I am a hunter and a die hard shooter I love guns. I go to a very liberal school were every thinks guns are evil and they kill people. I am entirely against this and would like to hear what other people say about guns or argue about how they are used.
big point i like to say is: criminals can still get guns. gun control will make you bring a knife to a gunfight
If you're going to a gun fight the chances are you're a criminal. And by your logic, would have a gun already.
I believe that people should be allowed to carry concealed weapons (as long as they have a permit, of course) in high crime rate areas. However, there should be very strict laws if they allow the gun to be seen unnecessarily or anything along those lines.
If you pass laws that prevent law abiding citizens from owning or keeping guns, it does nothing to the criminal population, as, they're going to be getting those guns illegally anyway.
It's sort of like very restrictive copy protection on video games that only allow you to install it like 2 or 3 times on a computer. It's like.. great, so all the people who torrent it and pirate the game on the internet are going to crack it so they can run the game anyway and install it as many times as they want; all you're doing is wing-clipping and pissing off the people who actually gave you money.
Exactly finally some intelligent people. If you look at crime rates and guns you will find a pattern. In vermont they have the easiest gun laws in North America They also have the lowest crime rate in North america. In Switzerland every person beetween the ages of 18 and 40 i think has an assault rifle and they have some of the lowest crime rates in the world
Gun control is ineffective as criminals can still obtain guns. It's like what happened in the Prohibition era.
I believe guns should not be banned but regulated to an extent that it ensures increased safety.
It's sort of like very restrictive copy protection on video games that only allow you to install it like 2 or 3 times on a computer. It's like.. great, so all the people who torrent it and pirate the game on the internet are going to crack it so they can run the game anyway and install it as many times as they want; all you're doing is wing-clipping and pissing off the people who actually gave you money.
That's a very good analogy.
Guns don't kill people, people kill people.
That pretty much sums everything up.
In Switzerland every person beetween the ages of 18 and 40 i think has an assault rifle and they have some of the lowest crime rates in the world
Assault rifle? That's extreme. We must remember though, that not all countries are like Switzerland. If everyone between 18-40 in the US had an assault rifle, we'd be seeing more killings.
Gun control is a foolish thing in the sense of they are trying to eliminate our "Right to bare arms", the criminals will get their hands on them anyways and innocent citizens will be found at a loss. We a few instances where a citizen wielding a gun saved the lives of several other citizens where a criminal would have killed them all. The types of guns we buy though on the other hand, I agree with samy, no fully automatics, and having a license to own a gun is a good thing. And as for the debate that guns are evil, like kirby said, guns dont kill people, its other people, and the people will kill eachother one way or another.
Sport huntings a bit cruel but I don't think it should be illegal, also while guns do kill people there's always a person behind the gun. Spoons make people fat but who holds the spoon????
Guns don't kill people, its just the tool that some people use to kill other people. You could kill some with a pencil, does that mean that you should need a license to carry a pencil....? So while I don't think that fully automatic guns should be up for sale, I do think that guns in general are fine.
I think they should be giving out double barrel shotguns before they give out handguns. Handguns can easily be taken from your home if you wanted to go and kill someone or rob a place and you get more bullets with it too.
That is why in Australia you have to be in around 10 competitions a year otherwise you get your handgun taken away from you.
Taking away guns would be a violation of our ammendment rights. I consider myself pretty liberal but also in between. However this is probably something I'm conservative on which is rare for me.
Guns don't kill people. People kill people. Hunting is a natural thing if we didn't do it streets would be littered with deer where I come from. It's about making sure we don't over hunt.
I think some guns should be illegal like snipers, combat rifles and etc. But simple hand guns for protection or hunting rifles should definently be legal. Even our forefathers thought so