This news will upset some of you. This news will gladden some of you. This news may be met with a "this issue is dragging on far too much" by most of the rest of you.
Oh, and I hate the way the judges from any of the 50 states can just make it legal. If it becomes legal anywhere, it is legal EVERYWHERE, as gay people can mov ethere and marry. It's like having 50 cointosses, and if any of them are heads then it's legal. The government should rule that it is an issue that cannot be defined by state, and that it must be put to a vote before it can be enacted.
That's called "Federalism" Programpro :P Where the main government should have more power than the state government. In some ways, I agree, but in some cases, no. I mean, if all laws were in all states, but there are certain "roblems" in others, then they need those laws, and of course, those would have to be added to other states, which they would have no need for them.
what does it have to do with you, how does it effect you, and why do you care so much?
Personally, I don't care what they want to do with each other, but I would be ashamed to acknowledge gay marriage as an everyday thing. I know gays don't choose to be gay, but I also know that a gay marriage has no more commitment than the simple relationship has. They can always get divorced, unless they are religious and acknowledge the sanctity of marriage (in which case a lot of religions are intolerant of gays anyway, so they probably wouldn't be getting married in the first place).
Because they don't permit partners to visit each other in the emergency room or past normal hospital visiting hours. They don't even let the couple consolidate tax forms.
I would hope that they would be allowed to visit partners in the emergency room or past normal hospital visiting hours, but I would consider this minor in relation to the tax forms. Why should they receive the benefits of a normal marriage has to offer when all that's really happening is their relationship being official?
Also, if you're going to say that marriage is only between people who are able to produce children, then we need to ban marriage between older couples, infertile people, as well as those who don't wish to have kids for personal reasons.
No, I wouldn't say that. But relationships nowadays take everything that should be within marriage (living together, sleeping together) into something casual, so that's the only way to define marriage anymore. If this is how these childless couples acted out their relationships, there was really no step in their relationship by getting married, was there? Either way, sex, living together, no kids. I don't care what gay couples want to do with each other, and I would easily defend their right to go into the emergency room with the other. But marriage takes that step a little too far.
First of all they're not born that way. They have a choice, it's just some people tend to want to be with the opposite sex
Do some research, and I doubt you'll be ablre to say that again without contradicting your own knowledge. Face it, okay? Not agreeing with homosexuality is the same type of prejudice as not liking black people. Don't even try to say it's different, because it isn't. I think that gay marriage should be legal, because I don't think religion has the right to decide if two people can get marriage benefits or not.h
Funny how whenever people say things like this, it's reminiscient of anti black sentiment.
But marriage takes that step a little too far.
Yea, how dare they want to have rights. Those selfish bastards.
Really I don't see how gays wanting to be married is even an issue anymore than allowing blacks to sit at the front of a bus. It's all ultra conservative hogwash. How you can live in a country like the USA that touts freedoms and rights as they do and not condone gay marriage is beyond me.
Could you please reference an empirical study indicating sexual preferences are a choice?
I *can* find one that proves homosexuality is decided in the womb. Scientists have found a gene that controls how much of certain hormones a fetus takes in during the womb. Studies have also shown the presence of "ryons," which have the ability to turn certain genes on and off. If the gene controlling the absorption of testosterone during the pregnancy is turned off, the fetus will absorb less testosterone. Those that do turn out to be gay.
I believe the study was conducted on sets of twins, where one twin was straight and the other turned out to be homosexual. It turns out there's quite a lot of those pairs.
Tell me where you found that homosexuality is in people's genes. It's a choice that they make. I hate when people say that...
Support your statement. Now, if you're Christian, then something for you. -------- You do not know if it is a choice or not. There isn't any conclusive evidence either way, but if you as ka homosexual, they would not ay "Oh yeah, I just chose to be gay one day." Honestly, heterosexuals with no scientific background (you and me) would not be able to make that call. So don't make it. ---------
People have a choice on whether they're straight or homosexual.
Did you ever choose if you were straight or gay? Did you ever consciously make that coice?
Actually, I have a bunch of gay friends, and they all have said that they chose to be that way. In fact, I've had thoughts about becoming gay, it's just that I don't actually like guys.
You know why? Because you are not physically attracted to your own sex.
Your argument isn't logical at all. You say you have to be physically attracted to your own sex in order to make the choice to be homosexual? Taking part in actions that make you homosexual isn't what makes you gay in the first place; it's the attraction, which you have no control over.