ForumsWEPR[necro]How could people believe in god?!

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Do you believe in god?! I dont believe in him!!! Please could you explain me how people could believe in god?!

  • 636 Replies
1,081 posts

but for now I do place some belief in it.

Right, and it's because it's the best you have. That's how christians feel. We can't prove it, and we won't know if we were right or wrong until after death. But God's the best we've got.

If anything extraordinary you do is automatically given as something God did, wouldn't at some point you get annoyed if you don't believe in a God?

I won't pretend like christians and believers of other religions are perfect...because we aren't...none of us are. it's our differences we have to deal with. christians praise god because we would have been unable to do those things if god had not created us. that irritates athiests. and i apologize for things like that, but it does work both ways Athiests do things that are offensive to some christions(cussing is a prime example). once again it's our differences that we simply must live with.

What would Gods aim be to building a universe?

I won't pretend like I know what he would do. He is who he is will do what he does. I can't act like i know because no one knows. It just circles back to the big question that people will always ask and rarely get an answer to: Why?
Which is a contradiction of God being loving and forgiving. A loving person does not only help those who believe in him, but why would he cast anyone into hell for what he would see as ignorance?

It's not ignorance. If athiests didn't know about god, then they would not be athiests. Athiests are people who reject the idea of god. if you were an all powerful being, what would you do if there was a group of people that knew you but rejected you?

Although I disagree with Christianity, people have their own beliefs, all I do is try to represent mine

Then 50% of my arguement didn't apply to you. i just dislike the atheists that go above and beyond and are determined to crush christians through whatever way possible. I'm not derecting this at atheists in general, I have friends that are atheists, I just can't stand the ones that tell me what to do. though that's partially because I'm simply christian and partially because I have always been a slightly rebellious person.
840 posts

wartank, i think you just have a problem with people who dont believe. what i said was that your statement were mostly based on christianity and i was reminding you that it isnt the only religion. and btw, you have issues with everyone.

4,536 posts

I used to be Agnostic... more recently I was invited to a bible camp. I was Agnostic at the time, so I thought, "Hey, camp is awesome, and I respect Christianity. Learning about it will just be a plus."

By the end of the week, I had experienced a spiritual awakening of sorts. I now choose to be a Christian and am considering Baptism soon.

Enough of my life's story, I was rather surprised when I came upon this thread... I'm not exactly an evangelist Christian, I'm not here to force my beliefs on anybody. But I will say that even we can't be sure about anything. God is a way to give us hope... He is the esscence within everything. While I, personally, believe in him, I'm sad to say I don't have any proof. Nobody has solid proof that there is a god. If we're wrong, then, well... That sucks for us. If we're not, then hey, good for us. Perhaps Agnostics are best off if there is an afterlife. If they respect every religion , to some extent, then who's to say exactly what happens to them?

Anyway, I choose to believe in Jesus because he gives me that shred of hope.

*This is my first genuine... I guess one can't call it an argument. Still, I rarely visit this section, and for that matter, try to put up a good argument. So please ecuse me if this is a failure of a post.

1,081 posts

wartank, i think you just have a problem with people who dont believe. what i said was that your statement were mostly based on christianity and i was reminding you that it isnt the only religion. and btw, you have issues with everyone.

you're entitled to your opinion but that is not what you said in your earlier statement. I understand that christianity isn't the only religion, but it's the main one, and it just so happens to be MY religion, and I intend to represent it. But you are correct, I do have a problem with those that don't believe. My problem is that those people may be going to hell, and i want to prevent that. you may call it hate but i call itcaring.

PS i don't have an issue with everyone, just most of those that disagree with me...that would be you, sonam.
1,532 posts

By the end of the week, I had experienced a spiritual awakening of sorts. I now choose to be a Christian and am considering Baptism soon.

Hey good for you

Perhaps Agnostics are best off if there is an afterlife.

If your coming from a religious view, then no they arent
4,536 posts

If your coming from a religious view, then no they arent

Actually, it's more of a... Neutral view I guess.

