ForumsWEPRUS board recommends discharging gay National Guard

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Yes, I'm submitting this because I don't see any currently active threads on the issue :P

I'll just leave two statements that probe a little deeper than face value:

a) Exactly what motivates the military's policy here? One must admit that "don't ask, don't tell" is definitely less discriminatory than "search and destroy", but are there any grounds for the military to somehow be run with standards separate from the rest of civilised society?

b) On an individual level regardless of the above, is Choi's position compromised beyond repair? Has he sacrificed his military career for the sake of a political campaign? It would most definitely be construed as an act of defiance against authority and policy.

  • 101 Replies
1,310 posts

Oh yes, and another thing! Anyone who believes that God hates homosexuals, in my opinion, is wrong. God does NOT hate anyone. He loves us all, and created us the way we are. Why would he create something just to hate it? Answer THAT!

You haven't read the bible have you? The Christian & Jewish god has quite a few things that they do not abide. Your opinion that god does not hate homosexuals is irrelevant. It's in the bible, God hates homosexuals, full stop.

Now, basing military protocol & how we treat other human beings off of religion or the bible? Yeah.. that's just.. out there.
4,097 posts

Alright, I'm gonna look a bit odd here with you guys discussing and me just randomly commenting. But oh well, in response to the OP. I think it's a bit ridiculous that no one is allowed to be openly gay. I mean you can be openly straight, so why not openly gay? Sure, it may distract some people, but I don't think it's something that they should be discharged because of.

473 posts

Ahh i found it again!
Alt, i guess we'll leave it at that.
But yea, theres just something inside of me that doesnt like them. Its hard to explain. I mean, i dont gotta like them. I just dont like them.
With the segregation, i thought it would be better if they seperated the gay soldiers from the straight so there would not be any arguements or problems.

With the rights, i really dont care if they get it or not now. Like i said, i believe they are going to get it one day. So, i dont agree with some of the things in this society, and i wont agree with gays. But they can have it cuz it wont affect me.

Thats right that you cant know who is gay or not. But it just scares me to see a guy or a girl liking the same sex. Thats just... well idk, its just unnatural and revolting to me.

But dealing with gay people is different from non believers, for me. I just cant stay near a gay person, who is actually acting gay. I could deal with a person who doesnt believe in god, even though i really disagree with him. But again, its just that they creep the hell out of me.

Like that's an excuse. I know people who are muslim, christian, buddhist, whatever & they accept gay people just fine, because it's none of their buisness & they're not hurting anyone.

Well, as being Muslim i will have a different perspective since homosexuality is strictly against the religion. So, i will have a different perspective.

And thats wierd that Muslims are starting to except homosexuality now. Cuz, homosexualty is against the religion. I dont know how they can do it, but if they can talk to a gay person and to deal with them, if thats what u mean, its ok. If they deal with them, then its ok. Its just me that i cant be around them.

and being anti-gay isn't exactly a major part of any religion, it's just another outlet for hatred.

Nope, it isnt. Islam is a religion of peace, not hate. So if i hate gay people, it is me who is doing wrong also. I just dont like them, u know? I dont have to like them. Which will bring me here.

So you just blindly follow a religion? -.- That doesn't sound very smart to me.

I have never said that i hate gay people. I said that i am disgusted from them and scared of them and dont agree that they are gay. They can have their rights for all i care. Its just that i cant be around them.

It's in the bible, God hates homosexuals, full stop
Idk about the bible, which was modified sometimes so maybe it came out like this, but in the quaran, god loves everybody, even if you dont believe in god or hate him. This includes gay people. God will love them, but they will have to pay, again.

Also, if anybody can answer this question for me, is there a gene for being gay? Cuz, i thought they thought that there was a gay gene but didnt prove it. I just heard this from somewhere.

473 posts

Ahh i found it again!
Alt, i guess we'll leave it at that.
But yea, theres just something inside of me that doesnt like them. Its hard to explain. I mean, i dont gotta like them. I just dont like them.
With the segregation, i thought it would be better if they seperated the gay soldiers from the straight so there would not be any arguements or problems.

With the rights, i really dont care if they get it or not now. Like i said, i believe they are going to get it one day. So, i dont agree with some of the things in this society, and i wont agree with gays. But they can have it cuz it wont affect me.

