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785 posts

Many people thing Islam because of the events surrounding 9/11. But actually Islam is the right religion. The Prophet (peace be upon him) told us to be kind to each other, to respect our parents, and too worship the one and only lord Allah the most gracious, the most merciful. There will be a day, the day of judgment were we will stand before our lord and be judged by our deeds. To be a Muslim you must do the five pillars of islam.
1.Ashahadah (Believing Allah is the one and only lord and Muhammad is his messenger)
2.Salat(5 daily prayers, Dawn,Noon,Afternoon,Evening,Dusk
3.Zakat(Charity 2.5% of ones wealth)
4.Hajj (pilgrimage to mekkah at least once in your life if healthy and wealthy)
5.Fasting(Restricting food and water for a whole day in the month of ramadan)
Also you must read the quran the words of Allah.(Like the Bible)

  • 98 Replies
1,416 posts


Saying Islam is wrong, because your religion is right is not a valid argument. I am a Christian myself, but saying something is wrong because the Bible says so is not an acceptable argument.

49 posts

its goin kinda off-topic...
lets go back to islam...

me being a muslim have to admit that muslims have not being on their best "behaviour" these days... killing and suicidal missions should stop...
but the others should stop messin around also
its like they want some maniacs kill people
example usa made the book "the holy Furqan" which they are issuing to school kids and the content is not correct - according to islam
(note Furqan is an alternate name to quran)
this book can be purchased from and you might be interested in google'ing it

70 posts

My original post used the context of Christianity to prove that Islam is a false religion. I'm not saying that we use all of the same texts, obviously you would not sure the New Testament because it has to do with the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But I was using segments of the Old Testament, which is shared between the three religions (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism) to take something which Muslims would use in their religion and show them that they are putting their faith in the wrong things. To answer your question as to why Jesus had to die on the cross. When Jesus died on the cross, he was taking our sins onto him. So rather than literally "forgiving" of our sins, rather he is taking them onto himself. And his death on the cross was penance for all of us, and all of our sins. His death was not to start a religion, it was to forgive us because he loves us. Jesus died for his enemies, so that all who believe in him may be granted access to Heaven. And I'm sorry that your offended by my implications. What would you like me to say? The basic premise of Christianity is faith in Jesus, how can I say that "everybody goes Heaven!" when it goes against the basic premise of my faith.

11 posts

Well, like I said earlier, I don't know much about Christianity. But my interpretation of what your saying is somewhat like this: God is caring and forgiving, and if we don't accept Jesus as our savior, we will go to hell. Sorry, but that's my interpretation. I'm also missing your reasoning about why Islam is a false religion. I could technically say that Christianity is Heresy, because of the worship of a false Idol, which God told us not to worship. So I could say that Christianity is fake, while only Jews and Muslims can go to heaven.

44 posts

MUSLAMS RULE allahu ekper(i think thats how you spell it)

60 posts

Three who believe in the same God, yet each fights with the other (and itself) over whose faith is most true. Each was born in differing circumstances:

Judaism focuses most upon the community and how those in it should relate to each other.

Chirstianity focuses most upon teaching and the forgiveness of others' mistakes

Islam focuses most upon one's duty to serve God and the defense of one's beliefs.

Yet, each shares one thing in common: "Listen to the word of God." To me, the Word lies not in the texts penned by men (even if they were under Divine influence), but in acting upon what is written.

This "family squabble" appears to be about:
1) How best to serve and worship God
2) What God truly wants out of His greatest (and most terrible) creations, if anything at all
3)whose is the "true" faith

Here's how I feel about each point:
1) "To each their own way." Every style of worship has its good and bad areas, but to trying to figure out whose is "best" is a fool's errand.

2) The will of God is not for (most) humans to know, and to find out would shatter the collective minds of all creeds.

3)To have faith [in God] is enough. Enough said.

It is ironic that the question of God fragments us rather than bring us together. I pray that we find a solution that doesn't involve killing or insulting each other.

100 posts

dosnt it also say to kill infedels? or non-muslims

2,662 posts

Islam is a backwards religion. It needs to modernise otherwise it has no place in modern society especially western society. It sickens me that soldiers arent allowed to wear their uniforms in this country because it might offend 'some people'. Something needs to change. If the minority in the UK doesn't lke something they don't have the right to change it for the majority. I mean in America it's not as bad as you are a citizen first but i mean in the UK 50% of muslims 'sympathised with the terrorists' who blew up the buses. That just isn't right and neither is their stupid intolerant sexist backwards religion. If Islamic law was followed to the letter thhe world would be in the middle ages.

242 posts

WildStriker404 makes a good point that a lot of religious wars boil down to "You don't believe in our god the right way!". Which I agree, is pretty silly.

@Eric_Cartman: I think (and I may be wrong; I'll let a Muslim correct me) that heretics should be killed, but any of the &quoteople of the book" (Jews and Christians) are fine. It's worth noting that many other religions call for killing those that don't follow your religion. The inquisition wasn't in the Bible, but had that effect.

@woody_7007. Replace "Islam" with "Christianity" and "Muslims" with "Christians" and your statement about the middle ages and the backswards religion is still valid. As it would be if you had substituted any other religion there. What was your point?

I have a hard time believing that soldiers can't wear their uniforms in public in the UK. I have an even harder time believing Muslims have something to do with it.

60 posts

We humans have the capacity to imagine that there are entities greater in power than us. The trouble, it seems, is that we are trying to fathom many things that are beyond us.

Some days...we just think too hard about things.

Like God. I say He doesn't care so much how we worship Him. Except that we shouldn't throw souls at His gates.

2,662 posts

@kaneth you are right about replacing the religions etc as i myself am not religious and belive it to be illogical. However my point is that many other eligions are able to adapt to western society here in the uk and yet the only minority group we hear about are muslims comlpaining about unequal rights. What about us West Indians. e have been mistreated for years by the police, govt everyone in general and now muslims are complaining about unequal rights. I mean if u don't like something about it in the UK and you aren't gonna try and change not make the majority change for u then fuck off back to afghanistan.

19 posts


473 posts

Converted Muslum
hey actually i am proud to say that i am christian that has been converted to islam. nobody forced me to but one day in church they were talking about other religion. islam supprised me the most and i read into it. i thought that it was a bad religion because of what is happening and after a month or so i saw the true beauty of the religion. everything makes sense in this religion. i am not offending other chrisitans. its just that god sent me to this religion. as for judgement day i think that everybody that believes in Allah (i prefer to say now) will go straight to heaven. the ones who dont believe in god or does injustice to humanity will go straight to the pits of hell. just like suicide bombing. but as a white american i just want to say that maybe that they are not the terrorist. maybe we could be one as well. we took their land and put the jews there(not to offend jews) people should think about this. anyway islam is a great religion and for all the people who want to convert talk to this guy hes cool and so nice!!! ( no homo)and if you dont convert still pray to god and you still might find peace. (peace be upon all of you)

1,416 posts


I mean if u don't like something about it in the UK and you aren't gonna try and change not make the majority change for u then **** off back to afghanistan.

Invalid argument. The only way for progress is for change, and even Muslims have the right to call for change. But in the end, all that matters is who is voted into office. You won't have to worry about an Islamic theocracy in the Western World because the voters will reject them.
2,269 posts

Well first off, I would like to say that some of the "haters" on AG, have made threads about Islam, and state that is it wrong, that it is not right ot belive in it all of this crap...

Whats with the BASHING? And then suprise suprise in other threads they say that it is okey to belive in other religons and that they respect the veiw points???

Jeeze sometimes these people piss me off!

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