ForumsWEPRDeath Penalty- For or Against?

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14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Title says it all.

Preferably...can someone give me arguments for the death penalty? School debate >.<

  • 278 Replies
1,455 posts

Sometimes, assumptions to put it in a way...make an *** out of you and me.

Sometimes, but I don't see how this isn't make fun of Christians.
The sanctity of life, or the right to live, as stated in the Bible is only applicable to non-criminals...Xp

The way you phrased it implied that Christians are hypocrites if they support the death penalty. But I apologize if I was mistaken.
225 posts

I'm all for the death penalty.

4,682 posts

I'm all for the death penalty.

13,344 posts

coz death penalty is commonly a penalty for crimes like murder...and someone already died, dont kill anyone anymore

That's a fair statement. If someone is already murdered, why double the death toll?
584 posts

I am for the Death Penalty, not only because I think it is morally feasible, but also because it saves thousands of taxpayer dollars.

13 posts

Ya what if he was a serial killer...death sentance

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

great link, and by sending it, you have delivered the criticism of the principle you favored.
the sancticy of life is only been limited to non-criminals, so that you can justify the death penalty.

Well, from the start, I was for the death penalty X_X

The way you phrased it implied that Christians are hypocrites if they support the death penalty. But I apologize if I was mistaken.

Really? It was just a statement >.>
1,633 posts

No-Immoral, Life imprisonment is so much more morale(and could be cheaper),

(Facepalms) Buddy. do you even know what you are talking about.

so its suffering for a long time in fear, and still expensive to keep all those prisoners.

Read your first statement. Fail

Plus, many ways of death are full of suffereing, like the elctric chair makes you suffer in one of the worst possible ways, for a long 10 or soseconds. Or being shot to death, or poisened(OUCH) or poison/choking pills, lethal injection, or even hanging, etc. And yes, they still use ALL of these.

A bullet to the head is one of the better ways out. So you DON'T want prisoners to die a painful death, but you want them to suffer in life? I'm confused here.

I would rather just have life imprisonment, if it were up to me. And do we need killers for hire in the law?

I would take death. Its better than being locked up all my life. The "killers" that up uphold the law are policemen and some times SWAT teams.
189 posts

Well i honestly dont see the point of the death penalty anymore. Considering wahat actually goes on in jail I'd assume some of the inmates would see being &quotut down" as an escape from the hellhole they are rotting in. And not to sound weird but i dont see why we use methods such as the electric chair, highly paid for lethal posion and what not. Why can't they just break a few necks ._.

1,455 posts

And not to sound weird but i dont see why we use methods such as the electric chair, highly paid for lethal posion and what not. Why can't they just break a few necks ._.

I've always wondered that too. As long as we could make it quick, I don't see why we need super-advanced ways of killing. I do oppose the death penalty, even though both sides present strong arguments; I just don't like the idea of ending someone's life on earth forever and destroying any chance of redemption they had. Not that people look at it that way, though.

Really? It was just a statement >.>

All right, I'm sorry then. :P
189 posts

I guess people probably still use the methods to intimidate others or to look tough. I also must oppose the death penalty because it seems so useless. When people are in jail they usually cannot hurt any civilians. So is killing them just supposed to make a county big and bad?

1,633 posts

I don't see why we need super-advanced ways of killing.

I know! What ever happened to the guillotine and burning at the stake? Don't forgot hanging and firing line too.
189 posts

I know! What ever happened to the guillotine and burning at the stake? Don't forgot hanging and firing line too.[/quote]

Im not sure if this uote actually works its new to me haha. But if it doesnt im refering to deserteagles post about gullotine n such. deserteagle maybe we dont use those methods anymore because they are immoral and just plain sick ways of killing people. Burning people at stakes pretty much makes us animals -_-

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Alright...this was my speech I used. And I won! And I got best speaker! Though I was suprised the opposition didn't spot the loopholes.

A criminal on death row has a chance to prepare his death, make a will, and make his last statements, etc. While some victims can never do it. There are many other crimes where people are injured by stabbing, rape, theft, etc. To some degree at least, the victims' right to freedom, right to live and pursuit of happiness is violated, and justice via the death penalty for heinous crimes is needed.

When the assailant is apprehended and charged, he has the power of the judicial process that protects his constitutional rights. What about the victim? The assailant may have compassion from investigating officers, families and friends. Furthermore, the criminal may have organized campaigns of propaganda to build sympathy for him as if he is the one who has been sinned against. These false claims are publicized, for no reason, hence, protecting the criminal.

In 2008, two-thirds of the American public stated that they believe in capital punishment. We believe that there are some defendants who have earned the ultimate punishment our society has to offer by committing murder with aggravating circumstances present. We believe life is sacred. It cheapens the life of an innocent murder victim to say that society has no right to keep the murderer from ever killing again, that justice to the murderer cannot be done. It is up to the law to speak for them - to speak for all grief-stricken survivors confronted with the butchery of someone near and dear and to instill justice. Capital punishment says to them: 'The community, takes your loss with the utmost seriousness.' Hence, in our view, society has not only the right, but the duty to act so as to promote justice on behalf of the victim. Capital punishment may be morally required, not for retributive reasons, but rather to prevent the taking of innocent lives and to serve justice. An executed death sentence absolutely guarantees the killer will never kill again, it provides justice to the victim, justice to the family of the victim. The death penalty achieves this as it is a sure fire way to pay for the deeds they have done, rather than letting them rot away in prison for horrific crimes, prisons equipped with food, facilities paid with taxpayers' money, the victims' families are taxpayers too, and this is a paradoxical slap to their face.

We believe there are some human beings who do such evil as to deserve to die. Timothy McVeigh was executed for the 168 people he had killed in the Oklahoma City bombing, John Wayne Gacy was killed for committing 33 murders and rapes on minors, Ted Bundy killed 30 women and then raped them, such serial killers have proven over and over again that they are very much capable of such crimes, and they pose a constant threat to society, killing them via the death penalty would be a form of justice towards the victims, the countless lives they have taken. Hence the motion must stand.

189 posts

Man that is not a bad speech at all xD
Makes me consider my view with the taxpayer bit their. But i still don't think that people get to decide who lives and dies while the victim just stands around like a ragdoll waiting to be throw in a dumpster.

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