This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
I would have to go with Xbox360. The reason I choose the xbox is that, there are many games that range from all sorts of genres (shooting to golf). Also, the system looks really cool and futuristic.
I have only the PS3 and the Wii but i think its safe to say PS3 wins this its got free Network and its a bluerayplayer and has great selection of games.
The reason I choose the xbox is that, there are many games that range from all sorts of genres (shooting to golf).
You get that with the other two consoles too.
the system looks really cool and futuristic.
Just because it's shiny? That's. . just no.
not wii cause it's a sucky console
It's a bad console because you just use motion? If that's your reasoning, then you lack intelligence. You can do much more than the motion gaming. There are shooting games and other games that don't require motion. And if that's your logic to use just because most of the games are motion. Then people can argue to you about how Xbox 360 and PS3 are motion consoles as well. Not as big as Wii, but still motion consoles. You're argument is invalid.
I have to go with PS3 because it is free, and the controllers are fit for hands unlike the xbox controllers are built for some fat kid haha and i would say xbox is second because it has some games that other systems dont the con is that you have to pay to play online! lame... wii is last because it has horrible graphics, and only a couple of online games, but is excellent for working out
Unfortunately, Spyhunterz, I heard that PS3 is going to start charging for online play sometime in the near future.
However, I don't have the luxury of owning a 360 or PS3 so I suppose my opinion doesn't really matter, but, I have been playing XBox and PS2 my entire life and PS2 is where it's at for me.
wii is the worst systym ive ever played on that i remember ive played nes before just dont remember it they set your hopes up high for something that you acually sweat and gett something out of it then the games are just like classic games only the sensors often lag and are unaccurate even after ive done every calibration test i sweated more the first time i played cod then i ever had on wii and now xbox and ps3 have attachments like the wii only they dont work crappy as far as ive heard
Owning all 3, I feel that fanboyism is a little childish. They all have their differences but that was the point. I personally prefer my PS3 for most cross console games except for COD where I usually prefer to play on my 360. The exclusives are what make it awesome to own all three because I have my favorites on all consoles.