os=2">(list taken by this) -Love God -Love your neighbors -Do not commit adultery -Do not murder -Do not steal -Do not give false testimony -Honor your father and mother -Hate your father -Hate your mother -Sell everything -Hate your wife -Hate children -Hate brothers -Hate sisters -Hate life itself -Give up everything -Eat Flesh -Drink Blood -Be born again -Your righteousness must surpass that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law Jesus has no idea what the heck he was talking about! You can't reach heaven..
Can you site where in the Bible you found all these? Being born again doesn't mean literally, you know, it means spiritually, in Christ. But since you're too ignorant to understand what Christianity says, I can understand why you wouldn't want to be a part of it. I'm not bahsing atheists with this, as most of them on AG are very intelligent. Just not you.
By the way, that vid is f*cking ridiculous, as they are literalists with the Bible. So when I say site, I mean READ the Bible in its context and interpret it.
Just saying, that video thought we were actually supposed to eat Jesus's flesh and drink his blood. From a literal interpretation, of course the video is ridiculous. I'm not necessarily calling fundamentalists ridiculous, even if I'm one. I'm saying that assuming that disproving fundamentalism will disprove the existence of heaven altogether it ridiculous.
Not all of these things were said to condemn you to Hell if you don't do them. These are the deeds that pull you closer to God. Selling everything isn't necessary, but will help.
Hate you father and mother, and all the rest, probably means hate the bad. You know, hate the sin, not the sinner. And hating life means REALIZING that this life is nothing compared to enternal life (assuming it exists, of course).
I already mentioned being born again above. Anyway, all I'm really saying is that this thread is based off of a lack of interpretation, which is a necessity when reading the Bible.
Mmm... So, you insult someone because they take a book literally, one which doesn't have "Warning, objects in book aren't as they appear", and claim that they don't understand anything Christianity when everything that Christianity is based off of is INTERPRETATION, which, by definition, means that it can be taken different ways, and this person chose to take it literally. Personally, I don't believe in any of it, so you can make whatever claims you want, but don't say someone doesn't understand Christianity because they interpret it a different way than you. That never leads to anything good
but don't say someone doesn't understand Christianity because they interpret it a different way than you.
Well, sorry for not saying before (I probably should've), but MOST Christians don't take everything literally. But you're right, it is one interpretation.
Need a cough drop? Anyway, I know you've studied Catholicism already, but we believe Jesus becomes present even though it will taste like ordinary bread and wine. I won't go much further since Catholicism is only one denomination of Christianity, but the video said that God wouldn't want us to do anything so grotesque. But in the eyes of an atheist, we aren't eating something grotesque, so...
yes you are. Stop contradicting yourself.
I said the video was ridiculous, and the video was not in support of fundamnetalism, but contradicting fundamentalists. The ridiculous part is assuming that fundamnetalists are the only types of Christians. I believe fundamentalists are wrong, not ridiculous.
You're trying to back up your argument by directly contradicting facts about Christianity.
No, I'm showing my interpretation of the passages mentioned. They are facts about a fundamentalist viewpoint of Christianity, but I don't take that standpoint, as well as many other Christians, so it doesn't apply to our depiction of heaven.
Anyway, I apologize to everyone for being unclear in my meanings. All I was trying to communicate was that the video is not proof that heaven is unattainable or doesn't exist. And as I may've said above, I don't think the people are ridiculous. Just as some of you think Christianity is ridiculous but you don't generalize all Christians as ridiculous.
Look, I am a catholic. But you know what? I don't take the bible that literally. I mean, there are some Christians that don't even believe that there is a Hell. Plus, there is confession. I'm willing to bet that over 20% of all Catholics don't believe all of what the bible says. That would be stupid, and if you did, then I would call you a Calvinist.