ForumsWEPRDo you think there is going to be a WW3?

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3 posts

I personally do think there will be. And as far as this "war on terrorism" goes it might lead to WW3. I want to know what you guys/girls know. And keep to the rules.

  • 402 Replies
1,702 posts

Yes, I do believe World war 3 would happen, someone would screw up the world just like Adolf Hitler.

37 posts

Well there isnt much fighting going on there is but not much.But when oboma or whoever wins gets the "job" i think this all going to go away.

1,628 posts

@Danstanta: Like i thought there was going to be a world war 3 cause of (i dont now the name but they found him in a hole) but then they found him so i think that was a good way to keep a ww3 from happening but mabey there will be another leader like hitler but if there was we would win like we always do.

@FalcoKnight: If ombama does win then all the guns will be gone in our country well i mean for average people but i mean if a terrorist came to a small city and the city had no guns then they would be screwed cause the terrorists would have guns....... and have you seen the show future weapons? If you have then just think if TERRORISTS watched that show then they probly no whats coming there way.

132 posts

If there was to be a WW3, we would probably be by ourselves (referring to U.S.), because we have been acting like such a big brother nation to everyone. The other countries probably want no part in the war, unless it involves them benefiting from natural resources in it.

1,628 posts

but we are like the country with the most least ammount of resorces aNd yeah we are the big brother country so we are the best in wars

86 posts

We do have the most advanced and powerful military in the world, I think Israel comes second. China just has the largest. North Korea and Russia, I don't really know much about. But if there is going to be a WWIII, then we could probably win as long as CHina, Russia, and North Korea don't join forces. But even if they did, we would still have some foreign support; South Korea has some kick ass snipers and some great spec ops, Israel may help. HOwever, things have gotten to the point where wars aren't necissarily fought in conventional ways, countries use nuclear power and biological weapons to strike first and then they'll use conventional tactics. So, if there is a WWIII, it'll most likely destroy most, if not all of the entire human and animal population.

1,628 posts

@Ghostshadow: Yeah i mean our weapons own and we are still making some better one 2day. And say a bomb did drop on us then our doctors are ready to help us. But as you said if all of those forces do join then the advantage they would have would be a lot more people but we have the weapons, medicine, ect. And i think the Israel comes 2nd because we probly left our guns there by accident or something. But i think if we do have a world war 3 then we would win but a lot of us would die from sicknesses like the black plague or something worse then that. Cause if we get hit with the BP then we are screwed.

75 posts

It is just a matter of time before a big war starts.

1,628 posts

@notepad7: i mean it will take a long time till a BIG war will start cause like WW1 and WW2 didnt just happen out of the blue. So i think in like 10-20 years we will have another WW but i will be like 33-23. But hopefully there is no Biological warfare because i dont want 3/4 of our population to get whiped out and if we do have a biological warfare then i would go to greenland!

1,416 posts

I don't see any sort of nuclear war starting soon. Since the end of the Cold War, I believe that the world will be engulfed in ethnic conflicts so much that people will focus on killing their neighbor rather than nuking the world. We've seen this in Chechnya, Somalia, Sudan, Rwanda, Yugoslavia, and many more places. Almost every conflict has involved ethnic or religious strife, not ideology conflict or nuclear weapons like the Cold War.

Not only that, every world leader, terrorist, rouge soldier, and human knows of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). MAD was mentioned a lot in the Cold War. If the Soviets ever nuked us, we would bomb them to hell and they would respond back. If the US ever attacked the Soviets, they would nuke us into oblivion and we would launch before we were hit. Mankind would end. No political leader is crazy enough to start a nuclear war (nor a chemical or biological war).

68 posts

Depending on how you define 'war', there could be a world war right now. Competition in the global economy? Lower classes everywhere struggling against their governments for more rights and better lives? The South trying to develop while the North tries to exploit it? Western and Eastern religious philosophies and cultures being exported and imported, changing the way that people think everywhere? The fact that each of us wages war against ourselves in countless ways every day of our lives? Humanity's ongoing war against nature, perhaps reaching a critical phase today?

As for another large-scale militaristic war involving almost every nation in a single conflict... uh... I hope not. Maybe a civil war here or there, maybe the global system will become unstable, maybe revolutions will change the way things work, maybe we'll all blow ourselves up with nuclear weapons, but none of these possibilities - even the last one - really qualifies as a 'war' in the classic sense. There are tensions here, hatreds there, that's nothing new, but Russia and China aren't gonna gang up and invade Europe and the US while India invades Africa just for the fun of it. No rational actor thinks they have anything to gain from starting a world war, so we are living in very different circumstances than the ones that gave rise to World War I and World War II.

Let's just hope that when 'World Peace I' is achieved it won't be boring.

2,662 posts

I think the definition of 'war' is aa war based on combat squalick however these are very valid points and the problems you mentioned do need to be fixed. Personally i dont think there will be another world war except maybye over oil, which is the only scenario i see possible.

68 posts

what about water?

2,662 posts

Yes that is true as well i overlooked that. At the moment the worlds resources are very unfairly spread out. 20% of the world has 80% of the resources. Water is one of the main things which will cause problems which could lead to conflict in 3rd world countries where the majority of the population are employed in primary industry eg farming, where they need water to survive and feed the crops to feed their people. However as most western countries have water purification plants with which they can turn salt water into fresh water i do not forsee this as a problem for MEDC's(more economicalyy developed countries). I belive that MEDC's especially China and the US whose economies rly on large amounts of fossil fuels to keep the economy going then there will be lots of conflict to do with that. However like i said before i dont think that there is likely to be a war of combat in MEDC's unless something unexpected happens. I mean who knows what the future holds.

584 posts

Yes, i think it will happen and I'm looking forward to it!

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