ForumsWEPRPlease read before posting

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Welcome to the World Events, Politics, Religion, Etc. forum. This section is provided as an outlet for friendly and intelligent debate, which really means two things:
1) Don't be disrespectful to an individual or their views/opinions. Disagreeing with someone is fine, but insulting them is not.
2) Make intelligent posts. Don't simply state whether or not you agree, explain why - this will spur on more conversation and you might actually have a chance of convincing someone of your point.

Last thing, just try to make sure before you post a new topic that it doesn't already exist. I have provided links for some common topics:





Global Warming

Clinton vs. Obama

Christianity in Schools


There are lots and lots of other topics, so use the search feature to help you find what you're looking for. Remember, when making a topic, make your point clear so everyone knows what you're talking about and check your spelling. It's hard to take an argument seriously that isn't spelled correctly

If you have any questions, our moderators will be happy to answer them!

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