They don't choose. A phobia is a fear for no reason that you can't control.
While "some people" may think it's not a choice, my religion clearly states homophobia is a CHOICE. And if you CHOOSE to be homophobic you go to hell. Sorry, that's just my beliefs. It's an immoral lifestyle CHOICE. State all the "scientific" evidence you want, that fear isn't a choice, but you won't convince me.
I dislike it when I see two homophobes out in public. I don't care what they do in their own home, but I think it's disgusting and I don't want to see it. I don't hate homophobes, I just don't like them.
I dislike it when I see two homophobes out in public. I don't care what they do in their own home, but I think it's disgusting and I don't want to see it. I don't hate homophobes, I just don't like them.
While "some people" may think it's not a choice, my religion clearly states homophobia is a CHOICE. And if you CHOOSE to be homophobic you go to hell. Sorry, that's just my beliefs. It's an immoral lifestyle CHOICE. State all the "scientific" evidence you want, that fear isn't a choice, but you won't convince me.
I think it's too weird in my mind to be gay so i definately stay away from them, i can't stand public displays of homosexuality either, i saw two men holding hands i was extremely disgusted.
i saw two men holding hands i was extremely disgusted.
Now that's just a ridiculous over reaction. If you'd said kissing or embracing each other like a couple, then I could understand it slightly better.
But holding hands? *headdesk* I guess a father hugging his son is a pedophile, then.
I don't get the point of homophobia, or other phobias for that matter. If it's just irrational fear, okay, just quietly avoid it, no one gets hurt. No problem there. If it's beyond random irrational fear, though... That's just stupid. In my opinion.
Also wondering how many only react negatively towards the male/male signs of affection...
Oh, and... TSL, can you explain why you fear homosexuals so much that you'd call it "a deathly fear of them"? Or is it completely irrational? (Some fears are...)
I have mild nyctophobia, not that darkness can in any way directly hurt me, I just occasionally freak out if there's too much of it. "Freaking out" in this case being having some panic while trying to get to a "safe place" or a light source.
Point being: That's a completely irrational fear, but it's still there. Why it's there... I don't know. Not something I've looked into.
what are they going to do kill you with gay venom?
To be honest, I am slightly homophobic like TSL3_needed. I don't really know why, but I feel slightly uncomfortable around gays. I might as well, control my fear, or simply avoid it.
I have mild nyctophobia, not that darkness can in any way directly hurt me, I just occasionally freak out if there's too much of it. "Freaking out" in this case being having some panic while trying to get to a "safe place" or a light source.
Theres always some kind of reason behind something you may not think about it but it is there, maybe your fear of the dark comes from a past event or things you already know about the dark that your might be part of your fear.
I could be wrong and you just don't like the dark.
I believe that being gay isn't a choice it's like this if you're a boy in middle school you don't think "Man, every person in here is attractive but i will choose to date girls instead of guys for no reason." It dose not work like that (most of the time)