Agreement... I agree because it is a bad thing for people to do. And even if it legal, it is against the Law so that if they do watch pornography, the are breaking the Law. I also think it should be illegal because in the Bible it says, PORN IS BAD!
Disagree... I disagree because sometimes pornography is good. For example, when you are at a Sperm Bank, where do you think the sperm came from? You probably would suggest that the male used pornography to masturbate causing the sperm to come out. So, pornography could be used for a good thing.
ummm....I think it should be illegal or at least controlled, because stats show that most registered child molesters have watched porn in their lifetime.
ummm....I think it should be illegal or at least controlled, because stats show that most registered child molesters have watched porn in their lifetime.
Um.... that because almost everyone has whatched porn in their lifetime, duh.
In Australia you can publish it but it can't be legally made here. So all the aussie magazines and DVDs have fottage made in other countries.
Cheers Xavier; I appreciate the correction.
Of course this contradicts because I don't think pornography with..."actors," under the age of 18 should be legal. I can't really back that up with the previous statement, but oh well :P
I think it's pretty easy to back up. After all, there's an age of consent for sex in many countries anyway. We understand that teenagers & children who are still developing and learning to be an adult haven't quite got all of that figured out yet, and as such, we make divisions of rights & priveleges between them and adults, including sex; and while minors still wind up having sex with each other, it's mostly to protect them from being exploited by an adult; which I think similarly, the division made by the prohibition of child pornography does as well.
Though taking LadyTurtleToes point, there do seem to be some differences between the age of consent for sex, and being an adult, and being 18 & old enough to appear in pornography material. *shrugs* I'm not complaining. 18 is a little young for me anyway =P
ummm....I think it should be illegal or at least controlled, because stats show that most registered child molesters have watched porn in their lifetime.
Caucasiafro pretty much said it all: you can't draw a correlation between child molestation & watching pornography if the demographic of people that watches pornography is so enormous that it dwarfs the amount of child molesters.
ummm....I think it should be illegal or at least controlled, because stats show that most registered child molesters have watched porn in their lifetime.
Um.... that because almost everyone has whatched porn in their lifetime, duh.
It's true that most people by the time thier adults have seen at least some pornographic material. Wheather or not someone chooses to view porn on a regular is exactly that, a choice. Stats saying that most registered child molesters have watched porn in their lifetimes seems obvious. I don't want to insult anyone, but stats like that just sound like someones way of trying to scare people into their way of thinking to me. There are plenty of sick people out there that want to hurt kids but not everyone has those kind of complusions. As far as I know the majority of people don't have those complusions. I would imagine that the majority of people who view legal adult pornography don't.
Well if you dont watch pornography or have to deal with it then yay for you but you shouldnt be posting if you dont have any experience with it.
I also think it shouldn't be illegal, but besides controlled so that we can know whats going on rather have people lie about it or just give them bad ides.
I also think it should be illegal because in the Bible it says, PORN IS BAD!
could you please tell us where exactly in the bible it is said that pornography is illegal. it can not be forbidden there because porn didnt exist 2000 years ago.
and even if the bible disapprove of porn it does not make it illegal. most countries respect the freedom of their citizens and every person is allowed to do whatever he/she wants as long as they do not harm others or break laws. so as far as i know in porn all people involved agree on doing whatever they plan to do. and the people watching it know what they are watching. of course people who are very religous and do not want to watch porn they can just not do it and ignore its existence.
so everyone should be allowed to do whatever makes him/her happy and not force his/hers beliefs on to others and proclaim it as standard.
of course pron including children or being published against someones will should be and is illegal, but should also be persecuted stronger
I only watch porn if there is at least one 12 year old girl crying, An old man with in leather, a midget, and some kind of animal. It's the only way I can stay interested.
I only watch porn if there is at least one 12 year old girl crying, An old man with in leather, a midget, and some kind of animal. It's the only way I can stay interested.
Well, for me, i dont watch it cuz, who agrees with me on this, if you wait for the "special time" it will be even more special. I mean, if u do watch porn every single day, wouldnt it get repetative and when the "special moment" does come, then it will be less special?
Idk, thats how i see it. So, as long as there is no children watching it, which they are, and no children are involved, anybody could watch it for all i care.
Well, for me, i dont watch it cuz, who agrees with me on this, if you wait for the "special time" it will be even more special. I mean, if u do watch porn every single day, wouldnt it get repetative and when the "special moment" does come, then it will be less special?
Ehh... sex and masturbation are.. widely different things. It doesn't quite apply in the manner you think it does =\\
Ehh... sex and masturbation are.. widely different things. It doesn't quite apply in the manner you think it does =\\\\
They are closely related, though. While they are used for different purposes, they bring sexual pleasure. I don't know how less special sex would be for someone who has masturbated VS someone who hasn't, but they still fit in the same category. Anyway, though, it isn't really my right to interfere with what people want to do. I am a bit repulsed by porn, but that's my perspective and I still respect those who feel differently.