ForumsArt, Music, and WritingJezz's NES Story

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3,337 posts

I figured a lot of people know about the Neverending Story by now right?
Well its got along really well. We have so many different characters there now, its TOTALLY UNSANE!
I felt the need to write it as a story. This is my own feeble attempt at recording the goings on in the NES in a way that the few sane people here on AG can understand.
I hope this is at least a little accurate, I hope I portray each character as they wish to be seen and I hope both NESers and AGers alike will enjoy my writings.
Im fairly new to the creative writing business, so if you have problems with what ive written, say so. But nicely please

So without further ado...

"Our recent demeanours have caused much fuss in the NES."
Alt couldn't think of a way to decribe what has been happening recently. One massive ogre rampaging through the many rooms of the NES, declaring that hes &quotretty". One snake attempting to drag Mary back to the brink of sanity. One mysterious trio wishing to get their hands on Alt to put and end to him. This was all too much to explain rationally. The only explaination he could give was that it is all irrational. Totally unexplainable. Yet it was happening here and now and they had to deal with whatever was thrown at them as unsanely as possible.
Alt thought back to the early days of NES...


Just a little introduction.
I'll get to writing more later. Havent got time right now.
Hopefully this shall be good! If I get anything wrong, point it out. Also if you dont want to be included in this story, please say.

  • 113 Replies
5,845 posts

Alt, Chill and Pierce were watching TV in the main cave. Some sport was on. Pierce wasn't really paying attention. He was too busy waiting for Mary to come down, he'd made breakfast for her.

o.O? *blinks*

The room inside was totally dark until she'd let the light flood in. Sitting on the floor, covering his face and shying away from the light was a guy.
Mary stared. Then her mouth slowly opened into a wide "o"
She almost screamed, "Dragonball05?!"

o.O? *blinks*

They aren't real people, so they won't care.

P: Haha, the only pair of real people~
M: Pair... > >
P: Oh, ahem...
M: > >
5,845 posts

Alt, Chill and Pierce were watching TV in the main cave. Some sport was on. Pierce wasn't really paying attention. He was too busy waiting for Mary to come down, he'd made breakfast for her.

o.O? *blinks*

The room inside was totally dark until she'd let the light flood in. Sitting on the floor, covering his face and shying away from the light was a guy.
Mary stared. Then her mouth slowly opened into a wide "o"
She almost screamed, "Dragonball05?!"

o.O? *blinks*

They aren't real people, so they won't care.

P: Haha, the only pair of real people~
M: Pair... > >
P: Oh, ahem...
M: > >
3,337 posts

HA. Laggy posts from Pazx xD

o.O? *blinks*
o.O? *blinks*

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

N: As far as I'm concerned, I'm real!
D: Not in other people's opinions.
N: Sniff. I feel miffed.
D: Don't worry, we're all fictional, so it can't really affect you..Right?

5,845 posts


Bad representation of me ftw~
5,845 posts

Forgot something earlier~

D: Don't worry, we're all fictional, so it can't really affect you..Right?

I'm not fictional. End of story.
3,337 posts

Bad representation of me ftw~

*sigh* How would you like to be represented like then?
Or would you rather not be in it 0_o
5,845 posts

*sigh* How would you like to be represented like then?
Or would you rather not be in it 0_o

It's just interesting that you interpret me... Us... that way.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

It's just interesting that you interpret me... Us... that way.

Was that from P or M? Haha, P and his little knife...
5,845 posts

Was that from P or M? Haha, P and his little knife...

Don't mock me. I really do have scarred wrists irl...

Was that from P or M?

Chatting over MSN, but I (P) posted it.
189 posts

I really do have scarred wrists irl...

then you must have bad tools or the wrong style...

my wrists are clean 'cos the cuts were so fine that they didn't leave real scars...doctors knife..scalpel (or what it's called) makes it clean...

by making the scars stay invisible you don't draw any unwanted attention to yourself
5,845 posts

my wrists are clean 'cos the cuts were so fine that they didn't leave real scars...doctors knife..scalpel (or what it's called) makes it clean...

I should do that.
189 posts

but not over the main veins my boy...not over the main veins

3,337 posts

Hmmm.. too much talk of cutting selves here.
Back on topic...
I haz another part to teh story! Hope you like it...
Hope its not too crazy... Although it IS the NES... Can't get much more crazy than that...


