It's a slight disdain, and a good deal of America's actions in the past are what I disdain. The hypocrisy of out values an how we got all of our land is almost pathetically ironic. But, I'm proud to live in a country that's in such gpod condition overall.
A lot of the disease deaths were biological warfare. I understand that the genocide ended having a few upsides, but it's hypocritical to indiscriminately murder people and then found a country on such 'noble' values. ----- The great things, in my opinion, run parallel to the bad things.
N. O. NO!!!!!!!!!!! No biological warfare was committed at all, and the only miniscule evidence of it, if true, would account for maybe 0.01% of all indian deaths!
And the people had a different mindset. A lot of what happened was Stupid-american-attacks-an-indian, Indians-raid-town-in-revenge, and all the people in the town now know Indians only as town-raiding savages. There you go...
Evidence for your biological warfare claim please. . . . ----- Still, there were a ton of tactics used by the USa to try to wipe out the Native Americans. . . .
i dont think americans should be pround. they killed so many ancient tribes and stuff. i am asian and only came to america by force. so hah, i say it out loud. americans suck
Evidence for your biological warfare claim please. . . .
U first lol...but seriously the only evidence I've ever heard of was a little joking footnote at the bottom of letters passed between british commanders...
It feels like a moral sparring match, notanalt! : )
Appently, there is no certain answer as to whether the plan to use biological warfare was ever implemented. so, it's possible.
Any smallpox transmitted by Native American tribes was due to the transfer of the disease to blankets during transportation. Historians have been unable to establish whether or not this plan was implemented
And smallpox wasn't the only disease. There were others.
Now what do you say to the above thing i mentioned:
And the people had a different mindset. A lot of what happened was Stupid-american-attacks-an-indian, Indians-raid-town-in-revenge, and all the people in the town now know Indians only as town-raiding savages. There you go...
And sorry about the's just that your name literally is "this is not an alt," so, yah...