ForumsWEPR[necro]How could people believe in god?!

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662 posts

Do you believe in god?! I dont believe in him!!! Please could you explain me how people could believe in god?!

  • 636 Replies
489 posts


just shut up and don't talk about peoples religion like it's nothing.
because it is something to other people. like me, I believe in god strongly and for u to say that we are just a bunch of crazy people, is just sickening.

And wow most of these dumb kids don't know what they are talking about. have u ever read one chapter of the bible or anything? I bet u haven't, So It's just like the saying don't judge a book by it's cover. all of you don't think someone made you? ( or most of you )
What did? dirt? A tree? how did the universe suddenly appear? hmmm wow? a big bang? thats what you say..

What causes a big bang exactly? u don't know anything so shut your mouth about other peoples religion. if you wanna say things, just don't keep it to yourself.

1,562 posts

Although DiGiorno's post is rather... angry... I'd have to say that he DOES have a point in that it is rude to just dismiss something that someone strongly believes in as nothing.

No one likes to have their strong beliefs belittled right in front of them.

1,633 posts

and science does not explain any thing
because cell and ambas like magic form into bigger cells and into us yea give me some proof of that that i cannot dini pathetic. I'm not going to bother with this. By the way; you are making yourself and the side in which you support look bad. Also talk in English please. these are basic debate pointers.


Don't be flamin man! Chill out. You sure are getting pissed of by some crap little kids.

And wow most of these dumb kids don't know what they are talking about. have u ever read one chapter of the bible or anything? I bet u haven't, So It's just like the saying don't judge a book by it's cover. all of you don't think someone made you? ( or most of you )

I for one WAS a Christian up in till about the age of about 12.
I have read it and by all means has a message that is positive. I mean it tells you that you shouldn't eat too much or have sex to much etc. i guess a large majority of the Atheist population were ex-Christians or former Jews or something. To answer your last sentence..Umm...ever heard of sex? Despite how disgusting as it sounds, your parents had sex and you became a fertile zygote. Hurray!!

What causes a big bang exactly? u don't know anything so shut your mouth about other peoples religion. if you wanna say things, just don't keep it to yourself.

To answer your question: The Big Bang is when all the matter in the Universe/Multivesre is compressed into a very small atomic space. Due to the INSANE energy levels in it, it causes it to explode thus creating the universe in which we live in. There are two Cosmology theories present:1. The universe keeps expanding or 2. The Big Crunch occurs and the cycle of bangs and crunches repeat for infinity. Or at least that's how I understand it.

For the last part of your statement: THIS IS A DEBATE!! In a debate you are allowed to express your opinion in a civilized manner, and not just: GoD ExIstS NoObs! YoU aRe a ReTaRD!!
BigP08 is really the only good debater in favor of Christianity. If you are going to Debate use the proper form.
945 posts

The reason people don't believe in god, is because there is nothing to show that he exists. People buy into religion because they can not find answere for themselves, they fear death, and religion offers hope. There are a LOT of people who NEED religion because they have no morals. If you need an all watching all powerful beeing constently judging your actions, then there is something wrong with you.

671 posts


just shut up and don't talk about peoples religion like it's nothing.
because it is something to other people. like me, I believe in god strongly and for u to say that we are just a bunch of crazy people, is just sickening.

And wow most of these dumb kids don't know what they are talking about. have u ever read one chapter of the bible or anything? I bet u haven't, So It's just like the saying don't judge a book by it's cover. all of you don't think someone made you? ( or most of you )
What did? dirt? A tree? how did the universe suddenly appear? hmmm wow? a big bang? thats what you say..

What causes a big bang exactly? u don't know anything so shut your mouth about other peoples religion. if you wanna say things, just don't keep it to yourself.

Stand back guys, it's like the debating equivilant of a wrecking ball. As if anybody could contest this...
662 posts

The reason people don't believe in god, is because there is nothing to show that he exists. People buy into religion because they can not find answere for themselves, they fear death, and religion offers hope. There are a LOT of people who NEED religion because they have no morals. If you need an all watching all powerful beeing constently judging your actions, then there is something wrong with you.