Thats right that you cant know who is gay or not. But it just scares me to see a guy or a girl liking the same sex. Thats just... well idk, its just unnatural and revolting to me.

But dealing with gay people is different from non believers, for me. I just cant stay near a gay person, who is actually acting gay. I could deal with a person who doesnt believe in god, even though i really disagree with him. But again, its just that they creep the hell out of me.

Like that's an excuse. I know people who are muslim, christian, buddhist, whatever & they accept gay people just fine, because it's none of their buisness & they're not hurting anyone.

Well, as being Muslim i will have a different perspective since homosexuality is strictly against the religion. So, i will have a different perspective.

And thats wierd that Muslims are starting to except homosexuality now. Cuz, homosexualty is against the religion. I dont know how they can do it, but if they can talk to a gay person and to deal with them, if thats what u mean, its ok. If they deal with them, then its ok. Its just me that i cant be around them.

and being anti-gay isn't exactly a major part of any religion, it's just another outlet for hatred.

Nope, it isnt. Islam is a religion of peace, not hate. So if i hate gay people, it is me who is doing wrong also. I just dont like them, u know? I dont have to like them. Which will bring me here.

So you just blindly follow a religion? -.- That doesn't sound very smart to me.

I have never said that i hate gay people. I said that i am disgusted from them and scared of them and dont agree that they are gay. They can have their rights for all i care. Its just that i cant be around them.

It's in the bible, God hates homosexuals, full stop
Idk about the bible, which was modified sometimes so maybe it came out like this, but in the quaran, god loves everybody, even if you dont believe in god or hate him. This includes gay people. God will love them, but they will have to pay, again.

176 posts

@ Kielzani,

I don't want to sound like I hate your religion or that I know more about it than you do, but I see some serious errors in your statement. First, you said that Islam is a religion of peace, not war. That is completely wrong. Almost all religions claim to be religions of peace, but they all lead to hatred, war, and death. The thing is, Islam is the only modern major religion that I've heard of the expressly allows war and violence in its holy book as long as certain rules are followed. Second, you said that in your religion god loves everybody. He claims to in all other religions also, but that doesn't stop him from blasting the living shit out of people when they piss him off.

1,310 posts

Well, as being Muslim i will have a different perspective since homosexuality is strictly against the religion. So, i will have a different perspective.

It's strictly against christianity and judaism too. Funny how people think being kind to one another is more important then following rules in a book written oh so long a time ago. Well, some of them anyway; there's still a lot of them who think like you do.

Idk about the bible, which was modified sometimes so maybe it came out like this, but in the quaran, god loves everybody, even if you dont believe in god or hate him. This includes gay people. God will love them, but they will have to pay, again.

No, the various translations of the bible all wind up saying the same thing about homosexuality. This is the part I can't understand about you though. So, if god loves everyone, even gay people - then why do you dislike them? Isn't that contrary to your own faith and teachings? If they have to pay in some afterlife, then that will be their own ordeal; in the meantime, don't you think it would be better to be nice to someone & treat them as equals while they're still here & *not* paying for that? After all, god loves them.
310 posts

I mean you can be openly straight, so why not openly gay?

Lol I said alomost exactly the same thing at one point. I agree that it doesn't make sense though. More than 10,000 soldiers have been discharged for being openly gay. That's more than 10,000 people willing to risk thier lives to protect America that can't because of thier sexual preferences. It just seems like a waste of valuable resources to me.
152 posts

Why are we wasting willing soldiers just because of gayness. don't we have a recruiting problem?

9,821 posts

Nope, it isnt. Islam is a religion of peace, not hate.

There's almost no such thing as a religion of peace. Islam hates, Christianity hates, Judaism hates. It's a part of theistic religion. Don't try to differentiate Islam, because it's similar enough to share that.
69 posts

You haven't read the bible have you? The Christian & Jewish god has quite a few things that they do not abide. Your opinion that god does not hate homosexuals is irrelevant. It's in the bible, God hates homosexuals, full stop.

I have read the bible, but I do not follow it blindly. It was written by the accountings of men, and that does not mean it to be exactly true. I don't believe in God hating anyone. I do not worship a hateful God...
1,310 posts

I have read the bible, but I do not follow it blindly. It was written by the accountings of men, and that does not mean it to be exactly true. I don't believe in God hating anyone. I do not worship a hateful God...

