ForumsThe TavernEver died in a dream?

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Last night I had a few interesting dreams. The first I don't remember. The second I was staying at a hotel, and then I went to some place where you would leave your body temporarily and go into a movie of some sort.

The third was interesting though. I was standing underneath something in the city watching a plane fly in circles above me. It was white, and resembled a Boeing 747. It looked a bit different than the current model, so I'm guessing the dream was set in the future a bit. Anyway, while it was circling I had a feeling that it would crash , but kept hoping it would just fly away. After a bit of circle the plane then started to land about approximately 350 yards away. It wasn't landing a normal way however, but vertically. Resembling a space shuttle attacked to the rockets before take off. Of course a 747 isn't meant to do that, so it blew up.

Now, this is the interesting part. I've been near explosions before in dreams (had one with a city being nuked, another where a plane blew up about 100 feet away) and never died. This time though, I experienced a second or so of pain (only in the dream) as the explosion hit, and the dream changed scenes.

Alright, so now I'll get to what I want to discuss. Have you ever died in a dream? And if so, how'd it happen? Did you have a second or so of pain (accompanied with random colors) or what happened? I'm just curious.

  • 348 Replies
2,157 posts

I cannot recall any time during a dream in which I've died. I've had near-death experiences, but every time I get close to dying the dream either totally shifts or I wake up.

About the waking up thing: does anyone else find it weird that the time I'm about to die and the time I wake up are exactly correlated? Sometimes, I wake up because of things like my siblings. How can my mind possibly know that they're going to wake me up before it happens? Weird...

9,438 posts

I remember one dream, but I'm not entirely sure of the context. I was a soldier of some kind. My squad and I were in a large clearing in a jungle somewhere retreating. There were some military vehicles in the opening (some supply trucks, some jeeps, and a tank I think) in the field. We were moving backwards while firing our AR15s in front of us. We were probably going back to a base or something. Anyway a jeep 10 feet in front of me blew up. I was knocked down by the blast. 2 enemy soldiers were walking by. One was pointing an AK47 down, shooting downed soldiers who were apparently on my side. They walked over to me, the one with the AK47 casually and quickly put the end of the barrel on my gut, fired, and they kept walking. When they passed, I sat up as much as I could, reached under my back, pulled the crumpled slug out of the tiny crater in the ground under me, looked at the slug for a few seconds (I think it was an M67 round), then died (woke up).

9,438 posts

About the waking up thing: does anyone else find it weird that the time I'm about to die and the time I wake up are exactly correlated?

I think it's because you can't comprehend that kind of trauma, so you wake up instead.

Sometimes, I wake up because of things like my siblings. How can my mind possibly know that they're going to wake me up before it happens? Weird...

I think sometimes there's a short interval of blank transition from sleeping to waking that usually goes unnoticed, simply because it's not engaging. During this time, if something physically startled you, you skip the rest of the waking process and go straight to awake. Just a theory. If it's in the middle of a dream that they wake you up, your mind quickly created a scenario to end the dream abruptly. Again, just a theory.
54 posts

I die all the time in dreams. I have ever since I can remember.

The first ones I distinctly remember were a set of dreams I had when I was five where I kept on dying in a house fire. I've died in lots of other ways since then, though. Falling, stabbing, chainsaws, being thrown into the vacuum of space, beheading...

I never wake up when I die, either, the scene just jumps to something new. I didn't know all of this was so weird--I thought everybody died. o_O

433 posts

I had a dream that I died and nothing else
Stupid huh?

671 posts

Since I was a kid my dreams have always been very violent and very unsettling. When I was on medication that had a side effect of making dreams very vivid and strange I often found my dreams ending by me being stabbed to death, getting hit by cars or shooting myself. Some of them I felt pain but in the less vivid ones I didn't. I also found that the ones that were first person ended before I died but in my third person dreams I saw myself die.

3,517 posts

I never died in a dream. But there was one weird time that Dwayne Wade shot me. But just when it was about to hit me, I woke up.

I've heard that if die in a dream, you die in real life. Is that true?

531 posts

Does this count?

A few nights back I had a dream, that I woke up, in a street, and nobody noticed me, hundreds of people, all walking past. It was weird 'cos I was surprised nobody noticed me laying there, so I started trying to get people's attention? Then I saw like, a body, just lay there, motionless, which everyone was walking too. It was mine. :S Yep, I was dead.

I hadn't died in the dream, it started off dead. It's just like the DS game 'The world Ends with You', which I've been playing recently. Maybe that's why?

54 posts

I've heard that if die in a dream, you die in real life. Is that true?

Seeing as I've died probably hundreds of times in my dreams and I'm living to post about it, no.
100 posts

last night I went to sleep stoned and had a dream where I jumped headfirst off a cliff. I woke up and screamed, now my parent know I was stoned.
Not the first time I've died in a dream though, once I biked out in front of a truck and it hit me, another time I was chasing a horse through the woods and I ran over a cliff and started falling. All times I've woke up before I died but last night was the only time I ever screamed.

485 posts

Yes i die in the most of my dreams..
One night i dreamed that a Powerpuff Girl with a BIG head came and shoot me with a Intervention

2,226 posts

Yeah, but I usually wake up before I die.

69 posts

Once when I was like four I had a dream that my family had gotten a really big boa constrictor. I didn't want it, but they kept it anyways and when no one was looking it ate me. I didn't feel any pain as it was squeezing me to death, though, and I woke up before I died.

153 posts

Yep I have!
I was at my coucins house when All the lights turned off.Then when they went back on,Everyone was gone.Then in the doorway,There was this tall figure.It ran toward me and it stuck two blades in me and lifted me off the floor.I didn't feel anything though.It was completly painless.Then he throws me through the window.Then I woke up.

7 posts

some day i had a really apocalyptic dream. before sleeping, i just played resident evil 3 nemesis with a kind of cyborg monster giant zombie... when i went to sleep, i dreamed of a zombie apocalypse, really in the street, the city is in flame, i hear zombies coming... i go in an apart.when i see.... a zombie dog in the apart so i jump out of the windows to the street. but down there is the big cyborg zombie that punched me in the wall and put his big tentacle arm in my stomach and tentacles blow up of my body... very disgusting dream.... seriously.....

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