ForumsWEPRShould Pornography be Illegal?

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Do you think that pornography should be illegal?

I agree and disagree.

I agree because it is a bad thing for people to do. And even if it legal, it is against the Law so that if they do watch pornography, the are breaking the Law. I also think it should be illegal because in the Bible it says, PORN IS BAD!

I disagree because sometimes pornography is good. For example, when you are at a Sperm Bank, where do you think the sperm came from? You probably would suggest that the male used pornography to masturbate causing the sperm to come out. So, pornography could be used for a good thing.

  • 417 Replies
108 posts

If an adult male is lonely and needs entertainment, it is a much better substitute for say, prostitution, drugs, or alcohol, don't you think?

He doesn't have to resort to pornography. He can talk a walk or go out on the beach. Pornography is mostly used for teens or men who don't get a lot of action. Or they could just enjoy the feeling of it.
1,310 posts

He doesn't have to resort to pornography.

Maybe not, but as the saying goes, different strokes for different folks?

Wow.. that was a phenominally bad pun, I should be ashamed. Still, it's good that it's not illegal. Sometimes a walk or a cold shower just doesn't cut it.
107 posts

He can talk a walk or go out on the beach. Pornography is mostly used for teens or men who don't get a lot of action

That's not what most people would consider "entertainment". And the point of Pornography is to satisfy sexual excitement. taking a walk wont satisfy that excitement. Also if you bane pornography that is like saying that it is not ok for a person to engage in sexual activities. Also 98% of men in America masturbate, and most of the time they use pornography to help. So saying that its only for people who dont get a lot of action is false.
259 posts

I believe pornography should be legal. Wether you think its wrong or nasty or immoral, the government has no right to control what people watch, nor do I believe that the government has the right to outlaw anything. But then again "If men were angels, government would not be needed" I forgot who quoted this, but that's besides the point.

703 posts

well, should be legal or not? it's already everywhere like a candy bar. So, it's a little bit too late to ask this kind of question.

i think 100% of human have done masturbate.

the point is, don't get too much porn so can't live without it. U can do a lot of things out there.

Have a life guys.

541 posts

I think that the government should not be sticking their noses in things like this... I think that porn is wrong, but i also think that the government is getting too evolved with things that are none of their affair.

310 posts

Where in the bible does it say the words "Porn is Bad"? I'm not a fan of pornography but I don't think that it should be illegal. As long as it's consenting adults.

I also have to say that what one person finds pornographic another could see as harmless. Would you choose to ban works of art that have been around for centuries because them show womens breasts or male genitals?

1,455 posts

Where in the bible does it say the words "Porn is Bad"?

You aren't supposed to turn love into lust, and that is all porn can really serve to do. I don't think it should be illegal, though. I think it is the responsibility of the people to choose not to view porn. If they do watch it, I can't stop them, and I have no intention to judge them or think poorly of them. I merely find vulgarity in the act itself.
4,097 posts

You aren't supposed to turn love into lust, and that is all porn can really serve to do.

But when was there ever love? When someone views pornography it's not like they ever loved the person, they're simply doing it for the sexual stimulant. Also, when someone is viewing pornography or (views it on a regular basis) they don't become obsessed with it. That is what seems to happen with lust. They can go on with life, have normal relationships, all that.
1,455 posts

But when was there ever love? When someone views pornography it's not like they ever loved the person, they're simply doing it for the sexual stimulant. Also, when someone is viewing pornography or (views it on a regular basis) they don't become obsessed with it. That is what seems to happen with lust. They can go on with life, have normal relationships, all that.

I just think the Bible defines the sanctity of sexual activity being within the confines of marriage very clearly. Porn is there to turn you on for a little while, and that's it. Simply doing something for the sexual stimulant doesn't respect the sanctity of marriage either. I normally don't jump in on the porn threads as it's not my call, but since the particular response involved the Bible, I felt an obligation to explain how I feel about it.
4,097 posts

I just think the Bible defines the sanctity of sexual activity being within the confines of marriage very clearly. Porn is there to turn you on for a little while, and that's it. Simply doing something for the sexual stimulant doesn't respect the sanctity of marriage either.

I respect your opinion, but I'm not a follower of the Bible so I don't think that we'll really see eye to eye on this subject. Like I said though, I respect your opinion, and I see where you're coming from.
1,455 posts

I respect your opinion, but I'm not a follower of the Bible so I don't think that we'll really see eye to eye on this subject. Like I said though, I respect your opinion, and I see where you're coming from.

Thanks. I hope you don't see me as being judgemental. I don't know these people so I know I can't judge anything about them. I can say that I disagree with the act, but like I said, not my life, not my call.
4,097 posts

Thanks. I hope you don't see me as being judgemental. I don't know these people so I know I can't judge anything about them. I can say that I disagree with the act, but like I said, not my life, not my call.

Nah, I've actually noticed that you're one of the more open minded people on here. A lot of the religious people on here are fundamentalists it seems like and won't even accept that any other option is possible.
310 posts

I'm not a big follower of the bible either so thanks for explaining that for me Big but I still think that it would be pretty silly to make porn illegal. Making something illegal doesn't ever really stop people from doing it. If no body did anything illegal there would be no need for prisons. I mean people still do illegal drugs and commit robberies. The only thing I see making porn illegal doing is making a whole lot more criminals. We don't have enough space in prisons for all the people who chose to veiw porn made be concenting adults.

1,455 posts

TurtleToes, I'm surprised I didn't mention this in any of my posts, but I don't think porn should be illegal either. I just don't agree with the act. I only jumped in becuase the question was *where in the Bible does it say porn is bad?* I do agree that we might be making criminals out of people who didn't really do anything. Like anything, its morality really depends on the circumstances.

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