"Mary, is that really you?" the bewildered Dragonball asked.
"Yeah it is." She paused and thought of what to say.
"What the hell are you actually doing here?" She asked him.
He stared around the room as if he'd forgotten where he was. Upon closer inspection Mary realised the room had 8 walls. It felt extremely chlostrophobic even though the room was large. This octagonal room seemed menacing. Unless that feeling was eminating from somewhere else...
Dragonball stepped out of the room and began to stride down the corridor with an air of confidence about him. He walked into the main cave and switched off the TV. Pierce began to protest.
"Hey! We were watching that! Who do you think you ar- DRAGONBALL?!"
Alt and Chill looked confused. They didn't know who Dragonball is. They didn't realise that he'd been living here all this time.
Dragonball explained that he'd been locked in the Octagonal Room for 3 whole months. After a few weeks he gave up calling for help as he realised no help was coming. He sat down on the couch and explained how he had been tricked into finding the room.
Every friday my fellow Lords and Ladies and I used to attend the Lords and Ladies Club. Being the founder of the club, I was effectively the Lord of the Lords and Ladies. Slighly ironic, no? Well anyway... After the club had been thriving for five odd months, one particularly shady fellow in a trench coat began to show up each week. At first we thought nothing of it and continued making small talk of an evening. However we became wary of him and his menacing black coat. To such an extend, even, that we formed a circle and began discussing how to approach him. He would stare at us. His grim face only just visible behind the collar of his coat. Week after week he would just stand there, and week after week we would do nothing but discuss his presence. So I took action. I walked up to him and demanded a reason for his being there. He just continued to stare at me. I took a step closer and asked him again, "Who are you? Why are you here?". He raised his head and a grin spread across his face. In one swift movement he had thrown off his coat and wielded an almighty hammer which he instantly brought down upon the ground, causing the whole room to shake. Well I tell you, everyone fled. Terrified for their lives the Lords and Ladies ran and didn't look back as the stranger continued to smash up the walls and floors with his hammer.
The room crumbled and caved in. I was coated in dust and choking on the air as bits of brick and rubble fell down on me. After what seemed like hours a hand gripped my own and pulled me out of the mess. The man with the hammer stood there before me, the grin still on his face. He said "Now this place has been locked." And with that he conjured a giant padlock that seemed to absorb all the mess. The bits of glass and brick and wood vanished into the padlock and once everything was clear the padlock locked itself. The man then made it shrink, put both the hammer and the padlock in his pocket, put the coat back on and walked off. I attempted to follow him. Completely stunned by what i'd just seen. He then abruptly turned to me and told me he had another room. I was confused. "Another room?" I said. He continued walking and I followed. He led me to this very cave and into the octagonal room. He then ran back out and locked the door. "Yes, another room!" he began to chuckle as I could hear him walking away. I called for him. I shouted for him! But would he listen? No, he continued laughing light-heartedly as his footsteps became fainter and fainter.

Everyone was looking at Dragonball in disbelief.
That... that seriously happened?" Chill looked rather scared.
"Don't be silly Chill, theres nothing to be scared of!" Alt patted him on the shoulder and got up to make everyone tea and coffee.
Chill was puzzled, "Well, how did you eat? What did you do?"
"I don't even know... I didn't eat anything, I was never hungry! It was weird... I slept most of the time. Or I would sing. My voice echoed off the walls so I sounded like there were more people." Dragonball hung his head. "Its silly I know..."
He got up and asked Alt if he could help with the drinks. Alt said he didn't need help but perhaps Dragonball should find an empty room to stay in.
Dragonball walked off down the east corridor and went in the first room he could find. He sat on the bed and sighed. "Man, I'm tired!"
"Ehh.. Me too." came a voice.
"Whoa. Who was that?" Dragonball looked frantically around the room. He thought he recognised the voice.
"Wait... Are you me?" He thought back to Alt and Chill, the same person.
A boy walked out from the gloom of the room. "Hmm I suppose... Ta-dah!"
Dragonball shouted to the others "Guys! You'll never guess who I've just found!"

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Ah....Strop I presume was the evil dude?

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