ForumsThe TavernEver died in a dream?

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Last night I had a few interesting dreams. The first I don't remember. The second I was staying at a hotel, and then I went to some place where you would leave your body temporarily and go into a movie of some sort.

The third was interesting though. I was standing underneath something in the city watching a plane fly in circles above me. It was white, and resembled a Boeing 747. It looked a bit different than the current model, so I'm guessing the dream was set in the future a bit. Anyway, while it was circling I had a feeling that it would crash , but kept hoping it would just fly away. After a bit of circle the plane then started to land about approximately 350 yards away. It wasn't landing a normal way however, but vertically. Resembling a space shuttle attacked to the rockets before take off. Of course a 747 isn't meant to do that, so it blew up.

Now, this is the interesting part. I've been near explosions before in dreams (had one with a city being nuked, another where a plane blew up about 100 feet away) and never died. This time though, I experienced a second or so of pain (only in the dream) as the explosion hit, and the dream changed scenes.

Alright, so now I'll get to what I want to discuss. Have you ever died in a dream? And if so, how'd it happen? Did you have a second or so of pain (accompanied with random colors) or what happened? I'm just curious.

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