They expect those to be religiously correct and to use the Torah as their actual law
I highly dount it, the Torah is the Jewish holy book, the Qu'Ran is the islamic holy book
- quote
Thats funni... Er, Woodi. The Torah is part of the Qur'an, and the Bible. Technically I think its the Bibles first testament, but I'm not really sure. The Torah is all the ancient stuff from which all three religions originated in.
Also, I think your facts are wrong, the Muslims that immigrate HAVE to probably know English -- Most of them need to or they wouldn't have the money to Immigrate, most of those who go to London are from Pakistan, and you learn english there. Anyway, their duty is to assimilate as all other britain folk do. Go to work, come back, and live your merry life.
They KNOW English, they just don't want to speak it. Hey, in my house, its Urdu 100% of the time with my folks, I live in America, this doesn't make me a terrorist that hates English. I can probably speak and spell better English than most of the idiots at my school anyway.
Most communities that move together wish to live together, if you immigrated to a country and you knew 20 other fammilies were doing so, you'd go with them and start a community. Obviously no one would speak English, but would it matter? They know it, they just speak the native tounge they have. Its not like I'd want my dad to have spoke english ever since he moved. I wouldn't know the extra language, which can be a negative towards academics, travel, and job-finding. So MEEH.
Going to a Muslim school is ones choice, I go to a Sunday School usually, but I've heard of Muslim Schools. And you can't whine over that, if you really want to then I have a right to tell you there are probably more Christian Public and Private schools out their anyway, so that should have nothing to do with a Britain, especcially one that is atheist. Going to a Masjid is what Muslims are supposed to do.
Just to clarify on Europe: Europe invites Muslims in with no problem, they don't want to, which is their opinion because a country like "France" is obviously even named for showing they have "French" ppl there, but their population is declining and France needs 450,000 immigrants a year -- Oh, Wait, They'll all be muslims. Well, suck it up.
Language and Religion are the basis of Culture, without them, your child would end up not caring for anything and he'd probably be the Senior in a Freshman science class that has a 16 for his grade. (Hahha. I saw him yesterday)
And nowadays, all people that aren't Muslim thinks that we're all terrorists ready to blow them up. Once a kid said I was Osama, I said "Beep Beep" and he actually jumped back. xD So effing funni.
And of course the groups are mad, the USA is hating on Illegal mexicans, the new incomers are taking away their country. But again, They have to deal. The groups hate because each other is different, that is all.
Also, the Israel is a different topic -- But it also just shows that the resentment of the NEEDED immigrants to Europe was causing the Allies to backfire and start their own war by making Israel their super "Army Base". And you can't deny that, Israel lives off of US taxes.
Newly Formed UN: Newly Formed. I doubt anyone but the makers are had a say in this, The main leaders = Allies. So your not getting very far.
Also, I don't know WHO your talking about.
For someone to die in the name of Allah -- Be a martyr, they have to be defending their religion, the small super small people that aren't muslims (Seeing as they kill, hate, whatever) and are radical terrorists have nothing to do with the real leftover 1.3 Billion muslims in the world that are mainly disliked by the western world thinking we simply love terrorism.
The terrorist attacks in London and 9/11 were very confusing, and they were depicted because the people that did it were not advocating their beliefs, THEY WERE USING THEIR BELIEFS AS SOMETHING TO BLAME. What, you really think if a Christian (Probably a religion closer to most of you here) shot someone and said they did it in the name of god you wouldn't give them any credit. Seriously, look at it straightforward -- we're all just people with a different belief. Get over yourself.
And looking at it from THAT veiw, when they gave Israel to the Jews it was so they could have the place for themselves. (My own veiw supports one thing: Just because Israelites ancestors decided to live in Israel for a while means nothing, finally they were left, scattered, and never decided to come back. That does not give them right over the land, neither does their religion.
Terrorism sucks, but like you said Muslims dosee it as a Noble Sacrifice. they DONT. They find it just as horrible as you do, worse, probably, just because they get hated for it.
Btw: 60% did not Sympathize with it, these are random poll facts that went from as low as 1% to 88%. They sympathized with the fact that the terror attacks were only happening because most of the people that are Brittish were showing a little too much hate, in the end somebody's gonna pop, and in Europe -- Muslim Population is on a +. European population.. Not so much, they need the labor, so they shouldn't feel invaded if they get Immigrants.