ForumsThe TavernEver died in a dream?

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Last night I had a few interesting dreams. The first I don't remember. The second I was staying at a hotel, and then I went to some place where you would leave your body temporarily and go into a movie of some sort.

The third was interesting though. I was standing underneath something in the city watching a plane fly in circles above me. It was white, and resembled a Boeing 747. It looked a bit different than the current model, so I'm guessing the dream was set in the future a bit. Anyway, while it was circling I had a feeling that it would crash , but kept hoping it would just fly away. After a bit of circle the plane then started to land about approximately 350 yards away. It wasn't landing a normal way however, but vertically. Resembling a space shuttle attacked to the rockets before take off. Of course a 747 isn't meant to do that, so it blew up.

Now, this is the interesting part. I've been near explosions before in dreams (had one with a city being nuked, another where a plane blew up about 100 feet away) and never died. This time though, I experienced a second or so of pain (only in the dream) as the explosion hit, and the dream changed scenes.

Alright, so now I'll get to what I want to discuss. Have you ever died in a dream? And if so, how'd it happen? Did you have a second or so of pain (accompanied with random colors) or what happened? I'm just curious.

  • 348 Replies
1,845 posts

Don't worry whimsy... I almost committed suicide when I was a kid... (Not intentionally, I made a rope and tied it around my neck, then I tied it to my fan, And I was gonna use it to swing around the room... Yeah... I was a STUPID ass kid... >_&gt

67 posts

ummm, no i have never died in a dream cuz i always wake up b4 i do.

2,202 posts

Too many times >_<

Though I never remember anything about them, only that I died. I think most of the times I'm shot, although one time I got mauled by a zombie-ish thing....

938 posts

another time I had a dream(not really scary((I also watched Finding Nemo 6 times the day before with my little cousins))where there were two clownfish, one blue and one purple, and they were talking. Then they start mouthing, "get up! time for school! What do you want? Waffles? ok get changed"
then I woke up and my mom was standing in the hallway lol.
oh I got a scary one where I was not killed, but, you'll see...
Ok so in this dream our vacation lake house that we went to was mixed with out regular house. The inside and the house was like ours, but the street, driveway, and backyard w/ lake was like the lakehouse. Anyway there was a new island made out in the distance for criminals. Really, really bad criminals. Rapists, serial killers, and anyone who deserved the death penalty that didn't get it. so anyway, I was just reading in my parents bed, they were outside, and this guy in a jail jumpsuit comes in and starts throwing me up and down and across the room. He then takes me down and over the bed, doing this somehow with his arms and legs. He then ties me into a knot of some sort and my spine and ribs are spread out. He laughs a meniacal laugh, I scream in agony, and the dream ends.
Another time, I was at my aunt's house. The dream was our yard and house and driveway and everything was dropped into Los Angelos. It was like we had been living there always. Anyway, I come home in the car with my mom. Suddenly, the car stops. The doors fly open, and my mom has dissapeared. I get out and call for my mom. then, by my garage, I see an illegal immigrant lady who has set up a turret. She starts shooting me and I duck down under our porch. She then grabs me(this lady looks like she's on steroids) and takes a knife and cuts my scalp off. I'm screaming in agony, and she smiles. This smile is horendous, all yellow and brown, some black, and I can see some bugs inside. the dream ends and I go down to have breakfast.

996 posts

I've had some really scary dreams. Many of which have really happened after I've had the dream. One that I keep having, is especially bothersome to me. I'm visiting a really good friend that lives almost 200mi from me, and I get in this really nice shiny red Ford Mustang (My favorite car) with this guy I apparently know, but can't figure out who in the dream. We drive a few miles, then he pulls over and attacks me with a knife, forcing his will upon me (If you catch my drift) then I black out, waking in the hospital with my friend at my side... Messed up huh? Then I really wake up, sweating, heart racing, scared to fall back to sleep for fear of the dream. Then I'm exhausted the rest of the day because of the lack of sleep. I'm psycho aren't I? It's a family trait to have obscure dreams, but not like this.

