ForumsWEPR"emo" "emotianal" and what makes them that way?

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What exatcly makes an "emo" an "emo"?

Is it just another way to make fun of somewone?
Is it a mental ailment of deep depression?
Is it just a state of mind or a phase?
If nowone has made this topic why hasn't somewone done so already?
Do you think you are emo?
Do others call you emo?
Do you think being "emo" can be stopped?
Other people have called me emo before mainly because I like dark colors and kinda draw very creepy things. It is not like I draw murder or a baby dieing or something but I draw distorted and creepy creatures. Some people just come to the conclusion that they are mean and should be ignored. others come to a conclusion that, "maybe I am emo?". Thus turning into one. I have semi-low self-esteem that is recovering normally. some emo's are suicidal, and they think that they can get out of life by doing so. I do not think this, for there truly is something out there for anywone. Suicide may be the quickest way out of life, but absolutely positively NOT they best. I am AGAIN I SAY IT aithiest so I think that we do not go to a heaven OR hell, but I think we are either gone forever or are just a mass of human concesnence. So to me a life is the most dear thing to be in the entire world EVER.

  • 63 Replies
1,628 posts

sorry the thing in stars is G A Y

12 posts

EMO people=lame and they self pity themselves
Emo kids=self pitying when they they don't get to do things they want to do

Emo old asses=people which are old and like to say "im going to die soon i should kill myself now!".People are stoping them not to be like that,but they still insiss!

emotional means like your lookings are emotional

sorry my English is bad

34 posts

what is "emo"? I have been called that, with my friends, so many times. Aren't we all emotional.

What i hate the most is the people who call me and others that are usually wanna-be gangsters, a.k.a. "wangsters"

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