ForumsWEPRDeath Penalty and Execution

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5,579 posts

What do you think about it? Cruel and unusual, or rightfully deserved? What do you think about the protocol associated with execution?

Anyone wants to see how we do it in Texas, you can find it here. You'll be quite surprised at the sheer quantity of executions.


  • 124 Replies
755 posts

i think the death sentence as a not necessary punishment.
by killing peopel as a punishment, we step down to a similar level than the killers we are judging.
also i think, that it cannot be that sometimes people have to wait for like 25 years before they get executioned.
i think it is better just to lock these murders down for the rest of their lifes and doom them to perform some kind of work, something noone wants to do.
it would be more efficient and it also gives those people time to rethink their deeds.
i do not think that any person or judge should decide about who is going to live or to die. i mean i do not want to know what burden the guy turning over the switch of the electrical chair has to carry around with himself every day. also the judge who has to slam the hammer and proclaim the verdict. it is a decision no person should have to take. that is something we rarely think about.

8 posts

The death penalty shows the population that there is an eye for an eye principle everywhere.This is wrong and not to mention stupid,because by killing another person who could have reabilitatead itself is a bad thing to do.Every person that makes a crime aginst the laws has a chance to reabilitate itself and repair what was done.Of course,stolen things can hardly be brought back,dead persons are never coming back,butt everywone has a partial at least chance to repair their past mistakes.

There are a lot of reasons that the death penalty should not be used,and to think about the religious part of the story,I am sure that only in few religions there is the death penalty accepted.

As a fact,I am sure that God would not like punishing another person for doing a horrible thing by killing it.So all the countries in the world should think 1 milion times before using the death penalty.That's all I had to say.

600 posts

There is no way to be 100% sure that someone committed a crime, and many times people have been found to be innocent long after they were executed.Sure a lot of executed criminals are actually guilty but I don't think its worth it, so I am against the death penalty.

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

I don't agree with the death penalty, but with some crimes is needed something stronger than imprisonment.
Nobody can judge and decide if someone is worth living. Killing doesn't solve anything, you just don't deal with the problem, the law should search the reason why the person did the horrible crimes and fix them.
Also many times wrong persons have been executed, so when you decide to do that, there is no chance of taking it back, the law may do something horrible too.
Conclusion I think that there is no need of the existence of the death penalty.

5,061 posts

Whats better wasting space and money by keeping someone who doesn't deserve to live in prison for life or executing them and sparing them the years of solitude and sparing the govt. the costs of keeping alive a person who doesn't even deserve to be alive. However the penalty should be used after thought, and there should be a full attempt to make sure the person really is guilty before they are killed, many a prisoner of death row die swearing that they aren't guilty...

1,532 posts

Hmmm the death penalty...if needed, its neccesary. The only good thing about being in prison is some inmates tend to find god when their in there. But the death penalty would be way better than spending your whole life in prison

5,579 posts

The average costs of keeping an inmate in prison for 35 years = $770,000.

Let's use Texas as an example.

220,000 (Ten years on death row). Lets add the cost of the chemicals:

Lethal Injection Consists Of:

* Sodium Thiopental (lethal dose - sedates person)
* Pancuronium Bromide (muscle relaxant-collapses diaphragm and lungs)
* Potassium Chloride (stops heart beat)
* The offender is usually pronounced dead approximately 7 minutes after the lethal injection begins.

Cost per execution for drugs used : $86.08

$220,086.08 < 770,000.

If that sways your opinion.

4,536 posts

I find the death penalty a bit more... I don't want to use "humane..." Let's say... Less life ruining than spending decades in prison. Life-taking, yes, but prison is a horrible place.

Not that I've been there. But if you get indicted for a crime like murder, your family will shun you and not come visit you. Total solitude is a fate worse than death, in my opinion.

It also costs less for the state (If you don't count a human life as costing anything). I mean, it's a flawed system, every now and then an innocent is executed. But no system is truly perfect.

5,061 posts

So to keep an inmate in prison for life would be excess to a million dollars... :| and we wonder where the tax payers money goes...

755 posts

I mean, it's a flawed system, every now and then an innocent is executed. But no system is truly perfect.

yeah but here we are not talking about some problems any system has, but we are talking about flaws in the system, that are costing human lifes.
how can you guys even use money in the argument about the human life.
every single persons life is worth way more than all the money existing.
so even if life in prison is crappy, it is a punishment. so give those persons tie to think about the horrible deeds they did(or have been found guilty of without doing them).
and the system is not only killing people, it is also making citizens to be murderers as well.(someone has to do the injection).
653 posts

.Every person that makes a crime aginst the laws has a chance to reabilitate itself and repair what was done.Of course,stolen things can hardly be brought back,dead persons are never coming back,butt everywone has a partial at least chance to repair their past mistakes.

A lot of you are against the death penalty but have you ever had a family member brutally murdered? Unless someone has they have no right to speak about the death penalty. The guy who killed my brother was completely merciless, he ruined the lives of so many people. There is no way for him to rehabilitate or ever repair his mistakes he brutally murdered my brother and there is nothing he could ever do to ease my suffering even a little bit.
395 posts

$220,086.08 < 770,000.

That's why I <3 the death penalty for psycho murderers.
4,206 posts

I radder die, then staying in the prison for 150 years. But the deaths have to be a choice, and it must be whit out suffering.

755 posts

radder die, then staying in the prison for 150 years. But the deaths have to be a choice, and it must be whit out suffering.

a lot of people have to wait a long time until they get killed. that time they spent in the death row. i rather be anywhere else, than in a place where every single minute of every single day a guy can come around and say when your life is going to end
671 posts

I had to do a debate in year 10 on capital punishment. In all the "Western Countries" with capital punishment somebody will spend on average 10 years on death row. The problem with that is although they end humanely that can do terrible things to your mental health so it's still not that humane. Anywho, in America the defendant appeals by default if they are sentenced to death and most people don't accept it and spend their entire time on death row in and out of the court room. Which actually ends up costing more than the cost of food every day for a prisoner rotting in jail.

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