ForumsWEPR[necro]3th World War in 2012:North Korea

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195 posts

Well,everybody thinks world will end in 2012(or once thinked),but in my opinion,the will be another world war based on nuclear and atomic weapons that will destroy most world's envroiment and population,or just make we angry and at 2013 will be a faire's tale?Take a look and see if the maya guys were wrong:finance Crisis(please excuse grammar mistakes),North Korea nuclear weapon stuff,Iraq war is getting bad,etc...and the good is that Barack Obama is making Cuba a ally for what is coming.The maya civilization could be some years wrong,i mean, the end could be at 2010,2011...Or even in this year!

  • 111 Replies
332 posts

Well 4 1 It was England Who fought Germany 4 World War 1&2 Manily Its Only Called World War Cause Most other places joined the war!!!! So 2 america Its World War 1 To Us Brits Its World War 3!!!!
[/i] Britain joined both wars. Czechoslovakia was invaded first, then Poland, and Britain responded to the invasion by declaring war on Germany. Technically, they joined the war. Same for WW1. Germany declared war on Russia and France, and invaded Belgium before the British joined.
Besides, if you didn't have the support of a dozen countries later on the war would have been much, much different, so I'd say even if the countries joined late they were still part of the World Wars. Still, that's completely besides the point.

North Korea is indeed gaining power, and people underestimate it. I'm not going to enlarge their image, but I will admit taht Kim Jong is a man who wants nothing but to see America destroyed. Obama doesn't help out much while he sits in the audience, listening to an anti-American speech, and says nothing.

Let me watch Fox?
They isn't not much you can do against a country like N.K, where its entire population believes that the Korean war is still going on and hates most Western society's, so diplomacy isn't going to work. Blaming Obama for this isn't going to help...especially when Bush had 8 years to deal with it but didn't.

In my opinion, all UN countrys should attack that land. EMEDIATLY.

Epic fail. Not just the spelling, but the idea behind it. First: The UN is completely powerless in this situation. Thanks to China's permanent seat of the Security Council there is no way military action will be taken by the UN, and an attack is going to do nothing more than cause incredible causalities on both sides. The population is a trained military, so land troops don't do much. They spend most of their money on military, which is why they need so much aid yet so many citizens are still starving, so any other conventional warfare tactics probably aren't going to be effective, plus China probably being willing to provide N.K with weapons, possibly even troops, to defend themselves. With Seoul being so close to the 38th Parallel, even if we did invade they'd probably take out most of S.K in the process, whether by moving troops there (since it would take out the government of the closest opposing force to them) or by a form of nuclear weapon if they're recent tests indicate how close they are to having a weapon capable of doing that. Pretty much, there isn't much you can do militarily.

2,269 posts

That's the Mayan's actually, and their calendar just ended, it's not like it said, "END OF WORLD-2012"
Besides, I wouldn't worry about it too much. The end will come, when God wants it to come: On Judgement Day. God and God only knows when the world will end.

And how do you know God knows that? I mean I belive in god, but how do you know he knows that? Is he/she/it even real? You can't make a huge assumption like that and twist it into fact. What about the atheist? They don't belive in god, so does that mean the world does not end?
13,817 posts

Personally I do not think that North Korea would provoke a war to occur. That would escalate into a much bigger war. Also, North Korea would be committing suicide somehow if they launched their nukes at a certain country.

1,304 posts

plus China probably being willing to provide N.K with weapons, possibly even troops, to defend themselves.

I do not think this is true - Im pretty sure China is scared out of their wits right now and would not Fight with North Korea, unless they want to be nuked/invaded by yet another country.

So their best option would probaly be to not help North Korea.
1,031 posts

I made me laugh when you said 3th instead of 3rd

332 posts

I do not think this is true - Im pretty sure China is scared out of their wits right now and would not Fight with North Korea, unless they want to be nuked/invaded by yet another country.

Nuking is out of the question, every single country in the world is too paranoid to actually use their nukes. N.K might be the exception.
As for being scared out of their wits, I doubt it. China has a view of itself being superior and right quite often, and they've been supporting N.K for a long time. Although you're right, they probably wouldn't want to risk trade agreements with other countries, they may still provide weapons to N.K, but more likely covertly.

1,455 posts

You know, the Mayans are thought to have known the world would end based on their scientific and mathamatical strides. How would they have predicted the Iraq war, the financial crisis, etc? The whole thing is that it would be a mathamatical system that would inevitably end now. It isn't a manmade cause.
Btw, I don't believe this stuff, because I don't see how this could've been predicted. They were intelligent people, not fortune tellers.

473 posts

Ok, let me jump into this conversation:

First let me say with the world ending in 2012, we cant be for sure. As a religious person, i think that there is much more to come this way (Disease, EXTREME technology, etc.) However, it could indeed come within these three years or so, especially when the strongest country, US, is falling in the economic world. There can be diseases spread around easily, as it says in all holy books. Technology is advancing quickly and violence and poverty is around the world especially in the holy land. So from my religious stand point, the world could come to an end at any given time. As this bold statement was made by DarKArgeN:
"The end will come, when God wants it to come: On Judgement Day. God and God only knows when the world will end"

Great quote, gotta remember that.

