you in every way possible, exclude you from anything that you wish to participate in,
all because you were gay. It hurts, don't it? That's what they feel, and it's all because
of you haters.

Yes, I too am sick and tired of all the people around here that say "Gay people are nasty EWWW I hope I don't have to be near one!!", without any sort of reason. They just say bad things about them, without really giving any sort of reason why they hate them. All they do, if they really give a reason, is provide quotes from the Bible, because they think their religion is all-powerful, like the fundamentalists they are. Some make groups to hurt gays, and do any means necessary to hurt them as hard as possible.

"Because they're GAY!!"

Sound familiar?

"I hate you because you're black!!"

God's spinnin' the ol' history wheel again, and it looks like prejudice against slightly
different people is back again. Congratulations....

653 posts

seriously who the hell cares if gay people can marry remember that whole thing about all men are created equal and the unalienable rights thing

332 posts

In other news, this makes Connecticut almost as cool as Vermont.

Oh, Vermont is much cooler than Connecticut.

ShintetsuWA, that's a perfect point. Religion is supposed to be separate from government, unfortunately that doesn't seem to be true. It's hard to maintain a separation when so many people are religious, but so far the only argument I've seen seems to be based on religion, and if that's all the justification against it, every state should have accepted gay marriage by now.

1,310 posts

It is generally more accepted to be a lesbian than be gay.

Hmm, that's an interesting question, actually. Because I sure know which one is talked about more, but does that reflect on how accepted or rejected it is?

Lesbians are probably more accepted just because of the contribution they've made to heterosexual pornography. Purely speculation =P

My response to all of the hate on homosexuality:

If it's coming from the bible & god that you think it's wrong, just keep it to yourself. They're going to wind up going to hell anyway according to you, so let them have a little reprieve from that eternal torment waiting for them after they die.

If it's not coming from the bible - what does it have to do with you, how does it effect you, and why do you care so much?
562 posts

I don't have any problem with homosexuality...

That being said, I believe that marriage is about a family raised by a man and a woman, and it should stay that way. Just give them civil unions.

Oh, and I hate the way the judges from any of the 50 states can just make it legal. If it becomes legal anywhere, it is legal EVERYWHERE, as gay people can mov ethere and marry. It's like having 50 cointosses, and if any of them are heads then it's legal. The government should rule that it is an issue that cannot be defined by state, and that it must be put to a vote before it can be enacted.

Btw, I'm pretty sure Iowa becomes gay-marriage-legal this Friday...

1,523 posts

Just give them civil unions.

They have civil unions in most states, and they're completely separate from marriage. You know why? Because they don't permit partners to visit each other in the emergency room or past normal hospital visiting hours. They don't even let the couple consolidate tax forms.

Although marriage may fundamentally be about raising a family, there are many legal differences between it and a civil union which often leave homosexual couples still discriminated against.

Also, if you're going to say that marriage is only between people who are able to produce children, then we need to ban marriage between older couples, infertile people, as well as those who don't wish to have kids for personal reasons.
562 posts


When I said "Just give them civil unions," I meant make civil unions equal, legally, to marriage. And it's not about having children, I just think it's about the traditional family, with a husband AND a wife.

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