Since I have joined Armorgams . . .I see a lot of Atheists and their threads about why people believe in God etc . . . I wanted to start a thread about the bible and christianity.
The purpose of this thread is to debate a different book of the bible each week. We will discuss lessons, morals, and different stories.
We will have friendly debates. Please . . . if you are atheist or of other beliefs . . . you may discuss in this thread, just PLEASE no fighting, flaming, spamming, trolling . . . etc
This week we will begin from the beginning . . . .Genesis
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SSWaffen- Answer this Christians or anyone for that matter why are people be born blind, deaf, stupid, retarded, simple or anything else that is horrible as soon as there born? What would god be trying to do or prove?
Any Christian would know that this life doesn't matter. They may be blind, deaf, crippled, or mentally handicapped, but they won't be in heaven. They will be healed of all problems.
Beloved, we are Godâs children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is. 1 John 3:2
Because it was THEIR choice to be bad. God doesn't zap people with good thoughts and feelings and actions. It's THAT person's choice to be bad and to sin.
im pretty sure that even the bible says that we're born with sin. not much choice to that there eh?
Because it was THEIR choice to be bad. God doesn't zap people with good thoughts and feelings and actions. It's THAT person's choice to be bad and to sin.
Really than how do peoples thoughts, and brains get created? Or how would the spurm get the toughts and feelings?
Any Christian would know that this life doesn't matter. They may be blind, deaf, crippled, or mentally handicapped, but they won't be in heaven. They will be healed of all problems.
Why would someone that was born with those things want to have faith in someone that made them born unequal and deemed a life a torment, misery, bullies, and name callings behind his/her backs I sure wouldn't...
Why would someone that was born with those things want to have faith in someone that made them born unequal and deemed a life a torment, misery, bullies, and name callings behind his/her backs I sure wouldn't...
They will be rewarded for enduring all the obstacles God gives them. God gives us obstacles to test our endurance.
Well, Do your parents punish you for doing wrong? Besides, God GAve us choice.
[quote]Yes, but they don't punish me when my grandfather does something wrong.
Precisely yet god would?
If a president decides to bomb another country, does his one action punish everyone in that country for his actions?
Sorry I don't see what your getting at...
Adam and Eve were basically in God's house on earth, they then disobeyed him so he kicked them out. If someone disrespected me in my house after i gave them everything good, i would kick them out too <----my input
But would you give their children sin and punish the good ones while some of the corrupt ones get rich?
Adam and Eve were basically in God's house on earth, they then disobeyed him so he kicked them out. If someone disrespected me in my house after i gave them everything good, i would kick them out too <----my input
It's not like god exactly told them there was some fallen angel on the loose trying to mess everything up. Kind of like sending your kid on to the highway and going, "Oh wait honey, I forgot to tell you about cars!"
They will be rewarded for enduring all the obstacles God gives them. God gives us obstacles to test our endurance.
But what if they chose not to have faith because they were born unequal and deemed a life a torment, misery, bullies, and name callings behind his/her backs I sure wouldn't... And if you don't have faith you go straight down to hell right?
Really than how do peoples thoughts, and brains get created? Or how would the spurm get the toughts and feelings?
That makes absolutely no sense at all and doesn't even relate to anything I said.
I mean people don't start with thoughts that make them act bad later on in life someone or something must've given it to him/her.
im pretty sure that even the bible says that we're born with sin. not much choice to that there eh?
It says we are born with a sinful nature. Catholics believe that we are born with the actual sin passed down from Adam and so they baptize babies so they don't go to hell if they suddenly die.
A baby that hasn't been baptized will not go to Hell if it suddenly dies. baptism is basically the first step towards initiation into the church, because your choices on earth are what really decides your fate in heaven.
A baby that hasn't been baptized will not go to Hell if it suddenly dies. baptism is basically the first step towards initiation into the church, because your choices on earth are what really decides your fate in heaven.
Thats what the muslims think. Read mark 16:16 doesnt say anything bout choices