i am very very proud to be an american i dont care what anyone else says and i dont get why half the european countries dont like us i mean we got there a**** out of WW2 and we defeated the japanese and we held the soviet union back from taking over the world and pressing there ideals on us so i am very proud to being an american
Kirby998, everyone IS against us. Why? We kicked their asses as an economic superpower. The problem now is we might not even have a U.S.A. anymore because some people have no morals, and the world is against us.
That's the point he was making, that any one of us would've done worse in presidency. He didn't exclude himself.
OMG I don't wanna give all the problems he's caused while being president, I'd take up too much room.
When you're the president, every mistake you make is seen by the entire country. When you're some teenager on a forum from a computer game website, your mistakes tend to stay hidden. Let any one of these guys run the country, and they'll screw up worse than any of the presidents before them. If these people were important and fully understood how the country should run, they wouldn't be spending their time here, would they? They'd be running for some kind of office.
That is exactly what i think. Bush was a monster and did horrible things to people, including us, but now i can feel the tides changing
So you weren't proud to be an American because you didn't have the political party you wanted running the country? That's disturbing. You shouldn't have such an erratic opinion of what many believe is the greatest country on earth. I'm not happy with Obama in power, but I am not any less proud of my country than I ever was in my lifetime.
Honestly? Your putting down all the teenagers in this country with that statement, and a few of them WILL become president someday.
I mean at this point in time. Besides, I put down teenagers by saying they couldn't run the country? They couldn't. I'm a teenager, and I know I couldn't run the country. People who haven't had the pressures that the presidents have can't judge from a debate forum. They can disagree with actions, definitely, but not call the person an idiot and say that they could do it better. Until you've had that experience, you're no better because you haven't had the opportunity to screw up.
Let's just put it this way, Bush made WAY more mistakes other presidents with the same or similar problems in the world
Me? I'm not proud to be an American, 0%... I disagree with all, or mostly all of there dissisions. Plus I belive in Bolshivek Communism, please don't judge my comment on being a Russian Communist supporters. Thanks =-)
I don't find it stupid for anyone to be proud of being American. Sure, we've done some stupid things in the past (mostly 1700-1800) but we've also done a lot of good things to help people. Maybe we try to help too much at times, but it's better than some countries.
No one should take any pride in being a citizen of a country. Nationalism is the cause of half the worlds problems, the other half are caused by religion.