True words!!!
2,399 posts

The reason people don't believe in god, is because there is nothing to show that he exists. People buy into religion because they can not find answere for themselves, they fear death, and religion offers hope. There are a LOT of people who NEED religion because they have no morals. If you need an all watching all powerful beeing constently judging your actions, then there is something wrong with you

You are my new best friend. Agreed.
9,821 posts

iThe fact is because we don't know where the dense mass that was there before the big bang came from

. . .but according to what I said, it wouldn't have to have an origin.

Time and space are linked, right? Relativity? Well, if all space was condensed there, then it would not have to have an origin because our methods of time and causation would be inapplicable, and therefore would not apply - since there wouldn't be any time outside of the point, principles of time i.e. origin or end would not apply. This is something that also somewhat supports the existence of a god in conjunction with the Big Bang - this being would have to have no beginning because there's no time, right?
840 posts

because they are too lazy to believe in anything else. and besides if you think someone else will take care of your things and save you, why wouldnt you believe

1,081 posts

Before i start i will go ahead and say that i do believe in god...I am a christian...and I realize there is aboslutly no real way to prove that god exists...but then there an way at all to prove that anything else is real? people attempt to predict that the universe was created by a speck of matter...i won't go into details because we all know about the big bang theory. in fact, my 4th cousin, robert woodrow wilson, was a part of the forming of the theory. But i've always wondered something that i've never heard asked...where did the speck come from? how did it get there? and where did the space for space come from? no one has ever been able to explain this to me. the same questions have been asked about god...where did he come from? how did he get there? did someone create him? if so, who was the creator's creator?

I would like to return the question of the thread with a question of my own...
How could people believe that the earth, moon, sun, stars, planets, and galexies...we formed by a speck of matter?

neither side has a perfect explaination for how the universe came to be.
The only proof i have that god is real is the bible, and the knowing that my life really did get better after i started believing in god. though i understand it's not good proof, I find it better than the explanations for the big bang. the evidence for that is that the universe has a curve to it and it is actually expanding. that can be explaned from a christian point of view. god is still building his universe.

I'd like to make it clear that the flaming and crap over religion and science and athiests and's all a load of bull crap. neither side ever seems to be able to prove to the other that they are right. athiests get irritated when christians talk to them about god...christians get irritated when athiests return with snobby remarks...

I found this in the comments under a youtube video of a guy beating a song in guitar hero with 100%:

One guy put:
"WOW! god must be at work here!"

A guy(appearantly atheist) replied:
"That which does not exist, can not do work."

This irritates the heck out of me. this may seem unfair to athiests...but the reality is... Christians have a right to share their beliefs with whoever they want. Athiests have the right to express their ideas to people...but when they attack god or christianity...that's just wrong...and really, when athiests start attacking christianity or other religions, and try to get people to see things their way...that's the point where atheism becomes it's own religion.
anyway, I fail to see why some people that don't believe in god try to get others to not believe in him. I can see the part where they might think they are doing som good for other people...I saw this on the side of a bus one was a poster that read:

"There is no God, so stop worrying, and enjoy your life."

the part that get's me is the fact that they view being christian as a burden. if i found out there was no god, I wouldn't be like, "OH! what a relief!" I would be totally crushed...I would say, "Man...bummer...i was so happy when i heard about god, i was so happy, that there was someone that loved me and when i died he would let me into his home and it would be the awesomest place ever...and now it's all gone..."
I know i've kinda gotten off track but I'd like to cover one other issue...
Some atheists get angry when christian try to tell them about christianity...but, christian share their faith because we love all of them.
think about it through the eyes of a christian... That man does not believe in God...when he dies and if i'm right about god...he'll go to hell...He will go to the most miserable place for all of time...I've got to do something...I've got to try to get him to believe in gGod so that he won't have to suffer.

Pen, from the magic/comedy group pen and teller(i probably spelled that wrong), an athiest, was handed a bible by a fan after a show. the man that gave it to him said somethig like, "Listen, I really want you to look through this, I know you're an athiest, but I don't want you to go to hell." Shortly after he commented..."how much do you have to hate a guy to NOT share your christan beliefs with him?"

well...i think i'm done...sorry this was so long and partially off topic know, I try!

840 posts

you know christianity is not the only religion. there is hinduism, buddhism, jewish and a lot of others. your answer mainly implies on chritians because you are one. thus, it cannot be true

489 posts

umm it can be true. but you just don't believe in it.
Christianity is the only thing i believe in because god has never let me down. I would pray for my dad to come back when I was 8-10 and guess what he came back when i was 11. I prayered for a better life and a nicer step dad. and I got it.

