For many years the neighbors to the south have faced political turmoil and corruption, with drug wars spilling into the streets of major cities.
Poor, uneducated mexicans and their families cross the border from an unauthorized zone. They will climb mountains, cross rivers, and run from the authorities to make it into the US.
Of course, once they're in they have no money or job. So what do they do? They move into poor communities. They get menial jobs, ones that college students attempt to get. They force teenagers looking for work to quit as they accept lower wages.
Many times, illegals will rape, murder, steal and trade drugs in utter disregard for the rule of the law. They put their undisciplined children into our schools, where they will cause trouble as they have zero interest to learn.
Whose going to take care of them when a crime happens? When they go to jail? When they go to court? When they are hurt? Who pays for their attorneys, their medical bills or their protection when they will break the law at will?
We, the American citizens do. In many states, they get full benefits of citizenship without the extra responsibilities and without paperwork calling them a citizen.
I pay my taxes, I vote, I work hard to put food on the table and keep a roof over my head. Why should my job be stolen from someone who illegally entered this country? Why should my hard-earned money be given to someone who breaks the law?
The constitution says we must guarantee the rights of citizens, not illegals.
And you claim not to be a troll? This is the most bigoted thread I have ever seen to this date.
Bigoted, yes, but I also have a problem with illegal immigrants. Whenever there is a restaurant and it has a Mexican employee THAT CAN'T SPEAK ENGLISH, that makes me so mad. Why? Because meanwhile in school, WE have to learn how to speak Spanish. That's BS, if they want a job, then learn some English dammit!
They are also taking jobs away from Americans, and I don't care how low paying these jobs are, still, there is probably an American who needs that job too.
Oh ya, I forgot something. Imma add to Samoas post. Why do we honestly need to have spanish classes? Because illegals are taking our jobs, and we need to keep up with THEM. Is that right? No, it's not. For EVERYTHING, there is a second to it in spanish. They don't need to learn our language, because they aren't needing to. I remember a time I was in a piece of crap wal-mart in south Phoenix were the signs were in spanish first, than english. That ain't right.
But people actually have this view so it's valid for discussion.
The way I see it is that if they treated illegal immigration the same way drugs are treated here it would be very beneficial. I mean that in the sense that possession of them is illegal and dealing them is illegal but you can still get legal help if you're addicted. I think that illegal immigrants should have somewhere to go to report if they are being under paid without fear of being deported. Then when employers are forced to pay equal wages there is no reason to hire illegal immigrants and then in time there would be a minimised issue with illegal immigrants.
though i don't believe all that you said i do believe that a large concrete wall across the border will help and if they get past that and are found they should have the option of deportation or 10 years in the army or marines
Funnily enough, this was the subject of my 8th grade social studies paper. I got a D- on it and a long talk with our school counsilor to make sure I wasn't a racist...given that I'm 30, that was a long time ago...
I agree that we need to do something. Not only are the illegals clogging up our justice system, they're clogging up our health care system badly...hop across the border and drop a kid, and the kid is automatically a US Citizen entitled to all protections...including welfare money. Don't think they don't plan it that way. I have to say that I feel for them and their situations, but honestly, fix your own country, stop trying to take over ours.
Well...the government must do something that can at least keep the flow of illegal immigrants out from the countyr, though a barrier would firstly be massively unfeasible, given the terrain, length of the border, cost and time. Plus, it'll hurt Mexican-US relations.
'Hi there! I'mma gonna slap my big wall over here so your workers can't get over to steal our jobs!' ;3
The problem with building a wall, is when it meats the oceans. You cant build a wall in water, so any mexican who wants to get into t he us just has to go for a short swim. Frankly, It would be easier just to increase the amount of boarder police patroling, give them more funds, and better equipment.