This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
i would have to go with the ps3 because i like it for its dont have to buy xbox live points.its free rumors have said that they were going to change it to non free but it has not done that.
The Wii because nintendo is all i know!! i think it has been one of the oldest game companies and one of the best for a long time. I mean sure the graphics on it aren't so good, but the game play and story is more interactive before the Kinect came along. For instance there is Zelda TP, SSBB (Super smash brothers brawl), and a ton of wii ware that's always fun where you can get some of best original games like zelda OoT, the original Zelda, galaga, and kid icarus.
HANDS DOWN: XBOX hell yea cuase u have more choices for games (ps3 dont) better gameplay and u can play most old xbox games on the xbox 360 (ps3 dosent) oh and xbox 360 gives u rewards for palying games (ps3 dont) AHAHAH AND HERES WHY I THINK..........................[url=;_ylt=AsTI_cuvjgqKsHP6a2LWp9GfGxh.;_ylv=3?qid=20110110210112AAH47Iv&show=3#yan-answers] xbox360 Pros: Games are good, community is awesome, not too many hackers, lots of people for online, variety of games
Cons: Costs a monthly or yearly fee for online, Graphics aren't HD, Bulky controllers.
Pros: Games are good, Graphics are good, Multipurpose System
Cons: Hackers up the ***, Tiny *** controllers, not a great variety of games.
u have more choices for games (ps3 dont) better gameplay and u can play most old xbox games on the xbox 360 (ps3 dosent) oh and xbox 360 gives u rewards for palying games (ps3 dont)
what are you talking about????? most of the games availability on the xbox are multiplatform, meaning they are on ps3 too! plus, you got some great exclusives that the xbox will never have (because Sony buys the company that developed it) some of the ps3 models are backwards compatible, and have you ever heard of trophies on the ps3? stop remembering back to when ps3 first came out, it is time to show what it does now.
some ps2 games u can I've looked it up.down side:but it will not save your game.
there is a download on the PlayStation store that lets you create a virtual memory stick that will let you save your ps2 games.
xbox by far more memory than wii better graphics than wii dont need controller for most games better games graphics better than playstation better games than playstation doesnt overheat as fast as playstation better online able to download games better online than ps3 becase party chat in game yes xbox is a little more xbox but you get more bang for your buck
PS3 all the way. Wii was popular for a while, but then Kinect came in and pretty much knocked Wii out of the picture. PS Network I believe is better than the Wii's WiFi and Xbox Live. Like in the commercials, the PS3 can do anything. Play music, videoes, games, movies, online play, etc. PS3 is the Wii of REAL gamers. COD, Halo, while Wii plays Mario, Sonic, Donkey Kong. To be honest, I'm into reality gaming rather than those arcade games. Sure they're good, but I'm a real gamer. I've never had an Xbox, but I played it at my friends houses a few times and it's pretty fun. But since I live on the PS3 and the PS Network, I don't pay attention to Xbox 360. What makes this close between the two is the Kinect. I admit that is very futuristic for 2011. Xbox and PS3 are actually very much alike. The graphics shown are unbelievable, downloadable content on their stores, and online play against people from all over the world. I have a PS2 before, 3 actually! The thing about that is that it's classic. The Playstation company was made in 1996, making it only the 3rd oldest console gameing franchise! The Xbox though was released in 2001. Both franchises have drastically improved over the decades and years. PlayStation impressed me the most by the PS2, the PS network, PSP, Playstation Move, etc. Xbox in my retrospect has impressed me once with the Kinect. So in conclusion, Xbox 360 is a wonderful franchise with its new Kinect, but Playstation is what I live on with so many ways to play, and so many ways to communcate with gamers like me around the world.
Well, Wii is okay. I mean it has Brawl. PS3 has many good games. I'm going to pick Xbox 360. Well, it has my favorite games: Call of Duty 5 and Halo 3.