ForumsThe TavernEver died in a dream?

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Last night I had a few interesting dreams. The first I don't remember. The second I was staying at a hotel, and then I went to some place where you would leave your body temporarily and go into a movie of some sort.

The third was interesting though. I was standing underneath something in the city watching a plane fly in circles above me. It was white, and resembled a Boeing 747. It looked a bit different than the current model, so I'm guessing the dream was set in the future a bit. Anyway, while it was circling I had a feeling that it would crash , but kept hoping it would just fly away. After a bit of circle the plane then started to land about approximately 350 yards away. It wasn't landing a normal way however, but vertically. Resembling a space shuttle attacked to the rockets before take off. Of course a 747 isn't meant to do that, so it blew up.

Now, this is the interesting part. I've been near explosions before in dreams (had one with a city being nuked, another where a plane blew up about 100 feet away) and never died. This time though, I experienced a second or so of pain (only in the dream) as the explosion hit, and the dream changed scenes.

Alright, so now I'll get to what I want to discuss. Have you ever died in a dream? And if so, how'd it happen? Did you have a second or so of pain (accompanied with random colors) or what happened? I'm just curious.

  • 348 Replies
5,579 posts

Reading too much twilight, TSL? xD

Um, what? Never read it and never will. I hate them.

They rip peoples tracheaes out o.O

And they market these to kids. *tsk tsk tsk*
4,097 posts

Um, what? Never read it and never will. I hate them.

They rip peoples tracheaes out o.O

Nah, just the vampire theme. I don't know what they do exactly in those books, and I don't plan to find out.
1,078 posts

I did. Epicly though. Fought off maybe 450 zombies before I died.

5,579 posts

Nah, just the vampire theme. I don't know what they do exactly in those books, and I don't plan to find out.

I think 30 Days of Night would have been a better analogy :P
4,097 posts

I think 30 Days of Night would have been a better analogy :P

Lol well I'd never heard of that, but yeah, after reading the plot, I agree xP.
5,579 posts

I did. Epicly though. Fought off maybe 450 zombies before I died.

I tend to emotionally die in those types of dreams, and then go out with a bang.

I strap myself to a nuke and kill the zombies Epic.
210 posts

If you die in a dream its very dangerous, some people have such bad dreams in which they die that constantly come back that at 1 point they finally die themselves, like a girl had dreams of a small demonic person chocking here reaccure to the point of death. Iv died in a dream before, I think I may have been murdered im never sure due to my inability to remember dreams well, I woke screaming, scared out of my mind, my parents ran in looking freaked out. I was like 6-7 years old. That was the worst dream ever...

1,251 posts

I died in a dream before... it was sort of similar to your dream green. There was a plane and I had a feeling it would crash as well, it crashed a few hundred feet away from me and I was with my nephew in my front yard. I died and everything was black and all I heard was news reporters saying stuff about breaking news and a plane crashed.... and something that had to do with hilary banks lol (the spoiled chick in the fresh prince of bel air).

4,097 posts

If you die in a dream its very dangerous, some people have such bad dreams in which they die that constantly come back that at 1 point they finally die themselves, like a girl had dreams of a small demonic person chocking here reaccure to the point of death.

God damn, that's freaking scary. That's a nightmare, not a dream.

The only time I've died in a dream was when I was killed in a huge explosion. It wasn't really scary or anything, but I felt a bit of pain in real life. You can see more about it in the OP.
1,845 posts

Yes, It is a very old tale saying if you die in your dream's you might die in real life...

But here's mine...

I was standing in a field, the entire area was burned to the ground, and I was in the middle of it. I stood there and looked around, I saw all my friends burned, and dead. Finally I looked up and saw my self looking at me, then I grab myself from above, and the next thing I knew, I was in a tremendous amount of pain, for about 5-6 seconds, I looked around the area screaming and I saw the other me holding my head next to him, and the other me smiled and laughed... after that I woke up screaming. That was about 2-3 years ago...

Still don't understand that dream... >_> and I can usually make out what my dreams are saying to me...

9,462 posts

I have died in dreams plenty of times.

Been blown up, eaten by zombies, stabbed to death, burned alive in lava. Over time I learn how to control my dreams to an extent though. So now I basically can't die in my dreams. In these controlled dreams if something is dangerous I seem to become somewhat ethereal. For instance I was in a car headed straight for a brick wall instead of impacting I passed safely through the wall like it was a hologram.

4,825 posts

Hmm... I wonder if anybody here has dreamed of being killed by Chuck Norris with a BB Gun...

83 posts

i'v had many dreams like that. but strangly there all the same ones! i've never had any other dreams but these.
note: they are in the ordor that i have them most.

#1 in this dream i'll just be falling. surronded by nothing but darkness with nothing to grab onto. then i'll hit the ground and then it's like i've left my body because i'll feel like i'm floating abouve me. and i can see me laying on the ground crying out in pain. that's when i usually wake up.

#2 in this dream i'm in a long dark hallway. the only glimps of light is at the end. so i'll start running. then half the time i just hit the flor and die from exaustion. the other half of the time i'll reach the end and be surrounded by light. then i blow up!!!

#3 note: this is the only dream i actually feel pain in. and i feel it every time i have this dream!!! in this one i'll be asleap and wake up in the corner of this small room, thats to short to stand up in, but yet not long enough to lie down in. then all these giant creapy looking creatures come out of noware and start moving towards me. then they attack me and kill me.

and those are the on;y dreams that i ever have!!!

185 posts

sometimes i have a dream were im sitting on something high then i float off

938 posts

Not that I can remember, but I have had some graphic dreams, 3 of which I will say.
I once had a dream where it was a nuclear war or something and we all had to get into a boat to go to an island or something, so we were on a boat that was half aircraft carrier and half ground and bolders(messed up, right?) so I went over to my uncle who was digging up bodies. I couldn't hear him in the dream, but he mouthed the words, "russians" The scene skipped to people with parachutes being shot out of cannons. My uncle hauled me into one, and I was shot out. I could see missiles and planes in the distance, and I landed on a small island with what appeared to be a building inside a cave. We started to go inside, and I saw my sisters talking about an evil angel or something, then I went left into a library with three industrial fans. I heard screams then I blacked out.
Another one is where there is a drug addict teen and his family on doctor phil. Dr. phil tells him he is a failure to his family, his friends, and himself. He then goes down to his knees crying, almost in agony. He then starts coughing heavily, then coughs up a lung. His face and hands start shaking, his eyes pop out, blood is squirting from his eyes and mouth, and then his torso explodes, ending the dream.
When I was very very little to about age 7, I would have a dream once every week where I would be sitting on my bed. I would then storm out of my room, go down the hall(this all being very fast) then I jump down the stairs. This is in slow-motion, and right before my head slams into a pottery cat thingy, I wake up, and I find myself bouncing on my bed in a cold sweat.
Yeah, I wonder if I was messed up as a small child.

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