Again, I'm new at this whole "arguing" thing.
1,081 posts

If your coming from a religious view, then no they arent

yeah, you may actually be worse off...being a nominal everything will leave you with nothing in the end.
840 posts

@ wartank, actually christianity doesnt happen to be the main religion. yeah and please dont try to save me from going to *makes a bored face* hell

1,081 posts

*pities sonam* aight whatever. i gtg to the dentist in 10 minutes. have a nice day everyone!

473 posts

Let me start again here:

Well, wartank, i couldnt agree less than what u have said over the past few pages, we cant exactly prove there is a god, but again, i just have to believe that their is a god because of the hope and logic in my mind. Its like something is there, inviting you to believe and with all the miracles shown, i have to.

Now, like all of you had said, the spec that seemed to create the whole world must have came from somewhere. And if the "big bang" did happen, then that is what i believe when god created the Universe. well thats what i think.

Right now, some of you guys know, but I am Muslim. And, as being Islamic, i read the Quaran. Since my mother was Catholic before, I have also read the Bible. I must say it is very alike. It teaches to believe in God, to do only the righteous deeds, to hustle every day, and so on. There are some stuff that i dont agree with in the Bible, but thats another issue.

And like i said wartank, i agree with you on this topic. But there is something in my mind that justifies that god really does exist (for me).

Why is the universe so dam perfect?

I mean, why is it? Why is it that the earth is the only planet to have life on it? But why is it that humans are here and that everything on the planet can sooth our needs? That the earth is balanced perfectly on its axis so that we can live on. Why is it that there is a sun which helps us grow the plants we need to survive, and also help the animals survive so we the humans can get our nutrients from? How is it that all our nutrients are in one planet? Why is it that there is water, a main part for us to live, here? It is so perfect to match our needs too. All natural food and water, not artificial, would let us live also. And why is it that us, the humans, have an internal system that works so perfectly that keeps us going? Why do we have a brain to think and to learn. Why do we have DNA, which is composed of something like codes, that look so much like a computer which is constructed which gives us all different looks? Then, when we die, or if anything dies, it decomposes into the ground to be once again with the earth and provide for the future. And why do we have a soul? Something that expresses emotion such as love, sadness, and happiness?

All of these questions popped in my mind while one time i was questioning the existance of God. And the answer to that, combined with the fact the Holy books are here (Quaran, Bible, Torah) and the hope it gives me and just the things he provides for us is too much. (also there is a lot of science in the holy books just saying). In my mind, there is no way this all happened in a coincidence.

In suggestion, if an Athiest truly believes that there is no God, i say challenge yourself. Challenge yourself to see another side to this. Read. Read the Quran, Bible, Torah and seek the highly educated from these religions, and talk to them and maybe even debate this. And find videos about people preaching the word of God.

With the miricles, God doesnt hand out miricles like its nothing. He may install belief in people, but his only provable miracle, to me, is the Quran. But, to me, God works in a mysterious way that i no one will know what he does. Maybe some the things that people say are miricles are coincidences, but maybe some things people say are coincidences are really miricles....

And finally:

Einstein uses the word 'god', but he doesn't mean god in the way that you think of god.

Doesnt Einstein admit that there is an actual creator? Thats what im trying to prove. Cuz, he says that he isnt an athiest. He may not believe in God the way i do, but he admitted that there is a creator. If he didnt then im sorry....

But again, the definate answer to this thread is death.

1,081 posts

But again, the definate answer to this thread is death.

haha, life's biggest mystery. Is there really a wizard of oz? or just another man behind the curtain? and no one will ever be able to share the answer with anyone else once they know.
1,523 posts

How could people not believe in God? Where did the very first think start? There is no explanation, and God is the only answer we have so far.

338 posts

How could people not believe in God? Where did the very first think start? There is no explanation, and God is the only answer we have so far.
338 posts

sorry about the above post maybe mods could delete it.

How could people not believe in God? Where did the very first think start? There is no explanation, and God is the only answer we have so far.

there is also the i dont know but we may know some day explanation.
1,633 posts

How could people not believe in God? Where did the very first think start? There is no explanation, and God is the only answer we have so far.

Already been there. This is a endless circle of this:
believer:god exists
athiest:no because you can't prove god exists
believer: how were we created then?
athiest:big bang
believer: big bang is flawed and god exists.

and the cycle repeats its self. look back a few pages to answer your question.
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