This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
You can't say that without reasoning. The Wii is actually a really good console that you can play with family and friends for hours on end. It's more of a family/friend console anyway while the other two are geared to the individual. The Wii is also dominating with sales so they MUST be doing something right.
i would say xbox360 now because its got a bigger game catalog.
The Xbox 360 has a few exclusives that the PS3 doesn't have. But I wouldn't want to play on a system that won't last for more than a year and a half.
ps3 will pass up 360 once its been out for longer and its price goes down.
It's impossible for the PS3 to be out longer than the Xbox 360 since the Xbox 360 came out first. And, with the price. It isn't expensive. You pay for what you get. And you basically get a home entertainment system that can play games well. If you add up all the features and put everything together like how the controllers don't require batteries, you get a superb console that have blu-ray player, plays movies excellently, free online, etc. . Add it all up then see what you pay for.
While with the Xbox 360 you get a controller that requires constant battery changes unless you purchase their charging base that probably won't last for very long. You pay for a console that last for 1-3 years at most. Having to pay for online, it's worth it though. If you don't have enough hard-drive disk space then you have to purchase their hard-drive disk instead of being able to go to Best Buy and getting a 500GB one for about $200. So yeah, add it all up on both ends of the PS3 and Xbox 360 and see which one costs more and see what you pay for with each.
This thread is really getting horrible with the fanboys/lack of reasoning with posts.
its all about the 360 the Wii can be hard too use and the games arent very good unless nintendo makes them the PS3 is ok but the 360 tends to have better games and has kinect
the PS3 is ok but the 360 tends to have better games and has kinect
The games are all personal preference so there's no use arguing about them. But, there are many exclusives on the PS3 that can rival those of the Xbox 360. Also, the kinect factor doesn't matter. PS3 has move.
Books. Of course, if the Newspapers weren't so flimsy and lasted more than a year, then of course they would win due to their incredible online. Books is also better for less serious readers, due to its function as a top quality home entertainment system.
I have PC's a Wii an Exbos360 (Elite) and 360 is for sure the best gaming console although I hardly ever play anymore (used to do black ops and reach) as having younger kids in the house kind of limits my game options. Wii is a bunch of crap (game play wise; it does not play smoothly) and I have yet to get into a PS3.
Gamer-tag on pretty much everything is pauseman007 although on Xbox it is A pauseman007
Must we really quibble about something like this? They each have their strengths and weaknesses, but at the end of the day it boils down to, "Did I have a good time playing?"
Must we really quibble about something like this? They each have their strengths and weaknesses, but at the end of the day it boils down to, "Did I have a good time playing?"
because the mods made a thread about it to keep fanboys to make threads like it and going OMFG 360!!!!11!11!one! all other is gay DUUURRRR
on topic: wii is fun though i've been spoiled by 360 :/
I have to say i have all these systems and they all have there ups in downs. For starters XBOX360: 1. great internet capability 2. good chooses for older gamers 3. still gives that smooth feeling to the controller that never lets the user down Downside XBOX 360: 1. Microsoft found a way to make you pay for everything 2. if looking for a younger variety of games look else were 3. breaks down more than it does work
PS3: 1. amazing graphics 2. Don't make you pay for EVERYTHING like Xbox does 3. web browser 4. large range of games appealing to all audiences Downside PS3: 1. not as good internet as Xbox 2. Takes a while to get use to controller
WII: im not even going to talk about it because i just never liked it
I would have to say Xbox just because if only had it for like a months and never unplug it compared to the ps3 where im always unplugging it hahaha
Xbox and PS3 are for more serious gamers, while a Wii is more suited to the casual gamers. I already own a PS3 and play it daily. I want a 360 for a few games, but I much prefer the PS3, most likely by virtue of familiarity.
I do enjoy the free internet access with my PS3 though. That's a definite plus.