This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
Ok, in my opinion, Wii is garbage. Nintendo was stupid for not designing a Hi-Def console. as for 360 vs. PS3, i personally like PS3 due to the fact that it is 3D capable, a Blu-ray player built in, and no monthly charges to play with my friends online. i have had my PS3 since 2 days after it first came out, and it has never froze, overheated, or needed any maintenance.
May I say they are all cool. Though the PS3 controllers hurt when I play while X box 360 and Wii are more comfortable.FYI it does not have Reach So I am counting out PS3. But nice how it plays hd movies.(yes I own all systems)
Just because a game console doesn't have a certain game doesn't mean you can disqualify it. That's like me saying Xbox 360 is disqualified because it doesn't have Heavy Rain or any other exclusive on the PS3 which is completely idiotic to do.
I say PS3 due to the fact that there is Blu-ray and you do not have to pay for online gaming. Also, the setup seems simpler than that of the Xbox. Plus, our controllers are special. :P The Wii is good for sports, not really anything else. The PS3 and the Xbox both have their own unique games, but in my opinion PS3 is the best.
LOL THere All Great COnsoles XD but I only have a 360 so im going with 360 cause u cant get L4D on PS3 but XBox and PS3 should join together TO DESTROY THE Wii
PS3 is the best. my reason is the first few months of any new console there are always issues with the systems big and small. Wii and XBOX360 still have new issues every time they fix a different one. Sony has done a fantastic job with fixing any issues and making BLU Ray as amazing as it is.
Obvious the X-bos 360 because it is the sucking version of the PS3, it got less details, you got to pay to play online(PS3 and Wii free). If you play to much the needle of the -box destroyes the CD. Not starting on the wii, it got no details, online does it suck. PS3 can with 24 playes, the wii did its best and can only play with 10 online. It doesn't solves glitches, it doesn't got map packs for cod series.
wii automatically looses. i would say xbox360 now because its got a bigger game catalog. ps3 will pass up 360 once its been out for longer and its price goes down.