ForumsThe TavernEver died in a dream?

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Last night I had a few interesting dreams. The first I don't remember. The second I was staying at a hotel, and then I went to some place where you would leave your body temporarily and go into a movie of some sort.

The third was interesting though. I was standing underneath something in the city watching a plane fly in circles above me. It was white, and resembled a Boeing 747. It looked a bit different than the current model, so I'm guessing the dream was set in the future a bit. Anyway, while it was circling I had a feeling that it would crash , but kept hoping it would just fly away. After a bit of circle the plane then started to land about approximately 350 yards away. It wasn't landing a normal way however, but vertically. Resembling a space shuttle attacked to the rockets before take off. Of course a 747 isn't meant to do that, so it blew up.

Now, this is the interesting part. I've been near explosions before in dreams (had one with a city being nuked, another where a plane blew up about 100 feet away) and never died. This time though, I experienced a second or so of pain (only in the dream) as the explosion hit, and the dream changed scenes.

Alright, so now I'll get to what I want to discuss. Have you ever died in a dream? And if so, how'd it happen? Did you have a second or so of pain (accompanied with random colors) or what happened? I'm just curious.

  • 348 Replies
2,513 posts

Sooooo, you wanna be a psychologist? By the way, there was one dream where I was being attacked by a walrus. I didn't die, because it got killed. Yes, I do have weird dreams like that.

4,536 posts

Er... no?

Actually, I won't fear death until... I'm in a near-death situation. Though I generally try to avoid it.

Ooh! My head once burst into flames in a dream!

2,513 posts

Dang, I got ninja'd like 3 times.

8,570 posts

I've died other times too.
Like when I fell right off the side of the mountain, and then I woke up. But when I went back to sleep I went right back into the same dream and my body was all busted and broken. Weird.
Or when I dreamed there was a burglar, and I was up and saw him, but he didn't have a gun so he used his cigarette to kill me by burning a hole in my chest. Strange...

2,053 posts

I'm interested in what you make of my dreams, Kirby. Tellmaybeplz?

50 posts

I had a dream about when I nearly died in my sleep by my hand getting cut off in a bet against me. My opponent and I raced in vehicles and I won first place! Then he tried to cut my hand off. Once the knife went all the way through my wrist, it was still there, and I didn't realize it. Dude then I was like "Can somebody get me some stitches?" And then I woke up.

2,513 posts

What I find strange is in the dream where I fell off the cliff, I actually woke up, and fell off my bed a half-second later.

1,015 posts

I had the strangest dream the other day. I don't remember much of how it started, but i remember somebody had a hold of me, and tied me up in the most painful way, forcing body parts in directions where it is painful to be pulled, and i think he pulled out a knife and began carving out my stomach, and carving words or numbers into it.

I usually don't have violent dreams like this, but i could definitely feel the pain. :x

50 posts

I also had a dream about facing the total darkness that bestows in front of my eyes. Some voice said "You must possess the mark of the beast in order to pass the gates of H377." Then I woke up.

2,053 posts

... You just said Hett in basic leet.

I remember more recently I had a dream where I was being tortured by Japanese soldiers in some sort of camp. Too much CoD :P

332 posts

I've died in dreams before. Now days my dreams are all the same. I'll stay off of the details.

4,097 posts

the funny thing its that at the impact i actually fell a bit of pain

Same, I felt a little pain. It wasn't enough to really wake me up, but it felt a bit more real than dreams usually feel.

Huh, I heard that if you die in a dream you actually die

I'm still here, or at least I think so xD

being possessed by demons

After I died in that dream it skipped to the next. I was in a room that resembled the cargo hold of a C130 (I know a bit about planes, probably why so many of my dreams are related to them, lol.) and there was a strange gas coming out of vents. I don't know if it killed me again or just knocked me out, but when I woke up I was possessed by the aliens that came in the plane that killed me. I guess they brought me back to life or something, lol.

I woke up cause my lungs were burning and I could not breath

Wow, that's scary >.< I've never had anything like that happen to me.

Well it seems that those of you who have died in your dreams don't have much fear for death

Lol I'm more scared of dreams with like dolls and clowns and stuff than ones with planes crashing. Most dreams I just don't die, or come close to it. Lol it doesn't make sense (why would I be the only one to survive when a cities being nuked) but I'm never worried for some reason. Also, do you have an article where I could read more about death in dreams? It's interesting.

Why do you prefer to talk about it?

Why do I want to talk about death in dreams? Because it's interesting, and I was curious as to whether or not anyone else has died. Also how it felt to die in the dream.

Sooooo, you wanna be a psychologist?

Me? I actually was considering that occupation for awhile. Now I think I'll be a psychology teacher. It's a much less demanding job, but still deals with something I'm very interested in.

But when I went back to sleep I went right back into the same dream and my body was all busted and broken.

I've never been able to continue dreams. That's why I try my hardest not to wake up when I'm having a good one and am starting to wake up.

What I find strange is in the dream where I fell off the cliff, I actually woke up, and fell off my bed a half-second later.

I often have dreams involving noises in real life. I think that especially when you're first falling asleep your brain is still largely aware of things in real life and incorporates them into the dreams.


You can say Hell, lol. Unless you have a personal issue with it.
890 posts

Only once. It was when I was like 4, I had a dream I was at a museum, a t-rex came alive and ate me. It was in first person until i was actually in its mouth, then I could see myself getting eaten. It was gory. It would have been a lot scarier if the dinosaur grew flesh as it ate more and more people. I didn't experience any pain in the dream what-so-ever.

Now days my dreams are all the same

You've watched too much pr0n.
890 posts

I just remembered. Once my dad had a dream. He was dreaming he was in a car. As he came to a corner, a white van turned the corner and hit his car. The next day, the same thing happened.

50 posts

Please don't double post.

What's leet?

Wow...that's hard core.

I always had dreams where I had missions that I never fail at ever. I never fail spiritual challenges or tests from God in dreams just so you know.

Showing 16-30 of 348