I my self am a proud veg and im a guy i dont see any thing wrong with that, however my peers constantly put me down for it. I question others about it and some say that animals are kiled to keep the population under control, then shouldnt we do that to humans? are there any other vegetarians on armor? if you are a caravor responding to this please try not to be insultive i get enough from my freinds and family
I didn't meant to set this up to debate (I apologize if it came across like that) I set this up to see if there were any other herbivores on armor as well as explain the idea to people who were interested!
Don't you think that would've been importent to metion before we got to 43 pages of argument? It's also very simple to see what the idea of a herbivore or vegitarion is: A guy who dosen't eat meat for all those you don't know by now.
Well I came here at about page 20 or so. So I came in deirectly during an argument and picked up from there. Sorry for arguing on a non-argument thread.
Is it eating meat that's wrong, or just killing animals? What if I just eat animals that have died from natural causes? What if I take really good care of animals and then eat them? Also, what if I eat humans? What is the maxim by which you are operating, skipper?
No it is more of the killings and if one owned a cow who died naturally then that is perfectly fine its the slaughter and Moegreche I would acutely support you if you decided to eat human and I would join you I dont like humans just animals really I think its because i had a horrible childhood and turned to animals as friends.
wat the hell! kill other humans just to control our population? surely you don't think that right..do u skipper? even though i dont beleive in cloning, pretty soon people will pretty soon clone animals to eat... if that makes u feel any better
no they dont not to eat that is total bs really they make the old fashion milkshakes and distribute them forcefully and Yea it would be a good idea there are some useless humans out there (I am now currently useless but I will become of little value [for the animals]).