Is it just another way to make fun of somewone? Is it a mental ailment of deep depression? Is it just a state of mind or a phase? If nowone has made this topic why hasn't somewone done so already? Do you think you are emo? Do others call you emo? Do you think being "emo" can be stopped? Other people have called me emo before mainly because I like dark colors and kinda draw very creepy things. It is not like I draw murder or a baby dieing or something but I draw distorted and creepy creatures. Some people just come to the conclusion that they are mean and should be ignored. others come to a conclusion that, "maybe I am emo?". Thus turning into one. I have semi-low self-esteem that is recovering normally. some emo's are suicidal, and they think that they can get out of life by doing so. I do not think this, for there truly is something out there for anywone. Suicide may be the quickest way out of life, but absolutely positively NOT they best. I am AGAIN I SAY IT aithiest so I think that we do not go to a heaven OR hell, but I think we are either gone forever or are just a mass of human concesnence. So to me a life is the most dear thing to be in the entire world EVER.
That's not true Gimgak, I'm depressed sometimes, so I must be emo?... Emo is used very loosely, and it does not apply to ANYTHING. People can get emotional at any time, it doesn't matter who or when, besides, there are too many stereotypes for emo. Ex: The dark hair, the black clothing, that's not necessarily true.
"Emo" is just another on of those sterotypes that people made up in the last few years to further try to catagorize people inorder to, in a way, understand them. It is a lot easier to say "Oh, look at those emo kids over there." then say "Oh, look at those kids who we do not know at all but look the same and must all be the same." Which comes to my next point... The look that a lot of people associate with emo people is just another sweeping generalization. Sadly, most kids who think their life sucks want to belong with the rest of the emo people and thus buy the clothes that they see the emo kids where on TV/Internet/mall.
emo people are down on luck, that hate life, cut themselves, wear all black, have long hair, and don't have any friends except maybe 1 or 2 emo people.
See? That is exactly the sterotypical crud I was talking about. Sterotypes never fits everyone in a certain group. Americans are just stupid, enough said.
and whats not stupid? mexicans? oh we cross border to get to america, even though we make american's lose there jobs because we'll get paid a nickel for building a mansion. canadians? oh we hate fighting eh? even if everyone in our country is getting killed, we won't do nothing about it exept try to reasonwith them, and if that dosn't work, we'll surrender. Europe? oh we hate americans because there better then us in everyway, and even though our culture is simmiliar to theres, we still hate them. China? oh the reason the opium wars was started was because everyone was jealous of our perfect society, so they had to go to war to show that they were better, even though we're the best damn country in the world because we have the best culture.
Emo is a label kids give themselves to be better understood by others and their selves. But Goth on the other hand is actually a subculture and not just a high school clique.
I love all the different classes of people in the world. It's all fascinating to me, but that's just my psychology/sociology background. I do wonder how SOME of the "emo" boys claim to be straight but kiss boys.