I always say. Don't believe in a lot of things, because when all of the things that u believe in fail you. then u have nothing else to believe in.

1,081 posts

you know christianity is not the only religion. there is hinduism, buddhism, jewish and a lot of others. your answer mainly implies on chritians because you are one. thus, it cannot be true.

That was a rather incompetent statement. Are you discarding my statements just because i'm christian? You do understand that what you said in that statement was basically that christianity is completey incorrect and therefore not worth listening to. That was a very ignorant statement. You say that because i am christian my views are christian and therefore cannot be true. That is one of the most close-minded statements i ave heard on this thread.
1,081 posts

I always say. Don't believe in a lot of things, because when all of the things that u believe in fail you. then u have nothing else to believe in.

I fail to see how not believeing in anything from the beginning prevents you from not believing in anything in the end.
332 posts

where did the speck come from? how did it get there? and where did the space for space come from?

I often wonder this, but in response my only answer is that its an element of the universe we can never be 100% certain about. I heard one good theory, about the non-existence of time and space and that it was truly a random beginning, simply a tiny speck of matter popping into existence, but that requires leaving behind any prior knowledge of how the universe seems to function. We get stuck on the "Something has to come before in order for it to exist", but if you think about it, if that were true we couldn't exist, by any theory, religious or otherwise. At some point, there had to be a beginning that came from nothing, whether God or not, and so the same holes in religious theory's exist in almost every single other reasonable theory in existence.

How could people believe that the earth, moon, sun, stars, planets, and galexies...we formed by a speck of matter?

I don't believe in the big bang with complete certainty, but I accept it as the most valid theory today, and the closest we've come to explaining the universe. Within a few hundred years its likely that it'll be disproved, just like most theory's before it, but for now I do place some belief in it.

but when they attack god or christianity...that's just wrong...and really, when athiests start attacking christianity or other religions, and try to get people to see things their way

You may see the negative side of some Atheists, but on the other hand you'll find plenty of religious groups bashing Atheists. The fact that we're mentioned in the bible, with non-believers going to hell drags Atheists, Agnostics, or any other religion into Christianity, and because of that there is going to be flaming on both sides. Often Christians are much more forward about their beliefs, and with people always giving credit to God, its hard to resist a posting a comment like that. If anything extraordinary you do is automatically given as something God did, wouldn't at some point you get annoyed if you don't believe in a God?

god is still building his universe.

What would Gods aim be to building a universe? I see no reason for a God to want to create uninhabitable planets and galaxy's, unless you put human characteristics upon him like boredom or curiosity, which would in fact imply he is not a God figure, merely a being with extreme powers.

That man does not believe in God...when he dies and if i'm right about god...he'll go to hell...He will go to the most miserable place for all of time...I've got to do something...I've got to try to get him to believe in gGod so that he won't have to suffer.

Which is a contradiction of God being loving and forgiving. A loving person does not only help those who believe in him, but why would he cast anyone into hell for what he would see as ignorance? Punishing people for extreme sins perhaps, but does someone really deserve to be punished when religion is past on more through family's than actual personal belief these days, and someone believing in the wrong form of religion has really done nothing wrong? Even within Christianity there are different branches, is only one of these right and the rest are going to be punished for believing in a slightly different version? I can accept that some people might try and convert because of caring, but I know plenty of people who are Christian yet hate Atheists for no apparent reason other than they don't believe in the same thing as them, I've experienced that first hand. Often the "trying to help them" reason doesn't make sense, when you wouldn't try to convert a Buddhist or Islamic person.

anyway, I fail to see why some people that don't believe in god try to get others to not believe in him. I can see the part where they might think they are doing som good for other people

Honestly, I don't try to make people stop believing in God. Although I disagree with Christianity, people have their own beliefs, all I do is try to represent mine, and when people place their entire life in believing in a God, I see more harm than good usually. Still, I try to counter points about Christianity being real because I enjoy discussions like these, even if they do devolve to flaming most of the time, I usually get a few good posts of conversation before someone comes along and posts "GOD IS REAL SHUT UP" like whats happening here.

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