And you pick which things are true in the bible... how? I mean, if you can doubt one section of it, doesn't that put the rest of it into question? It's not as though it comes with footnotes to say "These parts might not be true."

That wasn't really me asking. More... pointing out.
2,492 posts

Just because you have a cherry, does that mean you eat the pit/seed?

473 posts

I don't want to sound like I hate your religion or that I know more about it than you do, but I see some serious errors in your statement. First, you said that Islam is a religion of peace, not war. That is completely wrong. Almost all religions claim to be religions of peace, but they all lead to hatred, war, and death. The thing is, Islam is the only modern major religion that I've heard of the expressly allows war and violence in its holy book as long as certain rules are followed. Second, you said that in your religion god loves everybody. He claims to in all other religions also, but that doesn't stop him from blasting the living **** out of people when they piss him off.

Whoa... Ok this is now gonna go into the religion part of it. First off, i didnt say its not a religion of war, but hate. cuz surely u do not think that these religions are teaching hate and war are you? And the thing about islam allows war, they only are allowed to make war unless being attacked or invaded. And with the last part, how do u not know it is not the people who are hurting others? But yea, he punishes people if he doesnt think that they are doing right, but since they are his creation, he will love them

If your gonna respond, respond somewhere else in another topic cuz i dont think this is a place where this should be talked. If you have a responce, just tell me on my page.

It's strictly against christianity and judaism too. Funny how people think being kind to one another is more important then following rules in a book written oh so long a time ago. Well, some of them anyway; there's still a lot of them who think like you do.

Hey, i think that following God is more important to me than anything. I know that you are gonna completely disagree with that, but yes i do, but treating someone with respect is part of my religion too. and im not saying that im gonna hate gay people, i say that i dont like em and try to stay away from them.

No, the various translations of the bible all wind up saying the same thing about homosexuality. This is the part I can't understand about you though. So, if god loves everyone, even gay people - then why do you dislike them? Isn't that contrary to your own faith and teachings? If they have to pay in some afterlife, then that will be their own ordeal; in the meantime, don't you think it would be better to be nice to someone & treat them as equals while they're still here & *not* paying for that? After all, god loves them.

God loves them, yes, so i wont hurt them and i'll see them as equals since we all came from god (thats what i believe in). But, of coarse, we are humans and human beings like and dont like, and sometimes hate (which is wrong) , im sure you dont like people, even though u dont believe in a god. (im assuming). But i dont hate them, i just dont like them. Do i have to like them? Only god loves everybody cuz hes god. And thats what i believe in. Yes, i will try to respect a gay person, but i will try to aviod them (if i can.)

There's almost no such thing as a religion of peace. Islam hates, Christianity hates, Judaism hates. It's a part of theistic religion. Don't try to differentiate Islam, because it's similar enough to share that.

Huh? All i said was that Islam is a religion of peace, meaning that it teaches peace since "Islam" actually means peace. Cuz, u dont believe that Islam teaches violence, right? And maybe u think that some "islamic" people hates, if thats what u mean. And yea some do, but they are also part of the wrong doers and hypocrites. But, u know that Islam doesnt teach hate, right? And i never tryed to differentiate islam...

All i said was that being anti gay isnt part of our religion and since it is completely against our religion to hate, it will be against me to hate. So.... yea.

310 posts

Thank you for pointing out that the whole religious debate is totally off topic here. I do have to say though that I knew Islam is a religion of peace it's just "fundemantalists" and extremeist that make it appear not to be.

There's almost no such thing as a religion of peace. Islam hates, Christianity hates, Judaism hates. It's a part of theistic religion. Don't try to differentiate Islam, because it's similar enough to share that.

Not accepting something and hating something are not nessecarily the same thing.

Back to the topic at hand though...I'll quote myself here...
More than 10,000 soldiers have been discharged for being openly gay. That's more than 10,000 people willing to risk thier lives to protect America that can't because of thier sexual preferences. It just seems like a waste of valuable resources to me.

Anyone agree? Disagree? Or does everyone wish to continue debating what religious opinions on homosexuality are?
2,492 posts

I agree. They keep recruiting and recruiting, then they turn them away because they're gay. Make sense? No.

Thank god I don't live in the USA (cough, North Korea)

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