As for the World War 3, it is highly possible. North Korea could be one of the factors of the start of the war. However, let me make sure people are aware of this. THIS IS NOT THE NUCLEAR BOMB AGE. If it was, then North Korea (NK) would be in a sort of "Cold War" with countries, still, not exactly like the cold war.Today, believe it or not, we actually do have the technology to stop an atomic bomb. I love the Military Channel and one of it's documentaries about the nuclear bomb had stated that the US indeed possesses the strength to stop a Nuclear Bomb with some high tech laser of some sort. Sorry guys, i cant give you a complete reliable source for this, but trust me they did state this and many people know about it. If you dont trust me, idk look it up.

But, dont get me wrong, Nuclear Bombs are a really effective mental "weapons" toward other countries. It will scare the US because of the threat of them atleast atempting to use it on them or other countries which will start a World War or some kind of conflict. NK having this is worse esspecially since they do not have a good record with the US. They might have ideas about shooting into a coutnry that will get the US started. Thats why if Iran has nuclear bombs, they might shoot this into a developing, but strong, country of Isreal. Also, i dont know if you people agree with this but China is also a factor in this. China is not an ally with the US. In fact, they are very stubborn towards them especially in meetings about human rights, climate effect, and todays current events. They might have tension with them and if a bomb is launched, I believe China and US will take separate sides, especially if NK shoots it.

Also, the Middle East, more specifically, "The Holy Land" in Jerusalem is a big factor. Muslims in Palestine had had this land for how many years till in 1948, Isreal was started. Now since then, the Middle East has been a target for violence and oil. Even today in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Palistine does fighting last. A war will start here, dont know if its WWIII, but there will be a war. Other Nations will be involved but it will not be pretty. Inevitably, there will be a great war fought in the Middle East. Maybe WWIII will start because of this and because of the NK or other nations launching of bombs

If WWIII started, it will not be pretty.Great Nations like US, China, etc will step in and collide in places. Nuclear Warfare will be there and might target military headquarters or homeland. Many people will suffer, but as i am a religious man, everything will clear up in the end and peace will be restored. I really do not hope to see a great war like this considering my father had been in war and my home country was currently in the state of war when i was there. With all the terrible things happening today and from all the suffering we witnessed in WWI and WWII, i am confused to see that WWIII is an idea for the government. Even if a nuclear bomb is launched, it wont appease the war since it could be solved in a less violent way. unless it is for freedom, another war should take place, like in Palistine. i will ask, is it going to be necessary to start a WWIII?

6,823 posts

Does anyone have background information about the Mayan predictions? I have never heard of that before, and it seems it is important to the topic.

6,800 posts

the mayans said that the world would be flooded by the gods, as several heiroglypical tablets have shown, though not nessasarly in 2012, as there callender stopped.

we are in a situation simmilar to the time before WWI, as in that many countries are allied. If a war was started, say, between Israel and Iran, Russia would support Iran, and since russia, china, and NK are communist, there would most likely be an aliance there. US and israel are allied, alothough obama has mentioned severing these ties, though to what degree is anybodies guess. We are alighned to israel and the UK to us, and pretty soon it would spiral out of control.

501 posts

As for the "laser" you were talking about, that is a weapon mounted on the nose of a 747... It takes out IBM's... There are also other options... The first line of defense is the Star Wars Program and its affiliates. Though not complete, this will ultimately use orbital weapons to shoot nukes down before they even leave their country's airspace. The next would be Interceptor Missiles. They are launched from ships and fly at hypersonic speeds to knock nukes out in their launch phase. Once in their main phase, you get the 747 with the laser. Last, you have the Patriot Missile and the like. These are the last line of defense as they are highly advanced missiles that look for trace amounts of radiation, recognize that as the warhead and then strike just below that so as not to set them off... instead of a mushroom cloud, you get a few square miles that need to be quarantined for a couple months...

Yes, they are psychological weapons. The concept of leveling a city in one blast is definitely a threat, but yeah...

I don't consider the Chinese to be allies, but I don't think we'll go to war... The reason is that without us, China has almost no exports and is dead economically. Sure we aren't doing to well, but we aren't the only country this is affecting. It may be hitting us hardest, but we aren't the only ones...

Personally, I believe that this is pretty much the only way WWIII could be started...

