The only concentration camps I remember was when we locked away the Japs. At least we gave them $20k afterward though.
"Thanks for letting us treat you like worthless animals for four years without reprieve, here's some spending money so you can buy your house, your car, your property, and your lives back. Oh, what are you saying? all of the stuff we took forcefully away from you cost more than that? Sorry. It's all we're gonna give you, piss off. Shikata-ga-nai, all that."
To say any country besides like Sealand or Bhutan or something has done nothing horrible is an ignorant statement. All major/developed countries have done horrible things. So why punish any of them for it? It's become the common denominator for world powers. It also shouldn't be celebrated when a country helps some poor people or wins a war or something, because all developed countries do that too. America and its contributions are as special as a hunk of gorgonzola.
BAH! America has done NOTHING horrible. What was horrible? Hitler's Holocaust, Stalin's Gulags, Napoleon's Empire, Slavery (that we abolished quickly after New Zealand) Children labor (**** Chinese) and among other things.
Uhhh, like nuking Japan and almost causing a nuclear winter is nothing?
On the one hand, sure I was being sarcastic about the money thing, but we did NOT treat them like worthless animals. Of course it was a huge blunder but something had to be done. While living conditions were quite miserable they were at least treated well unless they violated the rules. I wish I could say something like this could not happen again, but honestly... who knows what the future holds? After all no one thought something as horrible as the Holocaust would have happened and it hasn't been that long since that took place.
If we got some super crazy president that really wanted to get rid of the illegal alien problem it would be a great determent to crossing the border.
O_o Bad time to get ninjaed. I always open a lot of tabs so I can respond without going back, hence the 4 min delay. I was referring to IPwn's post. And one of my ancestors was Cherokee and I only exist because they walked the Trail of Tears and married with the people in the new lands where they were settled.
ROFL America donate billions to Africa???? ROFL Amercia LOANED billions to Africa. why americans think they know and own it all? If I was american I wouldnt be proud of being american.
It seems they don't teach about American imperialism in schools.
The US has intervened in over 20 countries in the last century alone, including rigging of elections, sanctions, military intervention, overthrowing democratic governments, installing dictatorships, supporting dictatorships.
Haiti, Nicaragua, Afghanistan, Ecuador, Zaire, Iran, Iraq, El Salvador, Chile, Cuba, South Africa, Congo, Guatemala, The Philippines, Vietnam, Korea, Bulgaria, Greece (twice), Albania, Yugoslavia, Dominican Republic, Spain, Panama.
The United still maintains over 400 military bases around the world. United States is an Empire.
They taught about American Imperialism in my school, and I am surprised that you did not make a longer list of places where we have interfered. And of course we are an Empire, name a World power that did not or does not now have an empire.
They taught about American Imperialism in my school, and I am surprised that you did not make a longer list of places where we have interfered.
I am very surprised of that.
And of course we are an Empire, name a World power that did not or does not now have an empire.
I am sorry was this suppose to justify imperialism?? And since your limiting the countries to World Powers, then it pretty much implies that they are Empires.
I'm not trying to cast Americans as the only evil of the world, but rather to brush off the benign attitude of the USA. I am against all said Great Powers and Empires. Fuck the imperialists and their elitist rule.
Well our imperialism built a lot of infrastructure in the Philippines... after we slaughtered a lot of them. Damn, that one won't work...
The whole "expanding freedom" idea is supposed to be our justification, but as anyone with a brain knows that is really just a lot of malarkey. At the same time, without Great Powers, the results of the current state of things would totally fall apart if they were no more. We already saw places like Ukraine becoming possessors of large array of nukes the USSR placed there.
For just a bit of fun, imagine if Texas had control of a couple hundred nukes without anyone to tell them they couldn't use them however they desired...
It seems they don't teach about American imperialism in schools.
That is changing. When I student taught, I was very critical of US foreign policy and taught about the American Empire. Many other teachers at my school did the same thing.
Every countrfy has done things they're not proud of, including America. But overall, America is a great country and I'm very proud to be an American. To those Americans who aren't proud, you are probably a self-obsessed, ungrateful, suicidal maniac who deserves A HUGE SALAMI SLAP to the face and then to be thrown out of the country.