938 posts

alright last one, I promise :})
So there's this dream that the Cold War is still going. I have a friend in Estonia(if you don't know where that is, it's in the Baltic Sea, and was occupied by the Soviets) So anyway, the Russians have conquered all of Europe, but China has sided witht the US and the war is held there. But the Russians come in from Europe to the East Coast(of course, I live in New England, the closest place to it :P)They have taken some Estonians and other people prisoner, for giving a fight, and take their families. Somehow, my friend ended up in a big bomber headed for Boston. They drop regular bombs on the smaller cities and towns, then they drop a nuke on Boston. My city is destroyed, and there are Russian trucks and tanks everywhere. I hid under my bed, and the Russians came in and took my family. SOMEHOW, miraculously, my friend was transported in the exact same truck that was parked outside my house, and SOMEHOW she manages to escape. She runs into the nearest house she finds, looking for food. I then go down with my knives, thinking, another russian, i'm going to be found, I should atleast be able to slit some throats along the way. So I find her with a broken arm and bullet wound in the leg. I then take care of her, nurse her back to health, then when I'm just sitting there, crying for my family, she says, "It is not over. They will come soon."I then hear clattering downstairs. I jump into my living room with a knife. I stab one in the neck, and then I am shot. I see the russian soldier, (the same size as me, probably a little older((I'm only 13)) and gives me a confused and dissapointed frown as he forces himself to pull the trigger. Right before he shoots, it goes black. I heard a loud bang, then I wak up(usually happens in the morning)
Also, I think the reason you don't forget your dreams as much as a small child is because that is when your brain is fresh, working very hard to learn, and that is when your memory kicks in. So, I think more blood and more overall use of the brain triggers some small areas that cannot be used when older. techniquely, a 2 year old is smarter than a 22 year old, becuase they can learn a language by listening to people babbling back and forth at eachother.

567 posts

Ya its very scary and I dont like it

124 posts

I've almost died alot, it seemed like no big deal in the dream. I've gotten kicked where nobody wants to be kicked and felt it in real life. I think i drowned in a car in a dream. Some girl stabbed me with a sting ray, and I watched me die from 3rd person. sometimes I myself arent a main person in the events of my dreams. Dreams are wierd

13,344 posts

*sigh* I never remember my dreams, so I couldn't tell you. But I'm sure I've died in a lot of them.

34 posts

I had this one dream where I was drowning in a river, in a car. Really weird since I went to the pool that day.

9 posts

I have seen in a dream, that my own brother had shot me with a crossbow.. - that was a damn cool dream. Even Leonardo Da Vinci tried to kill me (in the same dream) xD rofl...

196 posts

Whenever I die in a dream i wake up.
Kinda wierd...

1,532 posts

i was crossing a bridge, bridge fell, dead

356 posts

Twice. First time is actually the first dream I remember. I had it when I was five. I was a grown man, standing in a white expanse. There was another man standing in front of me, he had a gun in his hand. He raised it and shot me in the chest. I looked down and saw the blood seeping from the wound. Suddenly I had a gun, so I shot him many times, he fell and died, then I fell and died.

Next time it happened I dreamed I was on a boat. I was there with a number of friends when suddenly my friend Michael jumped up on top of a crate. He pulled out a fully automatic rifle and unloaded on my friends and I. I was shot several times in the body, fell backwards, felt pain, saw blood, and slowly blacked out. When the black out was complete I was looking at the back of my closed eyelids, I opened them and I was of course awake.

1,098 posts

sorry guys but its really an omen to die in a dream as it is believed to be telling you about yr past lives or something about to happen

the chinese think that if you see yrself sleeping on wherever u are at that night,it either means that u were killed at night and is separated from yr body or that u r only separated from yr body(thats the lucky result!)

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