NK and Iran become close allies and begin trading information. Both want to conquer the world, but figure they can always conquer the other later... They set up a black market for nuke parts that the two countries use to mass produce them. Soon, Pakistan is caught up in it. Though disapproving of its baby's desire to make nukes and rule the world, (of which it is a part), China does nothing. Eventually, The two have nuclear arsenals that could be used against entire countries, not just a handful of cities... Israel becomes furious and threatens force if they are not dismantled. Iran becomes agitated and fires a salvo at Israel being sure to not hit Jerusalem because doing so would turn the entire world on you. American Anti-IBM thwarts the attack and Israel counterattacks. The small country uses its big brother's (America's) nukes in retaliation.
Without proper defense, Tehran is leveled in minutes. Having expected this, Iran has already hidden all of its government members and then calls on NK, Jordan, Lebanon, etc for help. The Million Man Army of NK then is transported to one of Israel's borders to begin a battle. Israel has far superior technology and is the only country with good weapons, but even good weapons can't stop and endless wall of men with AK-47's...
NK then invades SK and wins quickly due to its excessive use of nukes...
For the first few days, the Israeli air force holds its many enemies at bay, and it appears to be another Seven Days War. That is of course until NK fires a few dozen IBM's toward Israel. Unable to keep all the nukes out, the defense systems let some through. Those hit home in major cities. Without a good chunk of its population, Israel will lose. So, it calls on us. Though hesitant about a true war in the Middle-East, we don't have a choice. We join the side of Israel and begin fighting back.
Not willing to be surrounded or betrayed by its sole reason for existence, Iraq declares neutrality.
Now that we are in true war and are against countries (not individuals) the US can finally show its true military might. Using Nighthawks and B-2's, we quickly demolish everything in sight. Of course, nothing good lasts. Russia enters on the side of NK and of course, has nukes. Preferring not to waste them, it doesn't fire its nukes at us, but rather at the less defended, and more exposed army. Enter the Russian Army...
Though the motherland is in war, the dozen-minicountries spawned by the fall of the USSR declare neutrality. They do allow Russia to move troops through their land with the promise of not being invaded themselves. Russia then moves its troops down through Iran and into the primary front around Israel. extremely outnumbered and now facing an actual military with up-to-date weapons, America calls for aid from NATO. The first to respond is of course, the UK. Then Canada and a few other members of NATO join America. Following them, other countries of the Commonwealth such as Australia, New Zealand, India, and South Africa join Britain, America, and Israel.
With the number of soldiers becoming more balanced again, NK decides it need more troops. Its solution is to threaten China. Using nukes as its trump card, it convinces China to join it against us. Of course, that just raised the stakes by another few million or so...
Realizing it will be invaded sooner or later, Japan joins America in what has become East and West. Having built up its own navy to the point where it once was, it begins to blockade the Eastern coast of Asia and Vietnam which entered on the side of NK. Slowly, this starts to weaken NK as its waters slowly shrink in around it.
The war drags on for years at a stalemate until there is an election in the US. The new president decides it is his duty to end the war and thus presses, "The Big Red Button." more than half of America's nuclear arsenal is launched into the air and without proper defense against it, her enemies are not what one could call lucky... UK follows the US in another barrage as does Israel until hundreds of H-Bombs are in the air. Within minutes, the missiles hit their marks. Every major city in Asia aside from Hong Kong is turned into radioactive glass.
Seeing no point in continuing on the losing side, China switches sides and begins the attack against NK. Furious, Iran launches more nukes at China who is at this point too weakened to do much of anything. Though little was accomplished, one major ally of the East was eliminated. Without China in its way, India quickly pushes through from the south and into Pakistan and then into Iran. With extreme pressure on both sides, Iran begins to shrink up towards Russia.
Unfortunately for them, after America's nuclear strike, Moscow, Stalingrad, and Leningrad no longer exist. Without proper organization, Russia too, begins to shrink as it is pressed from below. Eventually, Japan and Australia win enough naval battles to get to the K peninsula and start fighting on land.
Finally running out of nukes, NK is forced to fall back to its original size. The American Navy uses its carriers to smash the country further into submission with air raids.
(You can guess the rest...)
Eventually its over, fifty cities are glass, and a few million people are dead. Nothing was gained, but NK, Russia, and Iran are shrunken severely if not dissolved altogether.

In other words, a waste of life...

6,800 posts

Today, believe it or not, we actually do have the technology to stop an atomic bomb. I love the Military Channel and one of it's documentaries about the nuclear bomb had stated that the US indeed possesses the strength to stop a Nuclear Bomb with some high tech laser of some sort.

this is a laser mounted in a 747, and takes out IBM, or Intercontinental Ballistic Missle, as as Volt Cruelerz said before. Though the effect of the 747 taking out the nike would be a simmilar experience to the crew of the 747 as to the crew of a Davy Crocket.
(a rocket/bazooka cappale of launching a nucluear warhead 3 miles. Ironically, the blast radius from said war head was 5 miles...)
6,800 posts

i though the starwars program was incomplete and entirely highly improbable...

501 posts

Didn't mean to make it that long, it just turned out that way...

And this is also what would happen with America winning... If the "West" lost, hehehe... Europe would die; North and South America would die; Australia and NZ would die. In otherwords, the entire world would be knocked by five centuries in knowledge but still have the weapons of the 21st century (aka: bad...)

Oh, and random fact of the day, the AK-47 stands for:

Automatic Klaushnicoff 1947

I have no idea how to spell the middle word so I guessed... (that and I don't have Cyrillic keyboard...)

9,821 posts


Kalashnikov, I believe.

But NK is, all in all, a rather pathetic country militarily. They're building nukes when the majority of the country doesn't even have electricity.
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