I figured a lot of people know about the Neverending Story by now right? Well its got along really well. We have so many different characters there now, its TOTALLY UNSANE! I felt the need to write it as a story. This is my own feeble attempt at recording the goings on in the NES in a way that the few sane people here on AG can understand. I hope this is at least a little accurate, I hope I portray each character as they wish to be seen and I hope both NESers and AGers alike will enjoy my writings. Im fairly new to the creative writing business, so if you have problems with what ive written, say so. But nicely please
So without further ado...
"Our recent demeanours have caused much fuss in the NES." Alt couldn't think of a way to decribe what has been happening recently. One massive ogre rampaging through the many rooms of the NES, declaring that hes "retty". One snake attempting to drag Mary back to the brink of sanity. One mysterious trio wishing to get their hands on Alt to put and end to him. This was all too much to explain rationally. The only explaination he could give was that it is all irrational. Totally unexplainable. Yet it was happening here and now and they had to deal with whatever was thrown at them as unsanely as possible. Alt thought back to the early days of NES...
Just a little introduction. I'll get to writing more later. Havent got time right now. Hopefully this shall be good! If I get anything wrong, point it out. Also if you dont want to be included in this story, please say.
no. do you know what the never ending story thread is? it's a jumbled mess of hilarious and intelligent unsanity which Alt presides over. Jezz is just turning the neverending unsanity into organized unsane sanity.
~Turning the neverending unsanity into organized unsane sanity~ I feel that should be the slogan for this story xD
Next segment will have to be tomorrow guys, I left what i'd written on my dads PC because I forgot my USB AGAIN *slaps self*
And guys? I'll portray you how I see you. I think most of you started as an unintelligent, extremely moronic idiot who posted unintelligent insane drivel (to use Manta and Poison's words). But then most of you grew into the swing of things and became respectable posters. (With the exception of a select few. I won't mention their names.) mmmkay?
Oh and dudeguy. I can't include you because you don't post in the NES. I haven't just made this up. It is based on the NES and if you're not part of the NES, you can't be part of the story. Sorry.
Nicho Nicho Nicho. You're my buddy in the NES and you're in the next part ^^ Youz a meany in the next part ^^ ( Oh but shhh... don't tell anyone its you )