ForumsThe TavernEver died in a dream?

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Last night I had a few interesting dreams. The first I don't remember. The second I was staying at a hotel, and then I went to some place where you would leave your body temporarily and go into a movie of some sort.

The third was interesting though. I was standing underneath something in the city watching a plane fly in circles above me. It was white, and resembled a Boeing 747. It looked a bit different than the current model, so I'm guessing the dream was set in the future a bit. Anyway, while it was circling I had a feeling that it would crash , but kept hoping it would just fly away. After a bit of circle the plane then started to land about approximately 350 yards away. It wasn't landing a normal way however, but vertically. Resembling a space shuttle attacked to the rockets before take off. Of course a 747 isn't meant to do that, so it blew up.

Now, this is the interesting part. I've been near explosions before in dreams (had one with a city being nuked, another where a plane blew up about 100 feet away) and never died. This time though, I experienced a second or so of pain (only in the dream) as the explosion hit, and the dream changed scenes.

Alright, so now I'll get to what I want to discuss. Have you ever died in a dream? And if so, how'd it happen? Did you have a second or so of pain (accompanied with random colors) or what happened? I'm just curious.

  • 348 Replies
3,523 posts

Strange. I always either magically survive or the dream ends before I die.

In one dream I was ripped ducks. Like, tiny puzzle size pieces. It skipped forward, and it looked like I was duct-taped together or something similar in a wheelchair. Survived.

I had another dream where I flew off a roller coaster, high into the air. The dream ended as I disappeared in the sky.

In falling dreams, the dream blacks out as I hit the ground.

32 posts

I've been executed by axes, had my skin ripped of with nothing in the skin, been stuck in a heavily heated drawing, and did alot of other stuff.

But no death?

52 posts

I remember not to be dead in one of my dreams, I do not think it has happened ..

307 posts

No iv'e never died but when you do something in a dream it feels like real real life like i was kissing in a dream and it felt like real life, or i ate a sweet and it tasted like a sweet in the dream

1,078 posts

Whenever I die in my dreams, I wake up. Whether I'm stabbed/shot to death, die from cancer, or explode, I always wake up right as it happens.

181 posts

I ALMOST die alot in a dream. Sometimes I can feel a weird type of pain in a dream. One time a monster was eating my knee cap. And I actually felt a creepy pain while I'm dreaming. It's weird how I know how to wake up in a dream. All I do is crawl in a ball. And close my eyes as hard as possible. It's weird but it works. I know when to do that though when something scary happens. Before all of that I feel like I'm not in a dream. It would be fun to control your dreams like inception. That movie is a giant Brain ____

3,139 posts

I had this horrific death dream a few nights ago.
It was probably the most brutal one i've had which involved a lot of torture and everyone i love going before me >.>

4,206 posts

oh yea, and it hurts in real life. Like when you fall and then you're whole body hurts for a sec like you really did fall.

Other then the falling death, I don't really die, 'cause i always cheat >

4,206 posts

LOL. I didn't even noticed that I commented on this thread before.

183 posts

I've also had a lot of those dreams where I wake up right before I die, or force myself to wake up. If I can remember a nightmare I can force myself to wake up before I die in it.

There is just one dream in particular that I haven't been able to force myself to wake up in. Actually I've had this dream twice now and it was almost exactly the same both times.

Here's how this "dream" goes: it starts with me in a completely different dream, not a nightmare, just a dream. I think I try to wake up from my normal dream but instead of waking up this happens:

All I see is black except for a vague face slowly coming towards me. This face is dull, white which is kind of glowing, and I really can't make it out to be a face at all. That's just what I perceive it to be. This face terrifies me, all I want to do is get away from it. But I can't move, actually don't even know if I have a body. But I'm awake enough to try to force myself to wake up. And I'm sure that's the only way to get away from the face. But the harder I try to wake up the louder this ringing in my head becomes. The ringing sound is not like an alarm. It is the same as the ringing you get from hearing a loud bang. Anyways this ringing becomes unbearably loud to the point where it's really painful. And then I wake up. I want to wake up so badly that when I do I'm almost to the point of tears, that's how bad this nightmare is. (I'm an 18yo guy btw, I don't get scared easily, nor would I ever cry if I was scared haha)

Apart from it being so gosh darn frightening not knowing if I'd ever wake up, and not being able to do "anything." The worst part of it is that after I wake up I honestly can't tell if it was a dream at all. I feel like I what I just described happened after I had already woken up or it wasn't really a dream or reality. It doesn't compare to anything I've ever encountered in real like or any other dream I've ever had.

430 posts

Alright, as many people have said, I often wake up just before I die, but a few times I did actually die for once in my dream.

Here's one of them.

If you've ever seen Lord Of The Rings, imagine one of those chambers where the bad guys kept their minions. It's all crowded and monsters all over the place, weapons scattered all about. Then out of nowhere this guy approaches me and for some reaosn tells me to run. We start to run and then we somehow ended up on a horse drawn carriage. Then we start to escape, and somehow we are on a road now. Then we dodged a few arrows and swords, but then out of nowhere a guy with a huge axe comes and chops off my head.

That is quite possibly the weirdest dream I've ever had.

But it's not the dream where I screamed in real life.

I think I was about 9 when I had this dream. For some reason a S.W.A.T. Team was infiltrating my house and they came up to my room and started shooting me. One of the few dreams I ever die in, and it actually caused me to scream in real life. I know because my sisters heard me scream from it.

51 posts

totally reminds me of the majesty of colors, but no i didnt die in a dream

22 posts

when im dying in a dream i always wake u :P

1,747 posts

Ever died in a dream?

Like all dreams. Otherwise I shouldn't have woken.
1,031 posts

I can't really remember when I've died in a dream.
I almost always die in my fever dreams. One time, I was standing on the balcony of a castle, then lightning struck me and I fell off the balcony to my death.
Another fever dream I can remember was when I was living in the middle ages, and walked up the this chopping block, and an executioner chopped off my head.
Other than fever dreams, though. I can't really remember any dreams I have died in. Usually, if I know I'm going to die in a dream I wake up.

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