I personally do think there will be. And as far as this "war on terrorism" goes it might lead to WW3. I want to know what you guys/girls know. And keep to the rules.
uh ninjacube go to counseling, as for WW3 I don't know if it will happen or why it would happen, some people think that religious confrontations would cause such a war and I'm not talking like the crusades, what I mean is like some anti-christ stuff or something, while others think that oil shortages could cause it, and they even made a game about it called "fronlines:fuel of war" if you've never heard of it then look it up, and the only other reason would be the mast radical and that is the theory of a radical new leader in russia that wants to destoy america for some reason and gets together with iran, north korea,and possibly china seeing as they wouldn't benifit from it, its unlikely, and attack the U.S. and then the NATO and the united nations would retaliate. If theres any other rational theorys out there,than I don't know about them, and again I don't know whether any of this would happen, or if the new russian prime minister or whatever isn't going to go to war with us, I mean he did reform the russian army so you never know.
There probaly will be another one. The world is full of bad things and a war is sjust something to try and stop it. And I think that there will be a war most likely a war on terrorism.
yes i do becaus th U.S. econemy is going down russia is mad china has nukes iran has nukes and if obama is elected then hes going to pull our troops in iraq then there going to war the world is falling apart!
I think that we are already in one. With all the turmoil in Bosnia, the Middle East, and global nuclear threats between countries, it is only 8 or so years before we flat out break into a world war.
@Wittman. That was very poetic and sweet, but why don't you go and try to tell that to Al-Qaeda, The Taliban, Burma, North Korea, and other people and places like that. I am sorry but that is just not going to happen. Although you are very right, it is just not possible right now.
we are stopping a ww3 or at least delaying it which could be the best thing if we get rid of terrorism then we can delay a war by 20 years so thet technology will advance and we can win easily
ok now to the big question if there is a world war 3 who will win...i am not chinese but even if china does not have advanced weapons like the US the sheer size of chinas manpower could win them a war
I think there will be a WW3 just over oil. Because gasoline is already 4.30USD, and Diesel is 5USD. And the price is just going to climb. So I think we will have a war over oil.
Look at the state of our world today. The United states is hated by most all countries, but the only reason they put up with us is our economy, we buy alot. Once the United States stops relying on other countries, More countries will dislike us for not buying from them. The US will probably do something to p*ss off other countries, and all h*ll will break loose.
In short yeah. There's gonna be a World War III. Just you wait.
In his State of the Union address and other speeches, President Bush attempted to articulate the reasons for going to war with Iraq and ousting Saddam Hussein. Essentially the three main objectives: (1) to eliminate Saddam's weapons of mass destruction (WMD); (2) to diminish the threat of international terrorism; and (3) to promote democracy in Iraq and surrounding areas.
However, many believed the war was the administration's goal of preventing OPEC's use of the Euro as an oil transaction currency standard. In order to pre-empt OPEC, the US needed to gain geo-strategic control of Iraq along with its 2nd largest proven oil reserves.
Many claimed the war was illegal (didn't obtain UN sanction) and still others state the war was about gaining control of valuable Iraqi oil resources.