What do you believe? Do you think teaching evolution in Biology classes in high school is acceptible? Discuss the topic and your opinion, but please keep it clean.
At my high school we're taught evolution alongside the belief that the Earth was created by a diety. So I'm ok with evolution being taught in high schools.
Please don't turn this into a big argument about whether evolution is real or not. Thanks!
Just to clarify, evolution is thought of having common ancestors with primates and other monkeys, NOT being descended from monkeys! You creationists better get that right.
Anyway, I was thinking if kids have to say, "one nation under God" when saying american pledge of allegiance. Then I would have to say... Yes, let evolution have a bite out of the pie also.
Just to clarify, evolution is thought of having common ancestors with primates and other monkeys, NOT being descended from monkeys! You creationists better get that right.
Calm down DDX. But thanks for clarifying.
Anyway, I was thinking if kids have to say, "one nation under God" when saying american pledge of allegiance. Then I would have to say... Yes, let evolution have a bite out of the pie also.
My tiny brain does not comprehend this. Care to simplify for me? ^.^
I cringe a little whgenevr I read a post that says that.
Do you think teaching evolution in Biology classes in high school is acceptible?
For where I live anyway I think a better question would be "Do you think teaching creationism in Biology classes in school is acceptable?". biology is a scientiofic class and evolution is a scientific idea (don't start at me that Christians can be scientists to etc. I know) whereas Creationism is a religious idea so it should be taught in R.E.
My tiny brain does not comprehend this. Care to simplify for me? ^.^
usually people with tiny brains eat cheese and crackers all day instead of posting in the forums
but I mean, if they are allowed to teach something or have something so controversial as religion in schools, they must also have the other half to compensate all that wishy washy Jesus stuff.
usually people with tiny brains eat cheese and crackers all day instead of posting in the forums
I have cheese on my sandwich every day and I enjoy the deliciousness of Triscuts! Not the same thing, but...
but I mean, if they are allowed to teach something or have something so controversial as religion in schools, they must also have the other half to compensate all that wishy washy Jesus stuff.
Now I get you!
For where I live anyway I think a better question would be "Do you think teaching creationism in Biology classes in school is acceptable?". biology is a scientiofic class and evolution is a scientific idea (don't start at me that Christians can be scientists to etc. I know) whereas Creationism is a religious idea so it should be taught in R.E.
It stands for Religious Education (like P.E. is Physical Education). I never realised before coming on this site that no one else had this lesson. In England we have a whole lesson dedicated to learning religious stuff like creationism. Then we go off to science and learn sciencey stuff like evolution and the big bang etc. Which I think is a good compromise both things get taught.
It stands for Religious Education (like P.E. is Physical Education). I never realised before coming on this site that no one else had this lesson. In England we have a whole lesson dedicated to learning religious stuff like creationism. Then we go off to science and learn sciencey stuff like evolution and the big bang etc. Which I think is a good compromise both things get taught.
Oh. I went to Catholic School in K-8th grade so I had religion. We just called it plain old religion. I assume you go to public school? I think that its neat they teach you about religion.
It's quite obvious, everyone should know every side and make their decision on that, I decide to go by the 'roof-way' and not the 'faith-way' as Faith often has no proof whatsoever, none at all, Evolution has major evidence and proof, the monkeys genes are EXTREMELY familiar to a humans, and some people might be born with animal qualities, such as claws, spots like a leopard, or the webs in between their fingers, so really speaking this is the way to go in definate.
Every side, and then your decision is the right one, think of it this way: You're born, as soon as you are four, u are told that your enemies are evil and devils, but for all you actually could know is that YOUR enemy is meant to be YOUR ally, as u are 'right' in every thing (Principle wise) and so are they, your people capture inocent people and will only be released by ransoms, but your enemies will use much better ways, they will capture only the ones involved and will keep collective punishment (Punishing the country for what their army, or even one person did) to a minimum, but you can't chat simply because they're 'devils'.
Really speaking, that screws so much up, u become king and still hate them, but u have a chat with their king and u have SO MUCH in common you either turn against your country and fight or you make an alliance, depending on the specifics.
I know I went off onto a story, but it explains alot, I hope this helps.
P.S Using this arguement, it alone should allow Evolution to be taught in School, as I want it to be
Just to clarify, evolution is thought of having common ancestors with primates and other monkeys
I don't think there's a problem with teaching evolution, so long as the teacher doesn't also add something like "Christians therefore are incorrect about religion" or something like that. Since evolution is having a common ancestor, couldn't God have created us with the history of having had a common ancestor?
I think they should teach evolution in school. But i think they should teach all of the world/life origin theories scietific and religious because they are all ideas and they should teach ideas.
It shouldn't be up to the schools to turn it into some religious or sociological issue. They should teach both ideas and let the children decide, or have the parents teach it. It should not be tested, because some children will purposely shirk studying for it if they don't believe in it, and they will have lower grades, and then blame it on some religious excuse.
I agree with BigP. It should definetely be taught in schools, just with a nuetral attitude, just like religion should be in your R.E. class. I guess there are exceptions, what with catholic/anything private schools, but it seems to me if you are going to be teaching something there is much debate about, you should teach it without bias.
I cringe a little whgenevr I read a post that says that.
Same here. And evolution has been proven, and recently we have found what could be the 'missing link' creationists cry over all the time, so evolution is pretty much fact. We shouldn't be teaching religious beliefs like Creationism, especially if we -know- that they're incorrect. Creationism is something for RE.
You mean we know evolution to be correct, not the idea of creationism to be incorrect, right? Creationism without evolution is incorrect, but we could've been *created* with an evolutionary history.
recently we have found what could be the 'missing link' creationists cry over all the time