This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
p.s. - PS3 ttly pwns microsoft. System performance in all areas is far superior, the system is more stable, the tray doesn't scratch your discs, and it doesn't overheat. Oh, and all those 'exclusive' xbox games? Just get them for PC and use your TV as your monitor. No RROD or scratched disc, and you still get to enjoy MS games. Just remember kids, you get what you pay for.
If only I hadn't bought an Xbox ;_;
Luckily, I moved forward to glorious PC master race and haven't looked back.
Luckily, I moved forward to glorious PC master race and haven't looked back.
Welcome to the Master Hardware Brotherhood, Muse. You have finally realized which hardware is best at gaming and we gladly welcome you to our ranks. Here's your welcoming gift basket.
Now instead of debating against other users for....less-than-adequate reasons, such as having false information, I'm going to actually post what my favorite hardware is, out of the three choices. PS3. It is clear that, out of the three, the PS3 excels at both graphical qualities and gaming experiences. I can only assume the reason why the PS3 is lacking in sales compared to both the Wii and 360 is because of the advertising and the fact that you need a recent television to be able to "bring out" the qualities of 1080P. Because the PS3 has Blu-ray, supporting televisions can bring out sharper images. The selections of games is less than satisfying, but as Walker pointed out, use a PC for playing those 360 games. You know why? It's better! A 34" Vizio supporting DragonageII with full-quality sliders? Hell yeah brutha!
Microsoft's 360 offers its users a total of 278.4 GB per second system bandwidth while the PS3 offers only a total of 48 GB per second. This means Xbox 360 offers you better performance in comparison to its counterpart, the PS3 which is very important for avid gamers.
What is this!? Bandwidth? Gigabytes per second? Look, even though you plagiarized this, it's still wrong. A better term would be memory capacity--and the 360 still comes out under compared to the PS3. You may be thinking the latest, most-recent creation Microsoft compiled together, but think: how many different versions of the 360 was made before the sleekest version? When you take the original 360 and the original PS3, which came out on top? It took a while for Microsoft to actually come up with hardware to beat Sony's. But their newest version still wins.
Ps3 and Xbox are both just as good as each other, they both have strenghths and weaknesses, ups and downs, pros and cons. e.g Ps3's free internet, but it isn't that good, and Xbox's speed but can over- heat.Wii's fun and actual movement (kinect is crap) but bad graphics and slow.I have one final comment which is, if Apple came out with a console, It would probably top all three.
Apple came out with a console, It would probably top all three.
Eh. I don't think Apple will be that great of a console developer. They need to work on their already-created pieces first. Remember what happened to Sega. When people stop buying your products because of your already shoddy hardware experiences, then your reputation as a company will suffer. I can see the same thing happening to Apple.
Ps3 and Xbox are both just as good as each other, they both have strenghths and weaknesses, ups and downs, pros and cons. e.g Ps3's free internet, but it isn't that good, and Xbox's speed but can over- heat.Wii's fun and actual movement (kinect is crap) but bad graphics and slow.
The Xbox is not faster than the other two, the xbox can overheat, the Wii is not slow, and people shouldn't give a sod about graphics anyway.
well... i have a wii and i just go to my friends house to play the ps3....... i dont really play on the 360 and i dont really care about playing it...... the wii has the worst graphics and almost all of its game suck.... BUT, there are alot of nintendo games that i will alwas love and remember more then alot of ps3/360 games iv played! like the metroid prime series,the mario carts, mario galexys,zelda, and the super smash bros series! the wiis online is terrible...... so yah.... thats kinda what the wii is like. now the ps3 has alot of great games like fallout 3...... deadspace, borderlands, castle crashers, obliveon, dead rising, and alot of others... the ps3 online is ok (alot beter then the wii's) plus its free..... so yah... thats the ps3... the 360 has alot of the same games as the ps3.... but has the halo series...(one of my all time favs) and other stuff.... the online is not free but.. it probably has the best online games of those 3..... thats the 360.... but i think that out of those 3.. i that that the pc/mac is the best!!!!!!!! (i know your like... WTF! you never said anything about the pc/mac...... but the pc/mac is the thing you use to get on ARMORGAMES in the first place, and its online play is free.... DUH! and it has the BEST online games there are.... with the BEST graphics..... so yah..... ._>
PS3 I love the games and all the graphics Xbox 360 is a close second and about a year ago i would've said wii but not anymore with the playstation move and the xbox kinect they all have the tech but i don't like how you have to buy a membership for xbox sorry all that say xbox or wii but i think ps3 has ya beat